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Support brief and extended docs (closes #25930) (#34226)
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timholy authored and KristofferC committed Apr 11, 2020
1 parent c7628e9 commit 53adb77
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Showing 5 changed files with 137 additions and 15 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ Language changes
where it used to be incorrectly allowed. This is because `NTuple` refers only to homogeneous
tuples (this meaning has not changed) ([#34272]).

* In docstrings, a level-1 markdown header "Extended help" is now
interpreted as a marker dividing "brief help" from "extended help."
The REPL help mode only shows the brief help (the content before the
"Extended help" header) by default; prepend the expression with '?'
(in addition to the one that enters the help mode) to see the full
docstring. ([#25903])

Multi-threading changes

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions doc/src/manual/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,6 +197,10 @@ As in the example above, we recommend following some simple conventions when wri
rather than users, explaining e.g. which functions should be overridden and which
functions automatically use appropriate fallbacks. Such details are best kept separate
from the main description of the function's behavior.
5. For long docstrings, consider splitting the documentation with an
`# Extended help` header. The typical help-mode will show only the
material above the header; you can access the full help by adding a '?'
at the beginning of the expression (i.e., "??foo" rather than "?foo").

## Accessing Documentation

Expand Down
75 changes: 64 additions & 11 deletions stdlib/REPL/src/docview.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,8 +19,18 @@ using InteractiveUtils: subtypes
helpmode(io::IO, line::AbstractString) = :($REPL.insert_hlines($io, $(REPL._helpmode(io, line))))
helpmode(line::AbstractString) = helpmode(stdout, line)

const extended_help_on = Ref{Any}(nothing)

function _helpmode(io::IO, line::AbstractString)
line = strip(line)
if startswith(line, '?')
line = line[2:end]
extended_help_on[] = line
brief = false
extended_help_on[] = nothing
brief = true
x = Meta.parse(line, raise = false, depwarn = false)
expr =
if haskey(keywords, Symbol(line)) || isexpr(x, :error) || isexpr(x, :invalid)
Expand All @@ -37,7 +47,7 @@ function _helpmode(io::IO, line::AbstractString)
# the following must call repl(io, expr) via the @repl macro
# so that the resulting expressions are evaluated in the Base.Docs namespace
:($REPL.@repl $io $expr)
:($REPL.@repl $io $expr $brief)
_helpmode(line::AbstractString) = _helpmode(stdout, line)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +83,48 @@ function parsedoc(d::DocStr)

## Trimming long help ("# Extended help")

struct Message # For direct messages to the terminal
msg # AbstractString
fmt # keywords to `printstyled`
Message(msg) = Message(msg, ())

function Markdown.term(io::IO, msg::Message, columns)
printstyled(io, msg.msg; msg.fmt...)

function trimdocs(md::Markdown.MD, brief::Bool)
brief || return md
md, trimmed = _trimdocs(md, brief)
if trimmed
line = extended_help_on[]
line = isa(line, AbstractString) ? line : ""
push!(md.content, Message("Extended help is available with `??$line`", (color=Base.info_color(), bold=true)))
return md

function _trimdocs(md::Markdown.MD, brief::Bool)
content, trimmed = [], false
for c in md.content
if isa(c, Markdown.Header{1}) && isa(c.text, AbstractArray) &&
lowercase(c.text[1]) ("extended help",
"extended documentation",
"extended docs")
trimmed = true
c, trm = _trimdocs(c, brief)
trimmed |= trm
push!(content, c)
return Markdown.MD(content, md.meta), trimmed

_trimdocs(md, brief::Bool) = md, false

Docs.doc(binding, sig)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,29 +325,29 @@ function repl_latex(io::IO, s::String)
repl_latex(s::String) = repl_latex(stdout, s)

macro repl(ex) repl(ex) end
macro repl(io, ex) repl(io, ex) end
macro repl(ex, brief=false) repl(ex; brief=brief) end
macro repl(io, ex, brief) repl(io, ex; brief=brief) end

function repl(io::IO, s::Symbol)
function repl(io::IO, s::Symbol; brief::Bool=true)
str = string(s)
repl_latex($io, $str)
repl_search($io, $str)
$(if !isdefined(Main, s) && !haskey(keywords, s)
:(repl_corrections($io, $str))
$(_repl(s, brief))
isregex(x) = isexpr(x, :macrocall, 3) && x.args[1] === Symbol("@r_str") && !isempty(x.args[3])
repl(io::IO, ex::Expr) = isregex(ex) ? :(apropos($io, $ex)) : _repl(ex)
repl(io::IO, str::AbstractString) = :(apropos($io, $str))
repl(io::IO, other) = esc(:(@doc $other))
repl(io::IO, ex::Expr; brief::Bool=true) = isregex(ex) ? :(apropos($io, $ex)) : _repl(ex, brief)
repl(io::IO, str::AbstractString; brief::Bool=true) = :(apropos($io, $str))
repl(io::IO, other; brief::Bool=true) = esc(:(@doc $other))
#repl(io::IO, other) = lookup_doc(other) # TODO

repl(x) = repl(stdout, x)
repl(x; brief=true) = repl(stdout, x; brief=brief)

function _repl(x)
function _repl(x, brief=true)
if isexpr(x, :call)
# determine the types of the values
kwargs = nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,7 +401,7 @@ function _repl(x)
#docs = lookup_doc(x) # TODO
docs = esc(:(@doc $x))
if isfield(x)
docs = if isfield(x)
if isa($(esc(x.args[1])), DataType)
fielddoc($(esc(x.args[1])), $(esc(x.args[2])))
Expand All @@ -360,6 +412,7 @@ function _repl(x)
:(REPL.trimdocs($docs, $brief))

Expand Down
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions stdlib/REPL/test/repl.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1040,6 +1040,49 @@ for line in ["′", "abstract", "type", "|=", ".="]
sprint(show, Base.eval(REPL._helpmode(IOBuffer(), line))::Union{Markdown.MD,Nothing}))

# Issue #25930

# Brief and extended docs (issue #25930)
let text =
Short docs
# Extended help
Long docs
md = Markdown.parse(text)
@test md == REPL.trimdocs(md, false)
@test !isa(md.content[end], REPL.Message)
mdbrief = REPL.trimdocs(md, true)
@test length(mdbrief.content) == 3
@test isa(mdbrief.content[1], Markdown.Code)
@test isa(mdbrief.content[2], Markdown.Paragraph)
@test isa(mdbrief.content[3], REPL.Message)
@test occursin("??", mdbrief.content[3].msg)

module BriefExtended
Short docs
# Extended help
Long docs
f() = nothing
end # module BriefExtended
buf = IOBuffer()
md = Base.eval(REPL._helpmode(buf, "$(@__MODULE__).BriefExtended.f"))
@test length(md.content) == 2 && isa(md.content[2], REPL.Message)
buf = IOBuffer()
md = Base.eval(REPL._helpmode(buf, "?$(@__MODULE__).BriefExtended.f"))
@test length(md.content) == 1 && length(md.content[1].content[1].content) == 4

# PR #27562
fake_repl() do stdin_write, stdout_read, repl
repltask = @async begin
Expand Down
22 changes: 18 additions & 4 deletions test/docs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1011,28 +1011,42 @@ dynamic_test.x = "test 2"
@test @doc(dynamic_test) == "test 2 Union{}"
@test @doc(dynamic_test(::String)) == "test 2 Tuple{String}"

let dt1 = _repl(:(dynamic_test(1.0)))
# For testing purposes, strip off the `trimdocs(expr)` wrapper
function striptrimdocs(expr)
if Meta.isexpr(expr, :call)
fex = expr.args[1]
if Meta.isexpr(fex, :.) && fex.args[1] == :REPL
fmex = fex.args[2]
if isa(fmex, QuoteNode) && fmex.value == :trimdocs
expr = expr.args[2]
return expr

let dt1 = striptrimdocs(_repl(:(dynamic_test(1.0))))
@test dt1 isa Expr
@test dt1.args[1] isa Expr
@test dt1.args[1].head === :macrocall
@test dt1.args[1].args[1] == Symbol("@doc")
@test dt1.args[1].args[3] == :(dynamic_test(::typeof(1.0)))
let dt2 = _repl(:(dynamic_test(::String)))
let dt2 = striptrimdocs(_repl(:(dynamic_test(::String))))
@test dt2 isa Expr
@test dt2.args[1] isa Expr
@test dt2.args[1].head === :macrocall
@test dt2.args[1].args[1] == Symbol("@doc")
@test dt2.args[1].args[3] == :(dynamic_test(::String))
let dt3 = _repl(:(dynamic_test(a)))
let dt3 = striptrimdocs(_repl(:(dynamic_test(a))))
@test dt3 isa Expr
@test dt3.args[1] isa Expr
@test dt3.args[1].head === :macrocall
@test dt3.args[1].args[1] == Symbol("@doc")
@test dt3.args[1].args[3].args[2].head == :(::) # can't test equality due to line numbers
let dt4 = _repl(:(dynamic_test(1.0,u=2.0)))
let dt4 = striptrimdocs(_repl(:(dynamic_test(1.0,u=2.0))))
@test dt4 isa Expr
@test dt4.args[1] isa Expr
@test dt4.args[1].head === :macrocall
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