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better EAUtils.jl
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aviatesk committed Oct 2, 2024
1 parent f9b6863 commit d4a4c5e
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 53 deletions.
136 changes: 83 additions & 53 deletions test/compiler/EscapeAnalysis/EAUtils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,56 +6,6 @@ const CC = Core.Compiler
using ..EscapeAnalysis
const EA = EscapeAnalysis

# entries
# -------

using Base: IdSet, unwrap_unionall, rewrap_unionall
using InteractiveUtils: gen_call_with_extracted_types_and_kwargs

@code_escapes [options...] f(args...)
Evaluates the arguments to the function call, determines its types, and then calls
[`code_escapes`](@ref) on the resulting expression.
As with `@code_typed` and its family, any of `code_escapes` keyword arguments can be given
as the optional arguments like `@code_escapes optimize=false myfunc(myargs...)`.
macro code_escapes(ex0...)
return gen_call_with_extracted_types_and_kwargs(__module__, :code_escapes, ex0)

code_escapes(f, argtypes=Tuple{}; [debuginfo::Symbol = :none], [optimize::Bool = true]) -> result::EscapeResult
Runs the escape analysis on optimized IR of a generic function call with the given type signature.
# Keyword Arguments
- `optimize::Bool = true`:
if `true` returns escape information of post-inlining IR (used for local optimization),
otherwise returns escape information of pre-inlining IR (used for interprocedural escape information generation)
- `debuginfo::Symbol = :none`:
controls the amount of code metadata present in the output, possible options are `:none` or `:source`.
function code_escapes(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(types=Base.default_tt(f));
world::UInt = get_world_counter(),
debuginfo::Symbol = :none)
tt = Base.signature_type(f, types)
match = Base._which(tt; world, raise=true)
mi = Core.Compiler.specialize_method(match)::MethodInstance
interp = EscapeAnalyzer(world, mi)
frame = Core.Compiler.typeinf_frame(interp, mi, #=run_optimizer=#true)
isdefined(interp, :result) || error("optimization didn't happen: maybe everything has been constant folded?")
slotnames = let src = frame.src
src isa CodeInfo ? src.slotnames : nothing
return EscapeResult(,, interp.result.mi,
slotnames, debuginfo === :source, interp)

# in order to run a whole analysis from ground zero (e.g. for benchmarking, etc.)
__clear_cache!() = empty!(GLOBAL_EA_CODE_CACHE)

# AbstractInterpreter
# -------------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,10 +49,10 @@ mutable struct EscapeAnalyzer <: AbstractInterpreter
const opt_params::OptimizationParams
const inf_cache::Vector{InferenceResult}
const escape_cache::EscapeCache
const entry_mi::MethodInstance
const entry_mi::Union{Nothing,MethodInstance}
function EscapeAnalyzer(world::UInt, entry_mi::MethodInstance,
function EscapeAnalyzer(world::UInt, escape_cache::EscapeCache;
inf_params = InferenceParams()
opt_params = OptimizationParams()
inf_cache = InferenceResult[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,4 +249,84 @@ function print_with_info(preprint, postprint, io::IO, ir::IRCode, source::Bool)
return nothing

# entries
# -------

using InteractiveUtils: gen_call_with_extracted_types_and_kwargs

@code_escapes [options...] f(args...)
Evaluates the arguments to the function call, determines its types, and then calls
[`code_escapes`](@ref) on the resulting expression.
As with `@code_typed` and its family, any of `code_escapes` keyword arguments can be given
as the optional arguments like `@code_escapes optimize=false myfunc(myargs...)`.
macro code_escapes(ex0...)
return gen_call_with_extracted_types_and_kwargs(__module__, :code_escapes, ex0)

code_escapes(f, argtypes=Tuple{}; [world::UInt], [debuginfo::Symbol]) -> result::EscapeResult
code_escapes(mi::MethodInstance; [world::UInt], [interp::EscapeAnalyzer], [debuginfo::Symbol]) -> result::EscapeResult
Runs the escape analysis on optimized IR of a generic function call with the given type signature,
while caching the analysis results.
# Keyword Arguments
- `world::UInt = Base.get_world_counter()`:
controls the world age to use when looking up methods, use current world age if not specified.
- `interp::EscapeAnalyzer = EscapeAnalyzer(world)`:
specifies the escape analyzer to use, by default a new analyzer with the global cache is created.
- `debuginfo::Symbol = :none`:
controls the amount of code metadata present in the output, possible options are `:none` or `:source`.
function code_escapes(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(types=Base.default_tt(f));
world::UInt = get_world_counter(),
debuginfo::Symbol = :none)
tt = Base.signature_type(f, types)
match = Base._which(tt; world, raise=true)
mi = Core.Compiler.specialize_method(match)
return code_escapes(mi; world, debuginfo)

function code_escapes(mi::MethodInstance;
world::UInt = get_world_counter(),
interp::EscapeAnalyzer=EscapeAnalyzer(world, GLOBAL_ESCAPE_CACHE; entry_mi=mi),
debuginfo::Symbol = :none)
frame = Core.Compiler.typeinf_frame(interp, mi, #=run_optimizer=#true)
isdefined(interp, :result) || error("optimization didn't happen: maybe everything has been constant folded?")
slotnames = let src = frame.src
src isa CodeInfo ? src.slotnames : nothing
return EscapeResult(,, interp.result.mi,
slotnames, debuginfo === :source, interp)

code_escapes(ir::IRCode, nargs::Int; [world::UInt], [interp::EscapeAnalyzer]) -> result::EscapeResult
Runs the escape analysis on `ir::IRCode`.
`ir` is supposed to be optimized already, specifically after inlining has been applied.
Note that this version does not cache the analysis results.
# Keyword Arguments
- `world::UInt = Base.get_world_counter()`:
controls the world age to use when looking up methods, use current world age if not specified.
- `interp::EscapeAnalyzer = EscapeAnalyzer(world, EscapeCache())`:
specifies the escape analyzer to use, by default a new analyzer with an empty cache is created.
function code_escapes(ir::IRCode, nargs::Int;
world::UInt = get_world_counter(),
interp::EscapeAnalyzer=EscapeAnalyzer(world, EscapeCache()))
get_escape_cache = GetEscapeCache(interp)
estate = analyze_escapes(ir, nargs, CC.optimizer_lattice(interp), get_escape_cache)
return EscapeResult(ir, estate) # return back the result

# in order to run a whole analysis from ground zero (e.g. for benchmarking, etc.)
__clear_cache!() = empty!(GLOBAL_EA_CODE_CACHE)

end # module EAUtils

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