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Error: GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application #1649

programistawpf opened this issue Aug 13, 2018 · 49 comments

Error: GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application #1649

programistawpf opened this issue Aug 13, 2018 · 49 comments


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programistawpf commented Aug 13, 2018

Win7 64 SP2,
Completly new instalation of Julia and GR (gksqt.exe), after clean disk. Added only (and depended) one pacakges Plots. The error is sometimes with this seme data and code ! I.e. In the same loop somtimes is sometimes no !

  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.6.2 (2017-12-13 18:08 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |  x86_64-w64-mingw32
julia> using Plots
INFO: Precompiling module Plots.

julia> plot()
INFO: Precompiling module GR.
connect: No error
GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application
Did you start 'gksqt'?

GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
.... many simliar lines 
KS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT

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sprders commented Aug 23, 2018

Have you solved it now?

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I have a feeling this is a GR issue, not plots. What happens if you open a fresh session and do using GR? What if you try plotting with GR?

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programistawpf commented Sep 8, 2018 via email

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Have the same error on Linux64, is there any update on this?

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cmcaine commented Nov 29, 2018

@aramirezreyes I had a similar issue on Linux and just had to install qt4. Are you sure you've got libQtGui?

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@cmcaine Yes, I have it. It is some weird behavior that sometimes appear but sometimes no. I will try to find the minimum conditions to reproduce it.

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heitorPB commented Apr 1, 2019

I have the same problem in ArchLinux. The problem is a missing library:

$ cd  ~/.julia/packages/GR/IVBgs/deps/gr/bin
$ ldd gksqt (0x00007ffffe1eb000) => not found => not found => not found => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f01e71b2000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f01e7023000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f01e6e9e000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f01e6e82000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f01e6cbe000)
	/lib64/ => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f01e721c000)

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Similar warning show up for Julia 1.1.0
when a sequence of plots (around 1e5 plots) are saved, after some time firewall prompt shows up and ask for permission for gksqt to get online.

The plots can be saved then with a relatively slow speed.
and the warning shows:

GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS
connect: No error
GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application
Did you start 'gksqt'?

GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS

However if a relatively smaller quantity of plots are saved (less than around 1e4 plots) then this warning would not show up

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dnabanita7 commented Jan 30, 2020

I am getting the similar issue along with added errors which I have mentioned below.

connect: Connection refused
GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application
Did you start 'gksqt'?

GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE

Version details are mentioned below.

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.3.1
Commit 2d5741174c (2019-12-30 21:36 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

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programistawpf commented Jan 30, 2020

On win7 64, Julia 0.7 at this moment some time is still. I have only 1 version julia on my WIN7 profile , and after run manualy gksqt.exe sometime i have something like:

GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE


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Same problem:
Julia 1.3.1, Ubuntu 19.10:

(v1.3) pkg> st Plots
    Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.3/Project.toml`
  [28b8d3ca] GR v0.46.0
  [91a5bcdd] Plots v0.29.2

Tried to update to GR 0.47.0, but plots didn't like that (as in didn't allow to update because of version bounds)
@jheinen, any idea?

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Yes, a seen it.
For WIN : gksqt.exe a set shortcut to this into \Startup (AUTOSTART)
localization in RUN: shell:common startup
It HELP :)

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Seems one needs to install additional dependencies on linux:
Would be nice to have these instructions in an error if those libraries aren't found!

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programistawpf commented Feb 28, 2020

MAybe this test some help?

Win7 64, Julia:

 Version 0.7.0 (2018-08-08 06:46 UTC)
 Official release
[ Info: Testing plot: Isosurface plot
[ Info: Testing plot: Shade points
[ Info: Testing plot: Discrete plot
ERROR: LoadError: IOError: unlink: resource busy or locked (EBUSY)
 [1] uv_error at .\libuv.jl:85 [inlined]
 [2] unlink(::String) at .\file.jl:743
 [3] #rm#9(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Function, ::String) at .\file.jl:253
 [4] rm at .\file.jl:245 [inlined]
 [5] macro expansion at .\logging.jl:311 [inlined]
 [6] basic_tests() at C:\Users\PC\.julia\packages\GR\f1Iqi\test\runtests.jl:222
 [7] top-level scope at util.jl:156
 [8] include at .\boot.jl:317 [inlined]
 [9] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1038
 [10] include(::Module, ::String) at .\sysimg.jl:29
 [11] include(::String) at .\client.jl:398
 [12] top-level scope at none:0
in expression starting at C:\Users\PC\.julia\packages\GR\f1Iqi\test\runtests.jl:234
ERROR: Package GR errored during testing
julia> using Test

julia> function basic_tests()
           @test GR.tick(1.2,3.14) == 0.5

                   for ex in _examples
                           @info("Testing plot: $(ex.title)")

                                               file_path = ENV["GKS_FILEPATH"]

                                                           map(eval, ex.code)

                                                                       @test isfile(file_path)
basic_tests (generic function with 1 method)

julia> basic_tests
basic_tests (generic function with 1 method)

julia> basic_tests()
Error During Test at REPL[6]:2
  Test threw exception UndefVarError(:GR)
  Expression: GR.tick(1.2, 3.14) == 0.5
  UndefVarError: GR not defined
   [1] basic_tests() at .\REPL[6]:2
   [2] top-level scope at none:0
   [3] eval(::Module, ::Any) at .\boot.jl:319
   [4] eval_user_input(::Any, ::REPL.REPLBackend) at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\
   [5] macro expansion at C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\buildbot\worker\package_win64\build\usr\share\julia\stdli
b\v0.7\REPL\src\REPL.jl:117 [inlined]
   [6] (::getfield(REPL, Symbol("##28#29")){REPL.REPLBackend})() at .\task.jl:262
ERROR: There was an error during testing


Some ideas?
Now, I heve gksqt.exe in Autostar of WIN and Plots works.

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jheinen commented Feb 28, 2020

I'd recommend to switch to a 1.x version. With GR we already support 2 dozen platforms, but there are personal and technical (CI/CD) limits somewhere.

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At Julia1_0_5 the same story :)

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jheinen commented Feb 28, 2020

Is gksqt.exe in readdir(joinpath(ENV["GRDIR"],"bin")) ?

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programistawpf commented Feb 28, 2020

julia> readdir(joinpath(ENV["GRDIR"],"bin"))
ERROR: KeyError: key "GRDIR" not found
 [1] (::getfield(Base, Symbol("##423#424")))(::String) at .\env.jl:76
 [2] access_env(::getfield(Base, Symbol("##423#424")), ::String) at .\env.jl:14
 [3] getindex(::Base.EnvDict, ::String) at .\env.jl:76
 [4] top-level scope at none:0


gksqt.exe is in :

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jheinen commented Feb 28, 2020

using GR

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jheinen commented Feb 28, 2020

If you don't have a GRDIR environment, you can use:

using GR

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33 items:

julia> using GR

julia> readdir(joinpath(dirname(pathof(GR)),"..","deps","gr","bin"))
33-element Array{String,1}:
 "gksqt.exe - skrót.lnk"

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jheinen commented Feb 28, 2020

The only strange thing is the file gksqt.exe - skrót.lnk. Are there any UTF characters in your username? Is the user's name skrót?

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programistawpf commented Feb 28, 2020

hmmmm. .WIN made it when i made by right mouese shortuct for AUTOSART , this is in polish shortuct :/ i can remowe this. Treble was beafore it.

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Now is clear:

julia> readdir(joinpath(dirname(pathof(GR)),"..","deps","gr","bin"))
32-element Array{String,1}:

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programistawpf commented Feb 28, 2020

My username is PC, i heve order in names , path and other im my system, :) no diffrent char or spaces

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jheinen commented Feb 28, 2020

I'm aware that there are problems with UTF characters in files used by GR.
As this doesn't apply to your system, I currently have no idea why gksqt is not started automatically. It works fine in several Windows boxes at our site, most of them Windows 10.

You could try to set an environment variable GKS_QT to the absolute path of your gksqt.exe binary and see what happens.

In your case something like:

set GKS_QT=C:\Users\PC\.julia\packages\GR\f1Iqi\deps\gr\bin\gksqt.exe

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I agree with Simon that a clearer error message with a suggestion for a fix would go really far here.

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programistawpf commented Feb 28, 2020 via email

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jheinen commented Feb 28, 2020

Good news - but I still would like to understand why it doesn't work without this setting ...

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programistawpf commented Feb 28, 2020 via email

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jheinen commented Feb 28, 2020

If GKS_QT is set before you start Julia (and later gksqt) then it really doesn't make sense !?

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jheinen commented Feb 28, 2020

I agree with Simon that a clearer error message with a suggestion for a fix would go really far here.

@mkborregaard : There's now a check during the build process in GR master.

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programistawpf commented Feb 29, 2020 via email

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aminya commented May 31, 2020

Any solution for this? I am trying to write a SnoopCompile bot for Plots, but only inside Ubuntu it gives me this error.

/home/runner/.julia/packages/GR/cRdXQ/src/../deps/gr/bin/gksqt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
connect: Connection refused
GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application

GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE

This does not happen inside the normal GitHub Action CI that I made (#2745).
Also, other operating systems (Windows and MacOS) are fine (

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jheinen commented May 31, 2020

Did you set

ENV["PLOTS_TEST"] = "true"
ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100"

as in the Plots.jl test set?

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aminya commented May 31, 2020

Did you set

ENV["PLOTS_TEST"] = "true"
ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100"

as in the Plots.jl test set?

Do I need to do this from inside Julia? I added it as a job environment variable and my job is running for 45min without any logs being printed.

I tried setting it from Julia, but still no luck:

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Eventually got this working with popOS / Julia 1.5.1 by installing qt5

apt install -y qtbase5-dev-tools  qt5-default  # maybe only qt5-default is necessary

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bgoodr commented Sep 21, 2020

Eventually got this working with popOS / Julia 1.5.1 by installing qt5

apt install -y qtbase5-dev-tools  qt5-default  # maybe only qt5-default is necessary

This worked for me, as I ran into the exact same situation on Ubuntu 20.04. So thank you!

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@Terkwood Thank you! I am using ubuntu 20.04, and was trying was ReinforcementLearningEnvironments. I was facing the same problem,this worked out for me

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@Terkwood I was facing the same issue, this worked for me too, in Ubuntu 20.04. thank you!

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benneti commented Feb 10, 2021

I have the same problem on nixos with julia version 1.5.3

julia> using Plots # Plots v1.10.4
[ Info: Precompiling Plots [91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80]

julia> plot(sin)
env: ‘/home/benneti/.julia/artifacts/75305428f7454d8c7304e183ae65ca13bc0236c1/bin/gksqt’: No such file or directory
connect: Connection refused
GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application

GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine TEXT
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE

shell> ldd /home/benneti/.julia/artifacts/75305428f7454d8c7304e183ae65ca13bc0236c1/bin/gksqt (0x00007ffd990f7000) => /nix/store/b33sv42xxspsnhfspv1n04wi0wbycq7k-qtbase-5.15.2/lib/ (0x00007fc73b870000) => /nix/store/b33sv42xxspsnhfspv1n04wi0wbycq7k-qtbase-5.15.2/lib/ (0x00007fc73b6ea000) => /nix/store/gafigwfaimlziam6qhw1m8dz4h952g1n-glibc-2.32-35/lib/ (0x00007fc73b6c9000) => /nix/store/34siz8mka96767blk28xq3vvxpcyjvv2-freetype-2.10.4/lib/ (0x00007fc73b605000) => /nix/store/w9myg0z6v7hsv1qnxcps69gxi9m7lxv7-libpng-apng-1.6.37/lib/ (0x00007fc73b5cb000) => /nix/store/lnjmyxgqq27dsmnc2sxwa7hn448bzc4k-zlib-1.2.11/lib/ (0x00007fc73b5ac000) => /nix/store/gafigwfaimlziam6qhw1m8dz4h952g1n-glibc-2.32-35/lib/ (0x00007fc73b5a7000) => /nix/store/b33sv42xxspsnhfspv1n04wi0wbycq7k-qtbase-5.15.2/lib/ (0x00007fc73af44000) => /nix/store/b33sv42xxspsnhfspv1n04wi0wbycq7k-qtbase-5.15.2/lib/ (0x00007fc73a98c000) => /nix/store/q3y6lqylj69ya2jr6b8v4jgcp11j8ldk-gfortran-9.3.0-lib/lib/ (0x00007fc73a7ab000) => /nix/store/gafigwfaimlziam6qhw1m8dz4h952g1n-glibc-2.32-35/lib/ (0x00007fc73a668000) => /nix/store/q3y6lqylj69ya2jr6b8v4jgcp11j8ldk-gfortran-9.3.0-lib/lib/ (0x00007fc73a64c000) => /nix/store/gafigwfaimlziam6qhw1m8dz4h952g1n-glibc-2.32-35/lib/ (0x00007fc73a48b000) => /nix/store/821fd1mbgf8036kmns0rdyaycgg3bc8y-libGL-1.3.2/lib/ (0x00007fc73a3fd000) => /nix/store/kk4qf5d99x6kpcjhdlkki4yifzgmxmlm-libkrb5-1.18/lib/ (0x00007fc73a3aa000) => /nix/store/wmhdjm0x0n4ffqh908gkhah3zr1d29fd-openssl-1.1.1i/lib/ (0x00007fc73a312000) => /nix/store/wmhdjm0x0n4ffqh908gkhah3zr1d29fd-openssl-1.1.1i/lib/ (0x00007fc73a025000)
	/lib64/ => /nix/store/gafigwfaimlziam6qhw1m8dz4h952g1n-glibc-2.32-35/lib64/ (0x00007fc73bf0d000) => /nix/store/hc96d6rsfcbagxzbn8xwsm32bzizsj69-bzip2- (0x00007fc73a012000) => /nix/store/wbdlg8p4ikn3xa0g5qcbbxzrx5rc7xgg-harfbuzz-2.7.2/lib/ (0x00007fc739f2e000) => /nix/store/9vpwg9lgnjp9a1fqzcsxcmq4c1r5vigp-icu4c-67.1/lib/ (0x00007fc739c16000) => /nix/store/9vpwg9lgnjp9a1fqzcsxcmq4c1r5vigp-icu4c-67.1/lib/ (0x00007fc739a28000) => /nix/store/9vpwg9lgnjp9a1fqzcsxcmq4c1r5vigp-icu4c-67.1/lib/ (0x00007fc737f11000) => /nix/store/3ik2szvrw86yy6mg4wq1yiaswv9jyxdk-pcre2-10.36/lib/ (0x00007fc737e85000) => /nix/store/hnk0s558k2h4v8abjzagagflvw1l0cb2-glib-2.66.4/lib/ (0x00007fc737e80000) => /nix/store/hnk0s558k2h4v8abjzagagflvw1l0cb2-glib-2.66.4/lib/ (0x00007fc737d4c000) => /nix/store/q6fza5n00mfk12y3lz3lwcas4gswyaxx-libglvnd-1.3.2/lib/ (0x00007fc737d17000) => /nix/store/6y53vmypx0lmd0r43sa8qsd026yqfsmz-libX11-1.7.0/lib/ (0x00007fc737bd2000) => /nix/store/dm9k4ryj2dykk32z560a0mfnlf9c3pb8-libXext-1.3.4/lib/ (0x00007fc737bbd000) => /nix/store/q6fza5n00mfk12y3lz3lwcas4gswyaxx-libglvnd-1.3.2/lib/ (0x00007fc737b04000) => /nix/store/kk4qf5d99x6kpcjhdlkki4yifzgmxmlm-libkrb5-1.18/lib/ (0x00007fc737a28000) => /nix/store/kk4qf5d99x6kpcjhdlkki4yifzgmxmlm-libkrb5-1.18/lib/ (0x00007fc7379f8000) => /nix/store/kk4qf5d99x6kpcjhdlkki4yifzgmxmlm-libkrb5-1.18/lib/ (0x00007fc7379f2000) => /nix/store/kk4qf5d99x6kpcjhdlkki4yifzgmxmlm-libkrb5-1.18/lib/ (0x00007fc7379e2000) => /nix/store/z5ai50bfi7raz4wsb0r6ijjm6mxlg266-keyutils-1.6.3-lib/lib/ (0x00007fc7379db000) => /nix/store/gafigwfaimlziam6qhw1m8dz4h952g1n-glibc-2.32-35/lib/ (0x00007fc7379c1000) => /nix/store/z2gfpvs7a371d81liv7i899yj0ypc6ig-graphite2-1.3.14/lib/ (0x00007fc737997000) => /nix/store/zs95g44vip9834nlp6qqci06mysblkq2-pcre-8.44/lib/ (0x00007fc73791e000) => /nix/store/0k01pc905yqyyg0fc8c9p400vizwwcdj-libxcb-1.14/lib/ (0x00007fc7378f2000) => /nix/store/0xylz23kx7bsz0gv4dhg5xwv301gi7yi-libXau-1.0.9/lib/ (0x00007fc7378eb000) => /nix/store/cq898007g7a86w5y0bp6dwjivq64i474-libXdmcp-1.1.3/lib/ (0x00007fc7378e3000)

but using GR, plotting and saving works just fine.

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The same happened to me with my 1.6.0 julia on macOS BigSur version 11.2.3.

I solved the problem by simply adding the gr() backend to my script.

Hope this helps!

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jheinen commented Apr 9, 2021

Please update GR (to version 0.57.3) and the problems should be fixed.

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I've installed Julia 1.6.0 and Plots on a Window 10 64 bit machine.

I'm getting errors messages:

connect: No error
GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application

GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine FILLAREA


Further I've tried


to the path

and setting GKS_QT

set GKS_QT=C:\Users\Username\.julia\artifacts\7cf489c280ce03e932b09698ef4d949827fd9c55\bin\gksqt.exe

but that only adds to problem as I now have
gksqt error

as a new a new error message

Why is the QT5 gksqt.exe binary installed in a different directory to the QT5.DLLS

I don't really to be adding weird path names to the PATH variables and having to set environmental variables with strange path names for this to work.

Reiterating this is on a Windows 10 laptop.


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Guys. Please Help. I have the same error trying to use plot in my loptop. What can do to solve my issue

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jheinen commented May 21, 2021

What is your OS?

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sajad-gh commented May 21, 2021

Windows 10 Enterprise- 64bit
I installed the same atoms and Julia on my friend's loptop which has windows 7 . it works and I did my project but I want it on my loptop.
I also use ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100"
but that didnot work

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joaquinmura commented Jul 2, 2021

Same issue reported here. At least for me on Windows 10, the problem was that the antivirus blocked gksqt.exe. Unblocking makes it run ok.

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jheinen commented Jul 2, 2021

The problem should be fixed with the latest GR version.

@t-bltg t-bltg closed this as completed Aug 4, 2021
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