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Implement Base.parse for Rational (#44550)
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* Implement `Base.parse` for Rational
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henriquebecker91 authored Jun 17, 2022
1 parent c161a06 commit 2f90355
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions base/rational.jl
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function write(s::IO, z::Rational)
function parse(::Type{Rational{T}}, s::AbstractString) where T<:Integer
ss = split(s, '/'; limit = 2)
if isone(length(ss))
return Rational{T}(parse(T, s))
@inbounds ns, ds = ss[1], ss[2]
if startswith(ds, '/')
ds = chop(ds; head = 1, tail = 0)
n = parse(T, ns)
d = parse(T, ds)
return n//d

function Rational{T}(x::Rational) where T<:Integer
unsafe_rational(T, convert(T, x.num), convert(T, x.den))
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82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions test/rational.jl
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@test read(io2, typeof(rational2)) == rational2
@testset "parse" begin
# Non-negative Int in which parsing is expected to work
@test parse(Rational{Int}, string(10)) == 10 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "100/10" ) == 10 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "100 / 10") == 10 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "0 / 10") == 0 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "100//10" ) == 10 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "100 // 10") == 10 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "0 // 10") == 0 // 1

# Variations of the separator that should throw errors
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100\\10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 \\ 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100\\\\10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 \\\\ 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100/ /10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 / / 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100// /10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 // / 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100///10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 /// 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100÷10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 ÷ 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 10")

# Zero denominator, negative denominator, and double negative
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "0//0")
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "1000//-100") == -10 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "-1000//-100") == 10 // 1

# Negative Int tests in which parsing is expected to work
@test parse(Rational{Int}, string(-10)) == -10 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "-100/10" ) == -10 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 / 10") == -10 // 1
@test parse(Rational{Int}, "-100//10" ) == -10 // 1

# Variations of the separator that should throw errors (negative version)
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100\\10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 \\ 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100\\\\10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 \\\\ 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100/ /10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 / / 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100// /10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 // / 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100///10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 /// 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100÷10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 ÷ 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 -10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "-100 -10")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 -10" )
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Rational{Int}, "100 -10")
try # issue 44570
parse(Rational{BigInt}, "100 10")
@test_broken false
@test_broken true

# A few tests for other Integer types
@test parse(Rational{Bool}, "true") == true // true
@test parse(Rational{UInt8}, "0xff/0xf") == UInt8(17) // UInt8(1)
@test parse(Rational{Int8}, "-0x7e/0xf") == Int8(-126) // Int8(15)
@test parse(Rational{BigInt}, "$(big(typemax(Int))*16)/8") == (big(typemax(Int))*2) // big(1)
# Mixed notations
@test parse(Rational{UInt8}, "0x64//28") == UInt8(25) // UInt8(7)
@test parse(Rational{UInt8}, "100//0x1c") == UInt8(25) // UInt8(7)

# Out of the bounds tests
# 0x100 is 256, Int test works for both Int32 and Int64
# The error must be throw even if the canonicalized fraction fits
# (i.e., would be less than typemax after divided by 2 in examples below,
# both over typemax values are even).
@test_throws OverflowError parse(Rational{UInt8}, "0x100/0x1")
@test_throws OverflowError parse(Rational{UInt8}, "0x100/0x2")
@test_throws OverflowError parse(Rational{Int}, "$(big(typemax(Int)) + 1)/1")
@test_throws OverflowError parse(Rational{Int}, "$(big(typemax(Int)) + 1)/2")
end # parse

@testset "round" begin
@test round(11//2) == round(11//2, RoundNearest) == 6//1 # rounds to closest _even_ integer
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