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Main entrypoint take 3 - revenge of the macro (#51435)
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As they say, if at first you don't succeed, try again, then try again,
add an extra layer of indirection and take a little bit of spice from
every other idea and you've got yourself a wedding cake. Or something
like that, I don't know - at times it felt like this cake was getting a
bit burnt.

Where was I?

Ah yes.

This is the third edition of the main saga (#50974, #51417). In this
version, the spelling that we'd expect for the main use case is:
function (@main)(ARGS)
    println("Hello World")

This syntax was originally proposed by `@vtjnash`. However, the
semantics here are slightly different. `@main` simply expands to `main`,
so the above is equivalent to:
function main(ARGS)
    println("Hello World")

So `@main` is simply a marker that the `main` binding has special
behavior. This way, all the niceceties of import/export, etc. can still
be used as in the original `Main.main` proposal, but there is an
explicit opt-in and feature detect macro to avoid executing this when
people do not expect.

Additionally, there is a smooth upgrade path if we decide to
automatically enable `Main.main` in Julia 2.0.
  • Loading branch information
Keno authored Oct 8, 2023
1 parent e81c8e3 commit f90fd72
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Showing 6 changed files with 205 additions and 18 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ Compiler/Runtime improvements
Command-line option changes

* The entry point for Julia has been standardized to `Main.main(ARGS)`. This must be explicitly opted into using the `@main` macro
(see the docstring for futher details). When opted-in, and julia is invoked to run a script or expression
(i.e. using `julia script.jl` or `julia -e expr`), julia will subsequently run the `Main.main` function automatically.
This is intended to unify script and compilation workflows, where code loading may happen
in the compiler and execution of `Main.main` may happen in the resulting executable. For interactive use, there is no semantic
difference between defining a `main` function and executing the code directly at the end of the script. ([50974])

Multi-threading changes

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125 changes: 110 additions & 15 deletions base/client.jl
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Expand Up @@ -228,11 +228,8 @@ incomplete_tag(exc::Meta.ParseError) = incomplete_tag(exc.detail)

cmd_suppresses_program(cmd) = cmd in ('e', 'E')
function exec_options(opts)
quiet = (opts.quiet != 0)
startup = (opts.startupfile != 2)
history_file = (opts.historyfile != 0)
color_set = (opts.color != 0) # --color!=auto
global have_color = color_set ? (opts.color == 1) : nothing # --color=on
global have_color = (opts.color != 0) ? (opts.color == 1) : nothing # --color=on
global is_interactive = (opts.isinteractive != 0)

# pre-process command line argument list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,15 +320,8 @@ function exec_options(opts)
if repl || is_interactive::Bool
b = opts.banner
auto = b == -1
banner = b == 0 || (auto && !interactiveinput) ? :no :
b == 1 || (auto && interactiveinput) ? :yes :
:short # b == 2
run_main_repl(interactiveinput, quiet, banner, history_file, color_set)

return repl

function _global_julia_startup_file()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -536,6 +526,13 @@ definition of `eval`, which evaluates expressions in that module.

function should_use_main_entrypoint()
isdefined(Main, :main) || return false
M_binding_owner = Base.binding_module(Main, :main)
(isdefined(M_binding_owner, Symbol("#__main_is_entrypoint__#")) && M_binding_owner.var"#__main_is_entrypoint__#") || return false
return true

include([mapexpr::Function,] path::AbstractString)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,13 +562,111 @@ function _start()
append!(ARGS, Core.ARGS)
# clear any postoutput hooks that were saved in the sysimage
local ret = 0
repl_was_requested = exec_options(JLOptions())
if should_use_main_entrypoint() && !is_interactive
if Core.Compiler.generating_output()
precompile(Main.main, (typeof(ARGS),))
ret = invokelatest(Main.main, ARGS)
elseif (repl_was_requested || is_interactive)
# Run the Base `main`, which will either load the REPL stdlib
# or run the fallback REPL
ret = repl_main(ARGS)
ret === nothing && (ret = 0)
ret = Cint(ret)
ret = Cint(1)
invokelatest(display_error, scrub_repl_backtrace(current_exceptions()))
if is_interactive && get(stdout, :color, false)
return ret

function repl_main(_)
opts = Base.JLOptions()
interactiveinput = isa(stdin, Base.TTY)
b = opts.banner
auto = b == -1
banner = b == 0 || (auto && !interactiveinput) ? :no :
b == 1 || (auto && interactiveinput) ? :yes :
:short # b == 2

quiet = (opts.quiet != 0)
history_file = (opts.historyfile != 0)
color_set = (opts.color != 0) # --color!=auto
return run_main_repl(interactiveinput, quiet, banner, history_file, color_set)

This macro is used to mark that the binding `main` in the current module is considered an
entrypoint. The precise semantics of the entrypoint depend on the CLI driver.
In the `julia` driver, if `Main.main` is marked as an entrypoint, it will be automatically called upon
the completion of script execution.
The `@main` macro may be used standalone or as part of the function definition, though in the latter
case, parenthese are required. In particular, the following are equivalent:
function (@main)(ARGS)
println("Hello World")
function main(ARGS)
## Detailed semantics
The entrypoint semantics attach to the owner of the binding owner. In particular, if a marked entrypoint is
imported into `Main`, it will be treated as an entrypoint in `Main`:
module MyApp
export main
(@main)(ARGS) = println("Hello World")
using .MyApp
# `julia` Will execute MyApp.main at the conclusion of script execution
Note that in particular, the semantics do not attach to the method
or the name:
module MyApp
(@main)(ARGS) = println("Hello World")
const main = MyApp.main
# `julia` Will *NOT* execute MyApp.main unless there is a separate `@main` annotation in `Main`
!!! compat "Julia 1.11"
This macro is new in Julia 1.11. At present, the precise semantics of `@main` are still subject to change.
macro main(args...)
if !isempty(args)
error("USAGE: `@main` is expected to be used as `(@main)` without macro arguments.")
if isdefined(__module__, :main)
if Base.binding_module(__module__, :main) !== __module__
error("USAGE: Symbol `main` is already a resolved import in module $(__module__). `@main` must be used in the defining module.")
Core.eval(__module__, quote
# Force the binding to resolve to this module
global main
global var"#__main_is_entrypoint__#"::Bool = true
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion base/exports.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1067,7 +1067,9 @@ export


# TODO: use normal syntax once JuliaSyntax.jl becomes available at this point in bootstrapping
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67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions doc/src/manual/
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Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,73 @@ $ julia --color=yes -O -- script.jl arg1 arg2..

See also [Scripting](@ref man-scripting) for more information on writing Julia scripts.

## The `Main.main` entry point

As of Julia, 1.11, Base export a special macro `@main`. This macro simply expands to the symbol `main`,
but at the conclusion of executing a script or expression, `julia` will attempt to execute the function
`Main.main(ARGS)` if such a function has been defined and this behavior was opted into
using the `@main macro`. This feature is intended to aid in the unification
of compiled and interactive workflows. In compiled workflows, loading the code that defines the `main`
function may be spatially and temporally separated from the invocation. However, for interactive workflows,
the behavior is equivalent to explicitly calling `exit(main(ARGS))` at the end of the evaluated script or

!!! compat "Julia 1.11"
The special entry point `Main.main` was added in Julia 1.11. For compatibility with prior julia versions,
add an explicit `@isdefined(var"@main") ? (@main) : exit(main(ARGS))` at the end of your scripts.

To see this feature in action, consider the following definition, which will execute the print function despite there being no explicit call to `main`:

$ julia -e '(@main)(ARGS) = println("Hello World!")'
Hello World!

Only the `main` binding in the `Main`, module has this special behavior and only if
the macro `@main` was used within the defining module.

For example, using `hello` instead of `main` will result not result in the `hello` function executing:

$ julia -e 'hello(ARGS) = println("Hello World!")'

and neither will a plain definition of `main`:
$ julia -e 'main(ARGS) = println("Hello World!")'

However, the opt-in need not occur at definition time:
$ julia -e 'main(ARGS) = println("Hello World!"); @main'
Hello World!

The `main` binding may be imported from a package. A hello package defined as

module Hello
export main
(@main)(ARGS) = println("Hello from the package!")

may be used as:

$ julia -e 'using Hello'
Hello from the package!
$ julia -e 'import Hello' # N.B.: Execution depends on the binding not whether the package is loaded

However, note that the current best practice recommendation is to not mix application and reusable library
code in the same package. Helper applications may be distributed as separate pacakges or as scripts with
separate `main` entry points in a package's `bin` folder.

## Parallel mode

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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/jlapi.c
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Expand Up @@ -576,16 +576,20 @@ static NOINLINE int true_main(int argc, char *argv[])

if (start_client) {
jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task;
int ret = 1;
size_t last_age = ct->world_age;
ct->world_age = jl_get_world_counter();
jl_apply(&start_client, 1);
jl_value_t *r = jl_apply(&start_client, 1);
if (jl_typeof(r) != (jl_value_t*)jl_int32_type)
jl_type_error("typeassert", (jl_value_t*)jl_int32_type, r);
ret = jl_unbox_int32(r);
ct->world_age = last_age;
jl_no_exc_handler(jl_current_exception(), ct);
return 0;
return ret;

// run program if specified, otherwise enter REPL
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test/cmdlineargs.jl
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#heap-size-hint, we reserve 250 MB for non GC memory (llvm, etc.)
@test readchomp(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no --heap-size-hint=500M -e "println(@ccall jl_gc_get_max_memory()::UInt64)"`) == "$((500-250)*1024*1024)"

## `Main.main` entrypoint

# Basic usage
@test readchomp(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) -e '(@main)(ARGS) = println("hello")'`) == "hello"

# Test ARGS with -e
@test readchomp(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) -e '(@main)(ARGS) = println(ARGS)' a b`) == repr(["a", "b"])

# Test import from module
@test readchomp(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) -e 'module Hello; export main; (@main)(ARGS) = println("hello"); end; using .Hello'`) == "hello"
@test readchomp(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) -e 'module Hello; export main; (@main)(ARGS) = println("hello"); end; import .Hello'`) == ""

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