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inference: make Core.Compiler.return_type respect max_methods set…
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Previously we didn't limit the number of matching methods for
`Core.Compiler.return_type`, which could lead to a potential latency
This commit makes `Core.Compiler.return_type` and the corresponding
tfunc `return_type_tfunc` respect `max_methods` setting as like the
ordinary inference.
One caveat here is that the current `Core.Compiler.return_type` interface
unfortunately doesn't allow it to see the caller module context, so it
can't respect module-wide `max_methods` setting (I guess the change to
the interface should be made as of version 2.0), that I think can lead
to a potential confusion.
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aviatesk authored and vtjnash committed May 20, 2023
1 parent 5dafc84 commit a9e317b
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Showing 3 changed files with 38 additions and 15 deletions.
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions base/compiler/tfuncs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2640,16 +2640,21 @@ function return_type_tfunc(interp::AbstractInterpreter, argtypes::Vector{Any}, s
return CallMeta(Const(Union{}), EFFECTS_TOTAL, NoCallInfo())

# Run the abstract_call without restricting abstract call
# sites. Otherwise, our behavior model of abstract_call
# below will be wrong.
# NOTE We need to sync the implementation here with that of `Core.Compiler.return_type`.
# In particular, this tfunc should not use the module-wide `max_methods` setting
# until we refactor the `Core.Compiler.return_type` API so that it can observe
# the caller module context.
f = singleton_type(argtypes_vec[1])
max_methods = get_max_methods(interp, f)
if isa(sv, InferenceState)
# Run the abstract_call without restricting abstract call sites.
# Otherwise, our behavior model of abstract_call below will be wrong.
old_restrict = sv.restrict_abstract_call_sites
sv.restrict_abstract_call_sites = false
call = abstract_call(interp, ArgInfo(nothing, argtypes_vec), si, sv, -1)
call = abstract_call(interp, ArgInfo(nothing, argtypes_vec), si, sv, max_methods)
sv.restrict_abstract_call_sites = old_restrict
call = abstract_call(interp, ArgInfo(nothing, argtypes_vec), si, sv, -1)
call = abstract_call(interp, ArgInfo(nothing, argtypes_vec), si, sv, max_methods)
info = verbose_stmt_info(interp) ? MethodResultPure(ReturnTypeCallInfo( : MethodResultPure()
rt = widenslotwrapper(call.rt)
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion base/compiler/typeinfer.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1100,6 +1100,9 @@ function typeinf_ext_toplevel(interp::AbstractInterpreter, linfo::MethodInstance
return src

# TODO change the interface of `return_type` to allow it to recognize caller module context
# so that we can see its `get_max_methods` setting as the ordinary inference

function return_type(@nospecialize(f), t::DataType) # this method has a special tfunc
world = ccall(:jl_get_tls_world_age, UInt, ())
args = Any[_return_type, NativeInterpreter(world), Tuple{Core.Typeof(f), t.parameters...}]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1129,7 +1132,10 @@ function _return_type(interp::AbstractInterpreter, t::DataType)
rt = builtin_tfunction(interp, f, args, nothing)
rt = widenconst(rt)
for match in _methods_by_ftype(t, -1, get_world_counter(interp))::Vector
lim = get_max_methods(interp, f)
ms = _methods_by_ftype(t, lim, get_world_counter(interp))
ms isa Vector || return Any
for match in ms
match = match::MethodMatch
ty = typeinf_type(interp, match.method, match.spec_types, match.sparams)
ty === nothing && return Any
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30 changes: 21 additions & 9 deletions test/compiler/inference.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3216,15 +3216,27 @@ j30385(T, y) = k30385(f30385(T, y))
@test Base.return_types(Tuple, (NamedTuple{<:Any,Tuple{Any,Int}},)) == Any[Tuple{Any,Int}]
@test Base.return_types(Base.splat(tuple), (typeof((a=1,)),)) == Any[Tuple{Int}]

# test that return_type_tfunc isn't affected by max_methods differently than return_type
_rttf_test(::Int8) = 0
_rttf_test(::Int16) = 0
_rttf_test(::Int32) = 0
_rttf_test(::Int64) = 0
_rttf_test(::Int128) = 0
_call_rttf_test() = Core.Compiler.return_type(_rttf_test, Tuple{Any})
@test Core.Compiler.return_type(_rttf_test, Tuple{Any}) === Int
@test _call_rttf_test() === Int
# test that return_type_tfunc uses the same `max_methods` configuration as
# the dynamic implementation
Base.Experimental.@max_methods 1 function _rttf_test1 end
_rttf_test1(::Int8) = 0
_rttf_test1(::Int16) = 0
_rttf_test1(::Int32) = 0
@test Core.Compiler.return_type(_rttf_test1, Tuple{Any}) === Any
@test Base.return_types() do
Core.Compiler.return_type(_rttf_test1, Tuple{Any})
end |> only === Type{Any}

Base.Experimental.@max_methods 5 function _rttf_test5 end
_rttf_test5(::Int8) = 0
_rttf_test5(::Int16) = 0
_rttf_test5(::Int32) = 0
_rttf_test5(::Int64) = 0
_rttf_test5(::Int128) = 0
@test Core.Compiler.return_type(_rttf_test5, Tuple{Any}) === Int
@test Base.return_types() do
Core.Compiler.return_type(_rttf_test5, Tuple{Any})
end |> only === Type{Int}

f_with_Type_arg(::Type{T}) where {T} = T
@test Base.return_types(f_with_Type_arg, (Any,)) == Any[Type]
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