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Keno committed Nov 9, 2023
1 parent 688b1e1 commit a0c6204
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Showing 4 changed files with 63 additions and 23 deletions.
55 changes: 36 additions & 19 deletions src/ast.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,25 +153,56 @@ static jl_value_t *scm_to_julia(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t e, jl_module_t *mo
static value_t julia_to_scm(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_value_t *v);
static jl_value_t *jl_expand_macros(jl_value_t *expr, jl_module_t *inmodule, struct macroctx_stack *macroctx, int onelevel, size_t world, int throw_load_error);

static jl_sym_t *scmsym_to_julia(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t s)
if (fl_isgensym(fl_ctx, s)) {
char gsname[16];
char *n = uint2str(&gsname[1], sizeof(gsname)-1,
((gensym_t*)ptr(s))->id, 10);
*(--n) = '#';
return jl_symbol(n);
return jl_symbol(symbol_name(fl_ctx, s));

static value_t fl_defined_julia_global(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
// tells whether a var is defined in and *by* the current module
argcount(fl_ctx, "defined-julia-global", nargs, 1);
(void)tosymbol(fl_ctx, args[0], "defined-julia-global");
jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx);
jl_sym_t *var = jl_symbol(symbol_name(fl_ctx, args[0]));
jl_sym_t *var = scmsym_to_julia(fl_ctx, args[0]);
jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_module_binding(ctx->module, var, 0);
return (b != NULL && jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&b->owner) == b) ? fl_ctx->T : fl_ctx->F;

static value_t fl_nothrow_julia_global(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
// tells whether a var is defined, in the sense that accessing it is nothrow
argcount(fl_ctx, "nothrow-julia-global", nargs, 1);
(void)tosymbol(fl_ctx, args[0], "nothrow-julia-global");
// can take either a symbol or a module and a symbol
jl_ast_context_t *ctx = jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx);
jl_sym_t *var = jl_symbol(symbol_name(fl_ctx, args[0]));
jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_module_binding(ctx->module, var, 0);
jl_module_t *mod = ctx->module;
jl_sym_t *var = NULL;
if (nargs == 1) {
(void)tosymbol(fl_ctx, args[0], "nothrow-julia-global");
var = scmsym_to_julia(fl_ctx, args[0]);
else {
argcount(fl_ctx, "nothrow-julia-global", nargs, 2);
value_t argmod = args[0];
if (iscvalue(argmod) && cv_class((cvalue_t*)ptr(argmod)) == jl_ast_ctx(fl_ctx)->jvtype) {
mod = *(jl_module_t**)cv_data((cvalue_t*)ptr(argmod));
} else {
(void)tosymbol(fl_ctx, argmod, "nothrow-julia-global");
if (scmsym_to_julia(fl_ctx, argmod) != jl_thismodule_sym) {
lerrorf(fl_ctx, fl_ctx->ArgError, "nothrow-julia-global: Unknown globalref module kind");
(void)tosymbol(fl_ctx, args[1], "nothrow-julia-global");
var = scmsym_to_julia(fl_ctx, args[1]);
jl_binding_t *b = jl_get_module_binding(mod, var, 0);
b = b ? jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&b->owner) : NULL;
return b != NULL && jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&b->value) != NULL ? fl_ctx->T : fl_ctx->F;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,20 +465,6 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void fl_profile(const char *fname)

static jl_sym_t *scmsym_to_julia(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t s)
if (fl_isgensym(fl_ctx, s)) {
char gsname[16];
char *n = uint2str(&gsname[1], sizeof(gsname)-1,
((gensym_t*)ptr(s))->id, 10);
*(--n) = '#';
return jl_symbol(n);
return jl_symbol(symbol_name(fl_ctx, s));

static jl_value_t *scm_to_julia(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, value_t e, jl_module_t *mod)
jl_value_t *v = NULL;
Expand Down
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/julia-syntax.scm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4257,6 +4257,7 @@ f(x) = yt(x)
(define (valid-ir-argument? e)
(or (simple-atom? e)
(and (outerref? e) (nothrow-julia-global (cadr e)))
(and (globalref? e) (nothrow-julia-global (cadr e) (caddr e)))
(and (pair? e)
(memq (car e) '(quote inert top core
slot static_parameter)))))
Expand All @@ -4265,7 +4266,7 @@ f(x) = yt(x)
(or (ssavalue? lhs)
(valid-ir-argument? e)
(and (symbol? lhs) (pair? e)
(memq (car e) '(new splatnew the_exception isdefined call invoke foreigncall cfunction gc_preserve_begin copyast new_opaque_closure)))))
(memq (car e) '(new splatnew the_exception isdefined call invoke foreigncall cfunction gc_preserve_begin copyast new_opaque_closure globalref outerref)))))

(define (valid-ir-return? e)
;; returning lambda directly is needed for @generated
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4422,6 +4423,13 @@ f(x) = yt(x)
(or (memq aval (lam:args lam))
(let ((vi (get vinfo-table aval #f)))
(and vi (vinfo:sa vi))))))
;; TODO: We could also allow const globals here
(define (const-read-arg? x)
;; Even if we have side effects, we know that singly-assigned
;; locals cannot be affected them, so we can inline them anyway.
(or (simple-atom? x) (single-assign-var? x)
(and (pair? x)
(memq (car x) '(quote inert top core)))))
;; evaluate the arguments of a call, creating temporary locations as needed
(define (compile-args lst break-labels)
(if (null? lst) '()
Expand All @@ -4442,9 +4450,7 @@ f(x) = yt(x)
(loop (cdr lst)
(cons (if (and
;; Even if we have side effects, we know that singly-assigned
;; locals cannot be affected them, so we can inline them anyway.
(or simple? (single-assign-var? aval))
(or simple? (const-read-arg? aval))
(valid-body-ir-argument? aval))
(let ((tmp (make-ssavalue)))
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/compiler/inference.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5491,6 +5491,11 @@ end
@test Base.return_types(phic_type10) |> only === Int
@test phic_type10() === 2

undef_trycatch() = try (a_undef_trycatch = a_undef_trycatch, b = 2); return 1 catch end
# `global a_undef_trycatch` could be defined dynamically, so both paths must be allowed
@test Base.return_types(undef_trycatch) |> only === Union{Nothing, Int}
@test undef_trycatch() === nothing

# Test that `exit` returns `Union{}` (issue #51856)
function test_exit_bottom(s)
n = tryparse(Int, s)
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test/core.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8048,3 +8048,15 @@ end
let lin = Core.LineInfoNode(Base, first(methods(convert)), :foo, Int32(5), Int32(0))
@test convert(LineNumberNode, lin) == LineNumberNode(5, :foo)

# Test that a nothrow-globalref doesn't get outlined during lowering
module WellKnownGlobal
global well_known = 1
macro insert_global()
Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Base, :println), GlobalRef(WellKnownGlobal, :well_known))
check_globalref_lowering() = @insert_global
let src = code_lowered(check_globalref_lowering)[1]
@test length(src.code) == 2

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