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Revised csc_symperm
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A more careful reading of the `cs_symperm` function in CSparse was needed.
The CSparse function `cs_cumsum` has unexpected side-effects that need to
be emulated by copying the first `n` positions in the cumulative sum back to
the work vector `w`.  Also, the `w` vector must be initialized to zeros.

The `csc_symperm` function was hidden in the `Base.` namespace and it is doubtful
anyone else ever used it.
  • Loading branch information
dmbates authored and ViralBShah committed Oct 23, 2013
1 parent 40998a5 commit 674242b
Showing 1 changed file with 10 additions and 13 deletions.
23 changes: 10 additions & 13 deletions base/sparse/csparse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -296,29 +296,26 @@ end
# form A[p,p] for a symmetric A stored in the upper triangle
function csc_symperm{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, pinv::Vector{Ti})
m,n = size(A); Ap = A.colptr; Ai = A.rowval; Ax = A.nzval
if m != n || length(pinv) != m
error("A must be square, size(A) = $(size(A)), length(pinv) = $(length(pinv))")
if !isperm(pinv) error("Both pinv must be a permutation") end
isperm(pinv) || error("perm must be a permutation")
m == n == length(pinv) || error("Dimension mismatch")
C = copy(A); Cp = C.colptr; Ci = C.rowval; Cx = C.nzval
w = Array(Ti,n)
w = zeros(Ti,n)
for j in 1:n # count entries in each column of C
j2 = pinv[j]
for p = Ap[j]:(Ap[j+1]-1)
i = Ai[p]
if i > j continue end
w[pinv[i]] += one(Ti)
for p in Ap[j]:(Ap[j+1]-1)
(i = Ai[p]) > j || (w[max(pinv[i],j2)] += one(Ti))
Cp[:] = cumsum(vcat(one(Ti),w))
copy!(w,Cp[1:n]) # needed to be consistent with cs_cumsum
for j in 1:n
j2 = pinv[j]
for p = Ap[j]:(Ap[j+1]-1)
i = Ai[p]
if i > j continue end
(i = Ai[p]) > j && continue
i2 = pinv[i]
q = w[max(i2,j2)]
Ci[q] = min(i2,j2)
ind = max(i2,j2)
Ci[q = w[ind]] = min(i2,j2)
w[ind] += 1
Cx[q] = Ax[p]
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