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inference: model partially initialized structs with PartialStruct (#…
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There is still room for improvement in the accuracy of `getfield` and
`isdefined` for structs with uninitialized fields. This commit aims to
enhance the accuracy of struct field defined-ness by propagating such
struct as `PartialStruct` in cases where fields that might be
uninitialized are confirmed to be defined. Specifically, the
improvements are made in the following situations:
1. when a `:new` expression receives arguments greater than the minimum
number of initialized fields.
2. when new information about the initialized fields of `x` can be
obtained in the `then` branch of `if isdefined(x, :f)`.

Combined with the existing optimizations, these improvements enable DCE
in scenarios such as:
julia> @noinline broadcast_noescape1(a) = (broadcast(identity, a); nothing);

julia> @allocated broadcast_noescape1(Ref("x"))
16 # master
0  # this PR

One important point to note is that, as revealed in
#48999, fields and globals can revert to `undef` during
precompilation. This commit does not affect globals. Furthermore, even
for fields, the refinements made by 1. and 2. are propagated along with
data-flow, and field defined-ness information is only used when fields
are confirmed to be initialized. Therefore, the same issues as
#48999 will not occur by this commit.
  • Loading branch information
aviatesk authored and KristofferC committed Sep 12, 2024
1 parent 58d4852 commit 2ae3cc8
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Showing 8 changed files with 393 additions and 126 deletions.
86 changes: 58 additions & 28 deletions base/compiler/abstractinterpretation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2006,33 +2006,64 @@ function abstract_call_builtin(interp::AbstractInterpreter, f::Builtin, (; fargs
return Conditional(aty.slot, thentype, elsetype)
elseif f === isdefined
uty = argtypes[2]
a = ssa_def_slot(fargs[2], sv)
if isa(uty, Union) && isa(a, SlotNumber)
fld = argtypes[3]
thentype = Bottom
elsetype = Bottom
for ty in uniontypes(uty)
cnd = isdefined_tfunc(𝕃ᵢ, ty, fld)
if isa(cnd, Const)
if cnd.val::Bool
thentype = thentype ty
if isa(a, SlotNumber)
argtype2 = argtypes[2]
if isa(argtype2, Union)
fld = argtypes[3]
thentype = Bottom
elsetype = Bottom
for ty in uniontypes(argtype2)
cnd = isdefined_tfunc(𝕃ᵢ, ty, fld)
if isa(cnd, Const)
if cnd.val::Bool
thentype = thentype ty
elsetype = elsetype ty
thentype = thentype ty
elsetype = elsetype ty
thentype = thentype ty
elsetype = elsetype ty
return Conditional(a, thentype, elsetype)
thentype = form_partially_defined_struct(argtype2, argtypes[3])
if thentype !== nothing
elsetype = argtype2
if rt === Const(false)
thentype = Bottom
elseif rt === Const(true)
elsetype = Bottom
return Conditional(a, thentype, elsetype)
return Conditional(a, thentype, elsetype)
@assert !isa(rt, TypeVar) "unhandled TypeVar"
return rt

function form_partially_defined_struct(@nospecialize(obj), @nospecialize(name))
obj isa Const && return nothing # nothing to refine
name isa Const || return nothing
objt0 = widenconst(obj)
objt = unwrap_unionall(objt0)
objt isa DataType || return nothing
isabstracttype(objt) && return nothing
fldidx = try_compute_fieldidx(objt, name.val)
fldidx === nothing && return nothing
nminfld = datatype_min_ninitialized(objt)
if ismutabletype(objt)
fldidx == nminfld+1 || return nothing
fldidx > nminfld || return nothing
return PartialStruct(objt0, Any[fieldtype(objt0, i) for i = 1:fldidx])

function abstract_call_unionall(interp::AbstractInterpreter, argtypes::Vector{Any}, call::CallMeta)
na = length(argtypes)
if isvarargtype(argtypes[end])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2573,20 +2604,18 @@ function abstract_eval_new(interp::AbstractInterpreter, e::Expr, vtypes::Union{V
ats[i] = at
# For now, don't allow:
# - Const/PartialStruct of mutables (but still allow PartialStruct of mutables
# with `const` fields if anything refined)
# - partially initialized Const/PartialStruct
if fcount == nargs
if consistent === ALWAYS_TRUE && allconst
argvals = Vector{Any}(undef, nargs)
for j in 1:nargs
argvals[j] = (ats[j]::Const).val
rt = Const(ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt32), rt, argvals, nargs))
elseif anyrefine
rt = PartialStruct(rt, ats)
if fcount == nargs && consistent === ALWAYS_TRUE && allconst
argvals = Vector{Any}(undef, nargs)
for j in 1:nargs
argvals[j] = (ats[j]::Const).val
rt = Const(ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt32), rt, argvals, nargs))
elseif anyrefine || nargs > datatype_min_ninitialized(rt)
# propagate partially initialized struct as `PartialStruct` when:
# - any refinement information is available (`anyrefine`), or when
# - `nargs` is greater than `n_initialized` derived from the struct type
# information alone
rt = PartialStruct(rt, ats)
rt = refine_partial_type(rt)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3094,7 +3123,8 @@ end
@nospecializeinfer function widenreturn_partials(𝕃ᵢ::PartialsLattice, @nospecialize(rt), info::BestguessInfo)
if isa(rt, PartialStruct)
fields = copy(rt.fields)
local anyrefine = false
anyrefine = !isvarargtype(rt.fields[end]) &&
length(rt.fields) > datatype_min_ninitialized(unwrap_unionall(rt.typ))
𝕃 = typeinf_lattice(info.interp)
= strictpartialorder(𝕃)
for i in 1:length(fields)
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion base/compiler/ssair/passes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1166,7 +1166,12 @@ struct IntermediaryCollector <: WalkerCallback
function (walker_callback::IntermediaryCollector)(@nospecialize(def), @nospecialize(defssa::AnySSAValue))
isa(def, Expr) || push!(walker_callback.intermediaries,
if !(def isa Expr)
if def isa PiNode
return LiftedValue(def.val)
return nothing

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42 changes: 30 additions & 12 deletions base/compiler/tfuncs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -419,23 +419,29 @@ end
return Bottom
if 1 <= idx <= datatype_min_ninitialized(a1)
if 1 idx datatype_min_ninitialized(a1)
return Const(true)
if isconcretetype(a1)
return Const(false)
ns = a1.parameters[1]
if isa(ns, Tuple)
return Const(1 <= idx <= length(ns))
return Const(1 idx length(ns))
elseif idx <= 0 || (!isvatuple(a1) && idx > fieldcount(a1))
elseif idx 0 || (!isvatuple(a1) && idx > fieldcount(a1))
return Const(false)
elseif isa(arg1, Const)
if !ismutabletype(a1) || isconst(a1, idx)
return Const(isdefined(arg1.val, idx))
elseif isa(arg1, PartialStruct)
if !isvarargtype(arg1.fields[end])
if 1 idx length(arg1.fields)
return Const(true)
elseif !isvatuple(a1)
fieldT = fieldtype(a1, idx)
if isa(fieldT, DataType) && isbitstype(fieldT)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -989,27 +995,39 @@ end
= partialorder(𝕃)

# If we have s00 being a const, we can potentially refine our type-based analysis above
if isa(s00, Const) || isconstType(s00)
if !isa(s00, Const)
sv = (s00::DataType).parameters[1]
if isa(s00, Const) || isconstType(s00) || isa(s00, PartialStruct)
if isa(s00, Const)
sv = s00.val
sty = typeof(sv)
nflds = nfields(sv)
ismod = sv isa Module
elseif isa(s00, PartialStruct)
sty = unwrap_unionall(s00.typ)
nflds = fieldcount_noerror(sty)
ismod = false
sv = (s00::DataType).parameters[1]
sty = typeof(sv)
nflds = nfields(sv)
ismod = sv isa Module
if isa(name, Const)
nval = name.val
if !isa(nval, Symbol)
isa(sv, Module) && return false
ismod && return false
isa(nval, Int) || return false
return isdefined_tfunc(𝕃, s00, name) === Const(true)
boundscheck && return false

# If bounds checking is disabled and all fields are assigned,
# we may assume that we don't throw
isa(sv, Module) && return false
@assert !boundscheck
ismod && return false
name Int || name Symbol || return false
typeof(sv).name.n_uninitialized == 0 && return true
for i = (datatype_min_ninitialized(typeof(sv)) + 1):nfields(sv) == 0 && return true
nflds === nothing && return false
for i = (datatype_min_ninitialized(sty)+1):nflds
isdefined_tfunc(𝕃, s00, Const(i)) === Const(true) || return false
return true
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87 changes: 60 additions & 27 deletions base/compiler/typelattice.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,17 +6,42 @@

# N.B.: Const/PartialStruct/InterConditional are defined in Core, to allow them to be used
# inside the global code cache.
# # The type of a value might be constant
# struct Const
# val
# end
# struct PartialStruct
# typ
# fields::Vector{Any} # elements are other type lattice members
# end

import Core: Const, PartialStruct

struct Const
The type representing a constant value.

struct PartialStruct
fields::Vector{Any} # elements are other type lattice members
This extended lattice element is introduced when we have information about an object's
fields beyond what can be obtained from the object type. E.g. it represents a tuple where
some elements are known to be constants or a struct whose `Any`-typed field is initialized
with `Int` values.
- `typ` indicates the type of the object
- `fields` holds the lattice elements corresponding to each field of the object
If `typ` is a struct, `fields` represents the fields of the struct that are guaranteed to be
initialized. For instance, if the length of `fields` of `PartialStruct` representing a
struct with 4 fields is 3, the 4th field may not be initialized. If the length is 4, all
fields are guaranteed to be initialized.
If `typ` is a tuple, the last element of `fields` may be `Vararg`. In this case, it is
guaranteed that the number of elements in the tuple is at least `length(fields)-1`, but the
exact number of elements is unknown.
function PartialStruct(@nospecialize(typ), fields::Vector{Any})
for i = 1:length(fields)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,23 +82,20 @@ end
Conditional(var::SlotNumber, @nospecialize(thentype), @nospecialize(elsetype)) =
Conditional(slot_id(var), thentype, elsetype)

import Core: InterConditional
struct InterConditional
Similar to `Conditional`, but conveys inter-procedural constraints imposed on call arguments.
This is separate from `Conditional` to catch logic errors: the lattice element name is `InterConditional`
while processing a call, then `Conditional` everywhere else. Thus `InterConditional` does not appear in
`CompilerTypes`—these type's usages are disjoint—though we define the lattice for `InterConditional`.
import Core: InterConditional
# struct InterConditional
# slot::Int
# thentype
# elsetype
# InterConditional(slot::Int, @nospecialize(thentype), @nospecialize(elsetype)) =
# new(slot, thentype, elsetype)
# end
InterConditional(var::SlotNumber, @nospecialize(thentype), @nospecialize(elsetype)) =
InterConditional(slot_id(var), thentype, elsetype)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -447,8 +469,13 @@ end
@nospecializeinfer function (lattice::PartialsLattice, @nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b))
if isa(a, PartialStruct)
if isa(b, PartialStruct)
if !(length(a.fields) == length(b.fields) && a.typ <: b.typ)
return false
a.typ <: b.typ || return false
if length(a.fields) length(b.fields)
if !(isvarargtype(a.fields[end]) || isvarargtype(b.fields[end]))
length(a.fields) length(b.fields) || return false
return false
for i in 1:length(b.fields)
af = a.fields[i]
Expand All @@ -471,19 +498,25 @@ end
return isa(b, Type) && a.typ <: b
elseif isa(b, PartialStruct)
if isa(a, Const)
nf = nfields(a.val)
nf == length(b.fields) || return false
widea = widenconst(a)::DataType
wideb = widenconst(b)
wideb′ = unwrap_unionall(wideb)::DataType === wideb′.name || return false
# We can skip the subtype check if b is a Tuple, since in that
# case, the ⊑ of the elements is sufficient.
if wideb′.name !== && !(widea <: wideb)
return false
if wideb′.name ===
# We can skip the subtype check if b is a Tuple, since in that
# case, the ⊑ of the elements is sufficient.
# But for tuple comparisons, we need their lengths to be the same for now.
# TODO improve accuracy for cases when `b` contains vararg element
nfields(a.val) == length(b.fields) || return false
widea <: wideb || return false
# for structs we need to check that `a` has more information than `b` that may be partially initialized
n_initialized(a) length(b.fields) || return false
nf = nfields(a.val)
for i in 1:nf
isdefined(a.val, i) || continue # since ∀ T Union{} ⊑ T
i > length(b.fields) && break # `a` has more information than `b` that is partially initialized struct
bfᵢ = b.fields[i]
if i == nf
bfᵢ = unwrapva(bfᵢ)
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