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Extend PartialStruct to represent non-contiguously defined fields (#…
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So far, `PartialStruct` has been unable to represent non-contiguously
defined fields, where e.g. a struct would have fields 1 and 3 defined
but not field 2. This PR extends it so that such information may be
represented with `PartialStruct`, extending the applicability of
optimizations e.g. introduced in #55297 by @aviatesk or #57222.

The semantics of `new` prevent the creation of a struct with
non-contiguously defined fields, therefore this change is mostly
relevant to model mutable structs whose fields may be previously set or
assumed to be defined after creation, or immutable structs whose
creation is opaque.

Notably, with this change we may now infer information about structs in
the following case:
mutable struct A; x; y; z; A() = new(); end

function f()
    mut = A()
    # some opaque call preventing optimizations
    # who knows, maybe `identity` will set fields from `mut` in a future world age!
    invokelatest(identity, mut)
    isdefined(mut, :z) && isdefined(mut, :x) || return
    isdefined(mut, :x) & isdefined(mut, :z) # this now infers as `true`
    isdefined(mut, :y) # this does not

whereas previously, only information gained successively with
`isdefined(mut, :x) && isdefined(mut, :y) && isdefined(mut, :z)` could
allow inference to model `mut` having its `z` field defined.


Co-authored-by: Cédric Belmant <>
Co-authored-by: Shuhei Kadowaki <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Feb 25, 2025
1 parent f7b986d commit 58399e2
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Showing 13 changed files with 329 additions and 93 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Compiler/src/Compiler.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ using Base: @_foldable_meta, @_gc_preserve_begin, @_gc_preserve_end, @nospeciali
partition_restriction, quoted, rename_unionall, rewrap_unionall, specialize_method,
structdiff, tls_world_age, unconstrain_vararg_length, unionlen, uniontype_layout,
uniontypes, unsafe_convert, unwrap_unionall, unwrapva, vect, widen_diagonal,
_uncompressed_ir, maybe_add_binding_backedge!
_uncompressed_ir, maybe_add_binding_backedge!, datatype_min_ninitialized,
partialstruct_undef_length, partialstruct_init_undef
using Base.Order

import Base: ==, _topmod, append!, convert, copy, copy!, findall, first, get, get!,
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27 changes: 8 additions & 19 deletions Compiler/src/abstractinterpretation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2148,23 +2148,13 @@ function form_partially_defined_struct(@nospecialize(obj), @nospecialize(name))
isabstracttype(objt) && return nothing
fldidx = try_compute_fieldidx(objt, name.val)
fldidx === nothing && return nothing
isa(obj, PartialStruct) && return define_field(obj, fldidx)
nminfld = datatype_min_ninitialized(objt)
if ismutabletype(objt)
# A mutable struct can have non-contiguous undefined fields, but `PartialStruct` cannot
# model such a state. So here `PartialStruct` can be used to represent only the
# objects where the field following the minimum initialized fields is also defined.
if fldidx nminfld+1
# if it is already represented as a `PartialStruct`, we can add one more
# `isdefined`-field information on top of those implied by its `fields`
if !(obj isa PartialStruct && fldidx == length(obj.fields)+1)
return nothing
fldidx > nminfld || return nothing
return PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, objt0, Any[obj isa PartialStruct && ilength(obj.fields) ?
obj.fields[i] : fieldtype(objt0,i) for i = 1:fldidx])
fldidx > nminfld || return nothing
undef = partialstruct_init_undef(objt, fldidx; all_defined = false)
undef[fldidx] = false
fields = Any[fieldtype(objt0, i) for i = 1:fldidx]
return PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, objt0, undef, fields)

function abstract_call_unionall(interp::AbstractInterpreter, argtypes::Vector{Any}, call::CallMeta)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3725,8 +3715,7 @@ end
@nospecializeinfer function widenreturn_partials(𝕃ᵢ::PartialsLattice, @nospecialize(rt), info::BestguessInfo)
if isa(rt, PartialStruct)
fields = copy(rt.fields)
anyrefine = !isvarargtype(rt.fields[end]) &&
length(rt.fields) > datatype_min_ninitialized(rt.typ)
anyrefine = refines_definedness_information(rt)
𝕃 = typeinf_lattice(info.interp)
= strictpartialorder(𝕃)
for i in 1:length(fields)
Expand All @@ -3738,7 +3727,7 @@ end
fields[i] = a
anyrefine && return PartialStruct(𝕃ᵢ, rt.typ, fields)
anyrefine && return PartialStruct(𝕃ᵢ, rt.typ, rt.undef, fields)
if isa(rt, PartialOpaque)
return rt # XXX: this case was missed in #39512
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Compiler/src/tfuncs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ end
elseif isa(arg1, PartialStruct)
if !isvarargtype(arg1.fields[end])
if 1 idx length(arg1.fields)
if !is_field_maybe_undef(arg1, idx)
return Const(true)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1141,8 +1141,8 @@ end
sty = unwrap_unionall(s)::DataType
if isa(name, Const)
nv = _getfield_fieldindex(sty, name)
if isa(nv, Int) && 1 <= nv <= length(s00.fields)
return unwrapva(s00.fields[nv])
if isa(nv, Int) && !is_field_maybe_undef(s00, nv)
return unwrapva(partialstruct_getfield(s00, nv))
s00 = s
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions Compiler/src/typeinfer.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ function finishinfer!(me::InferenceState, interp::AbstractInterpreter)
rettype_const = result_type.parameters[1]
const_flags = 0x2
elseif isa(result_type, PartialStruct)
rettype_const = result_type.fields
rettype_const = (result_type.undef, result_type.fields)
const_flags = 0x2
elseif isa(result_type, InterConditional)
rettype_const = result_type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -959,8 +959,9 @@ function cached_return_type(code::CodeInstance)
rettype_const = code.rettype_const
# the second subtyping/egal conditions are necessary to distinguish usual cases
# from rare cases when `Const` wrapped those extended lattice type objects
if isa(rettype_const, Vector{Any}) && !(Vector{Any} <: rettype)
return PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, rettype, rettype_const)
if isa(rettype_const, Tuple{BitVector, Vector{Any}}) && !(Tuple{BitVector, Vector{Any}} <: rettype)
undef, fields = rettype_const
return PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, rettype, undef, fields)
elseif isa(rettype_const, PartialOpaque) && rettype <: Core.OpaqueClosure
return rettype_const
elseif isa(rettype_const, InterConditional) && rettype !== InterConditional
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46 changes: 30 additions & 16 deletions Compiler/src/typelattice.jl
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Expand Up @@ -318,15 +318,15 @@ end
fields = vartyp.fields
thenfields = thentype === Bottom ? nothing : copy(fields)
elsefields = elsetype === Bottom ? nothing : copy(fields)
for i in 1:length(fields)
if i == fldidx
thenfields === nothing || (thenfields[i] = thentype)
elsefields === nothing || (elsefields[i] = elsetype)
undef = copy(vartyp.undef)
if 1 fldidx length(fields)
thenfields === nothing || (thenfields[fldidx] = thentype)
elsefields === nothing || (elsefields[fldidx] = elsetype)
undef[fldidx] = false
return Conditional(slot,
thenfields === nothing ? Bottom : PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, vartyp.typ, thenfields),
elsefields === nothing ? Bottom : PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, vartyp.typ, elsefields))
thenfields === nothing ? Bottom : PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, vartyp.typ, undef, thenfields),
elsefields === nothing ? Bottom : PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, vartyp.typ, undef, elsefields))
vartyp_widened = widenconst(vartyp)
thenfields = thentype === Bottom ? nothing : Any[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,10 +431,14 @@ end
return false
for i in 1:length(b.fields)
af = a.fields[i]
bf = b.fields[i]
if i == length(b.fields)
na = length(a.fields)
nb = length(b.fields)
nmax = max(na, nb)
for i in 1:nmax
is_field_maybe_undef(a, i) is_field_maybe_undef(b, i) || return false
af = partialstruct_getfield(a, i)
bf = partialstruct_getfield(b, i)
if i == na || i == nb
if isvarargtype(af)
# If `af` is vararg, so must bf by the <: above
@assert isvarargtype(bf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,12 +468,15 @@ end
nfields(a.val) == length(b.fields) || return false
widea <: wideb || return false
# for structs we need to check that `a` has more information than `b` that may be partially initialized
n_initialized(a) length(b.fields) || return false
# for structs we need to check that `a` does not have less information than `b` that may be partially initialized
n_initialized(a) n_initialized(b) || return false
nf = nfields(a.val)
for i in 1:nf
isdefined(a.val, i) || continue # since ∀ T Union{} ⊑ T
if !isdefined(a.val, i)
is_field_maybe_undef(b, i) || return false # conflicting defined-ness information
continue # since ∀ T Union{} ⊑ T
i > length(b.fields) && break # `a` has more information than `b` that is partially initialized struct
bfᵢ = b.fields[i]
if i == nf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -541,6 +548,7 @@ end
if isa(a, PartialStruct)
isa(b, PartialStruct) || return false
length(a.fields) == length(b.fields) || return false
a.undef == b.undef || return false
widenconst(a) == widenconst(b) || return false
a.fields === b.fields && return true # fast path
for i in 1:length(a.fields)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -747,9 +755,15 @@ end
# The ::AbstractLattice argument is unused and simply serves to disambiguate
# different instances of the compiler that may share the `Core.PartialStruct`
# type.
function Core.PartialStruct(::AbstractLattice, @nospecialize(typ), fields::Vector{Any})

function Core.PartialStruct(𝕃::AbstractLattice, @nospecialize(typ), fields::Vector{Any}; all_defined::Bool = true)
undef = partialstruct_init_undef(typ, fields; all_defined)
return PartialStruct(𝕃, typ, undef, fields)

function Core.PartialStruct(::AbstractLattice, @nospecialize(typ), undef::BitVector, fields::Vector{Any})
for i = 1:length(fields)
return Core._PartialStruct(typ, fields)
return PartialStruct(typ, undef, fields)
80 changes: 74 additions & 6 deletions Compiler/src/typelimits.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -326,17 +326,74 @@ function n_initialized(t::Const)
return something(findfirst(i::Int->!isdefined(t.val,i), 1:nf), nf+1)-1

is_field_maybe_undef(t::Const, i) = !isdefined(t.val, i)

function n_initialized(pstruct::PartialStruct)
i = findfirst(pstruct.undef)
nmin = datatype_min_ninitialized(pstruct.typ)
i === nothing && return max(length(pstruct.undef), nmin)
n = i::Int - 1
@assert n nmin

function is_field_maybe_undef(pstruct::PartialStruct, fi)
fi 1 || return true
fi length(pstruct.undef) && return pstruct.undef[fi]
fi > datatype_min_ninitialized(pstruct.typ)

function partialstruct_getfield(pstruct::PartialStruct, fi::Integer)
@assert fi > 0
fi length(pstruct.fields) && return pstruct.fields[fi]
fieldtype(pstruct.typ, fi)

function refines_definedness_information(pstruct::PartialStruct)
nflds = length(pstruct.undef)
something(findfirst(pstruct.undef), nflds + 1) - 1 > datatype_min_ninitialized(pstruct.typ)

function define_field(pstruct::PartialStruct, fi::Int)
if !is_field_maybe_undef(pstruct, fi)
# no new information to be gained
return nothing

new = expand_partialstruct(pstruct, fi)
if new === nothing
new = PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, pstruct.typ, copy(pstruct.undef), copy(pstruct.fields))
new.undef[fi] = false
return new

function expand_partialstruct(pstruct::PartialStruct, until::Int)
n = length(pstruct.undef)
until n && return nothing

undef = partialstruct_init_undef(pstruct.typ, until; all_defined = false)
for i in 1:n
undef[i] &= pstruct.undef[i]
nf = length(pstruct.fields)
typ = pstruct.typ
fields = Any[i nf ? pstruct.fields[i] : fieldtype(typ, i) for i in 1:until]
return PartialStruct(fallback_lattice, typ, undef, fields)

# A simplified type_more_complex query over the extended lattice
# (assumes typeb ⊑ typea)
@nospecializeinfer function issimplertype(𝕃::AbstractLattice, @nospecialize(typea), @nospecialize(typeb))
@assert !isa(typea, LimitedAccuracy) && !isa(typeb, LimitedAccuracy) "LimitedAccuracy not supported by simplertype lattice" # n.b. the caller was supposed to handle these
typea === typeb && return true
if typea isa PartialStruct
aty = widenconst(typea)
if typeb isa Const
@assert length(typea.fields) n_initialized(typeb) "typeb ⊑ typea is assumed"
if typeb isa Const || typeb isa PartialStruct
@assert n_initialized(typea) n_initialized(typeb) "typeb ⊑ typea is assumed"
elseif typeb isa PartialStruct
@assert length(typea.fields) length(typeb.fields) "typeb ⊑ typea is assumed"
@assert n_initialized(typea) n_initialized(typeb) &&
all(b < a for (a, b) in zip(typea.undef, typeb.undef)) "typeb ⊑ typea is assumed"
return false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -591,17 +648,24 @@ end
if typea isa PartialStruct
if typeb isa PartialStruct
nflds = min(length(typea.fields), length(typeb.fields))
nundef = nflds - (isvarargtype(typea.fields[end]) && isvarargtype(typeb.fields[end]))
nflds = min(length(typea.fields), n_initialized(typeb::Const))
nundef = nflds
elseif typeb isa PartialStruct
nflds = min(n_initialized(typea::Const), length(typeb.fields))
nundef = nflds
nflds = min(n_initialized(typea::Const), n_initialized(typeb::Const))
nundef = nflds
nflds == 0 && return nothing
_undef = partialstruct_init_undef(aty, nundef; all_defined = false)
fields = Vector{Any}(undef, nflds)
anyrefine = nflds > datatype_min_ninitialized(aty)
fldmin = datatype_min_ninitialized(aty)
n_initialized_merged = min(n_initialized(typea::Union{Const, PartialStruct}), n_initialized(typeb::Union{Const, PartialStruct}))
anyrefine = n_initialized_merged > fldmin
for i = 1:nflds
ai = getfield_tfunc(𝕃, typea, Const(i))
bi = getfield_tfunc(𝕃, typeb, Const(i))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -633,12 +697,16 @@ end
fields[i] = tyi
if i nundef
_undef[i] = is_field_maybe_undef(typea, i) || is_field_maybe_undef(typeb, i)
if !anyrefine
anyrefine = has_nontrivial_extended_info(𝕃, tyi) || # extended information
(𝕃, tyi, ft) # just a type-level information, but more precise than the declared type
(𝕃, tyi, ft) || # just a type-level information, but more precise than the declared type
!get(_undef, i, true) && i > fldmin # possibly uninitialized field is known to be initialized
anyrefine && return PartialStruct(𝕃, aty, fields)
anyrefine && return PartialStruct(𝕃, aty, _undef, fields)
return nothing
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33 changes: 0 additions & 33 deletions Compiler/src/typeutils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,39 +61,6 @@ function isknownlength(t::DataType)
return isdefined(va, :N) && va.N isa Int

# Compute the minimum number of initialized fields for a particular datatype
# (therefore also a lower bound on the number of fields)
function datatype_min_ninitialized(@nospecialize t0)
t = unwrap_unionall(t0)
t isa DataType || return 0
isabstracttype(t) && return 0
names, types = t.parameters[1], t.parameters[2]
if names isa Tuple
return length(names)
t = argument_datatype(types)
t isa DataType || return 0 === || return 0
if ===
n = length(t.parameters)
n == 0 && return 0
va = t.parameters[n]
if isvarargtype(va)
n -= 1
if isdefined(va, :N)
va = va.N
if va isa Int
n += va
return n
return length( -

has_concrete_subtype(d::DataType) = d.flags & 0x0020 == 0x0020 # n.b. often computed only after setting the type and layout fields

# determine whether x is a valid lattice element
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