Currency notification is an multilingual application that uses Telegram Bot API for sending exchange rates to users via the Telegram application at a specific time (user-specified). In addition, users can convert currencies.
- /countries - displays a list of countries, code and currency.
- [country code] amount - money conversion ===> Example: CA 100 ---> It will convert 100 of your currency into Canadian dollar.
- [Ip address] amount - money conversion ===> Example 100 ---> It will convert 100 of your currency into the currency of the country to which this IP belongs.
- /paises - display list of countries and ther code in Spanish.
- [code country] amount - money conversion ===> Example: CA 100 ---> It will convert 100 of your currency into Canadian dollar.
- [Ip address] amount - money conversion ===> Example 100 ---> It will convert 100 of your currency into the currency of the country to which this IP belongs.