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change lowering of ccall cconvert arguments
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ccall(:a, B, (C,), d) is now lowered as:
  d#1 = cconvert_gcroot(C, d)
  Expr(:call, :ccall, :a, B, (C,), cconvert(C, d#1), d#1)

This allows implementation of the special-case ccall lowering logic in Julia
and still create a gcroot for it as needed

the Ref{T} type is the new supertype of Ptr{T}. the ccall emission
turns a Ref{T} into a Ptr{T}, as if the &addressOf operator had been
applied. the specific rules for this will be moved from the current
gist to the documentation at a later point.
  • Loading branch information
vtjnash committed Feb 27, 2015
1 parent 37c4cac commit 0b05cde
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Showing 23 changed files with 398 additions and 344 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions base/abstractarray.jl
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# convert Arrays to pointer arrays for ccall
cconvert_gcroot{P<:Ptr}(::Type{Ptr{P}}, a::Array{P}) = a
function cconvert_gcroot{P<:Ptr}(::Type{Ptr{P}}, a::Array)
ptrs = Array(P, length(a)+1)
for i = 1:length(a)
ptrs[i] = convert(P, a[i])
ptrs[length(a)+1] = C_NULL
return ptrs

size{T,n}(t::AbstractArray{T,n}, d) = d <= n ? size(t)[d] : 1
size(x, d1::Integer, d2::Integer, dx::Integer...) = tuple(size(x, d1), size(x, d2, dx...)...)
eltype{T}(::Type{AbstractArray{T}}) = T
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16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions base/base.jl
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Expand Up @@ -52,16 +52,12 @@ convert{T}(::Type{(T...)}, x::Tuple) = cnvt_all(T, x...)
cnvt_all(T) = ()
cnvt_all(T, x, rest...) = tuple(convert(T,x), cnvt_all(T, rest...)...)

ptr_arg_convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, x) = convert(T, x)
ptr_arg_convert(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, x) = x

# conversion used by ccall
cconvert(T, x) = convert(T, x)
# use the code in ccall.cpp to safely allocate temporary pointer arrays
cconvert{T}(::Type{Ptr{Ptr{T}}}, a::Array) = a
# convert strings to ByteString to pass as pointers
cconvert{P<:Union(Int8,UInt8)}(::Type{Ptr{P}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s)
# conversions used by ccall
ptr_arg_cconvert_gcroot{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, x) = cconvert_gcroot(T, x)
ptr_arg_cconvert{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, x) = cconvert(T, x)
ptr_arg_cconvert(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, x) = x
cconvert_gcroot(T, x) = x
cconvert(T, x) = convert(T,x)

reinterpret{T,S}(::Type{T}, x::S) = box(T,unbox(S,x))

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions base/boot.jl
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# contents::T

#bitstype {32|64} Ptr{T}
#abstract Ref{T}
#bitstype {32|64} Ptr{T} <: Ref{T}

# types for the front end

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ export
Module, Symbol, Task, Array, GenSym,
# numeric types
Bool, FloatingPoint, Float16, Float32, Float64, Number, Integer, Int, Int8, Int16,
Int32, Int64, Int128, Ptr, Real, Signed, UInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32,
Int32, Int64, Int128, Ref, Ptr, Real, Signed, UInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32,
UInt64, UInt128, Unsigned,
# string types
Char, ASCIIString, ByteString, DirectIndexString, AbstractString, UTF8String,
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15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion base/inference.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,20 @@ t_func[fpiseq] = (2, 2, cmp_tfunc)
t_func[fpislt] = (2, 2, cmp_tfunc)
t_func[nan_dom_err] = (2, 2, (a, b)->a)
t_func[eval(Core.Intrinsics,:ccall)] =
(3, Inf, (fptr, rt, at, a...)->(isType(rt) ? rt.parameters[1] : Any))
(3, Inf, function(fptr, rt, at, a...)
if !isType(rt)
return Any
t = rt.parameters[1]
if isa(t,DataType) && is((t::DataType).name,
t = t.parameters[1]
if is(t,Any)
return Union() # a return type of Box{Any} is invalid
return t
return t
t_func[eval(Core.Intrinsics,:llvmcall)] =
(3, Inf, (fptr, rt, at, a...)->(isType(rt) ? rt.parameters[1] :
isa(rt,Tuple) ? map(x->x.parameters[1],rt) : Any))
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions base/pcre.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function info{T}(
extra::Ptr{Void}, what::Integer, ::Type{T}
buf = Array(UInt8,sizeof(T))
buf = zeros(UInt8,sizeof(T))
ret = ccall((:pcre_fullinfo, :libpcre), Int32,
(Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{UInt8}),
regex, extra, what, buf)
Expand All @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ function info{T}(

function config{T}(what::Integer, ::Type{T})
buf = Array(UInt8, sizeof(T))
buf = zeros(UInt8, sizeof(T))
ret = ccall((:pcre_config, :libpcre), Int32,
(Int32, Ptr{UInt8}),
what, buf)
Expand All @@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ end

function compile(pattern::AbstractString, options::Integer)
errstr = Array(Ptr{UInt8},1)
erroff = Array(Int32,1)
errstr[1] = C_NULL
erroff = zeros(Int32,1)
re_ptr = ccall((:pcre_compile, :libpcre), Ptr{Void},
(Ptr{UInt8}, Int32, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{UInt8}),
pattern, options, errstr, erroff, C_NULL)
Expand All @@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ end
function study(regex::Ptr{Void}, options::Integer)
# NOTE: options should always be zero in current PCRE
errstr = Array(Ptr{UInt8},1)
errstr[1] = C_NULL
extra = ccall((:pcre_study, :libpcre), Ptr{Void},
(Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}),
regex, options, errstr)
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12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions base/pointer.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,16 +19,13 @@ convert(::Type{Ptr{UInt8}}, x::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_symbol_name, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any
convert(::Type{Ptr{Int8}}, x::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_symbol_name, Ptr{Int8}, (Any,), x)
convert(::Type{Ptr{UInt8}}, s::ByteString) = convert(Ptr{UInt8},
convert(::Type{Ptr{Int8}}, s::ByteString) = convert(Ptr{Int8},
# convert strings to ByteString to pass as pointers
cconvert_gcroot(::Type{Ptr{UInt8}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s)
cconvert_gcroot(::Type{Ptr{Int8}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s)

convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, a::Array{T}) = ccall(:jl_array_ptr, Ptr{T}, (Any,), a)
convert(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, a::Array) = ccall(:jl_array_ptr, Ptr{Void}, (Any,), a)

# note: these definitions don't mean any AbstractArray is convertible to
# pointer. they just map the array element type to the pointer type for
# convenience in cases that work.
pointer{T}(x::AbstractArray{T}) = convert(Ptr{T},x)
pointer{T}(x::AbstractArray{T}, i::Integer) = convert(Ptr{T},x) + (i-1)*elsize(x)

# unsafe pointer to array conversions
pointer_to_array(p, d::Integer, own=false) = pointer_to_array(p, (d,), own)
function pointer_to_array{T,N}(p::Ptr{T}, dims::NTuple{N,Int}, own::Bool=false)
Expand All @@ -53,7 +50,8 @@ unsafe_store!{T}(p::Ptr{T}, x) = pointerset(p, convert(T,x), 1)

# convert a raw Ptr to an object reference, and vice-versa
unsafe_pointer_to_objref(x::Ptr) = ccall(:jl_value_ptr, Any, (Ptr{Void},), x)
pointer_from_objref(x::Any) = ccall(:jl_value_ptr, Ptr{Void}, (Any,), x)
pointer_from_objref(x::ANY) = ccall(:jl_value_ptr, Ptr{Void}, (Any,), x)
data_pointer_from_objref(x::ANY) = pointer_from_objref(x)::Ptr{Void}+Core.sizeof(Int)

integer(x::Ptr) = convert(UInt, x)
unsigned(x::Ptr) = convert(UInt, x)
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121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions base/refpointer.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
### General Methods for Ref{T} type

Base.eltype{T}(x::Type{Ref{T}}) = T
Base.convert{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x::Ref{T}) = x

# create Ref objects for general object conversion
@inline Base.cconvert_gcroot{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x) = convert(Ref{T}, x)
@inline Base.cconvert{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x) = convert(Ptr{T}, x)

### Methods for a Ref object that can store a single value

type RefValue{T} <: Ref{T}
RefValue() = new()
RefValue(x) = new(x)
Base.convert{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x) = RefValue{T}(x){T}(::Type{Ref{T}}) = RefValue{T}()

Ref(x::Ref) = x
Ref{T}(x::T) = RefValue{T}(x)
Ref{T}(x::Ptr{T}, i::Integer=1) = x + (i-1)*Core.sizeof(T)
Ref(x, i::Integer) = (i != 1 && error("Object only has one element"); Ref(x))

@inline function Base.convert{T}(P::Type{Ptr{T}}, b::RefValue{T})
if isbits(T)
return convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b))
return convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b.x))
@inline function Base.convert(P::Type{Ptr{Any}}, b::RefValue{Any})
return convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b))
@inline Base.convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, b::RefValue{T}) = Base.convert(Ptr{Void}, Base.convert(Ptr{T}, b))

### Methods for a Ref object that is backed by an array at index i

# note: the following type definitions don't mean any AbstractArray is convertible to
# a data Ref. they just map the array element type to the pointer type for
# convenience in cases that work.
pointer{T}(x::AbstractArray{T}) = convert(Ptr{T},x)
pointer{T}(x::AbstractArray{T}, i::Integer) = convert(Ptr{T},x) + (i-1)*elsize(x)

immutable RefArray{T, A<:AbstractArray} <: Ref{T}
RefArray(x,i) = (@assert(eltype(A) == T); new(x,i))
convert{T}(::Type{Ref{T}}, x::AbstractArray{T}) = RefArray{T,typeof(x)}(x, 1)
Ref{T}(x::AbstractArray{T}, i::Integer=1) = RefArray{T,typeof(x)}(x, i)

@inline function Base.convert{T}(P::Type{Ptr{T}}, b::RefArray{T})
if isbits(T)
convert(P, pointer(b.x, b.i))
convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b.x[b.i]))
@inline function Base.convert(P::Type{Ptr{Any}}, b::RefArray{Any})
return convert(P, pointer(b.x, b.i))
@inline Base.convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, b::RefArray{T}) = Base.convert(Ptr{Void}, Base.convert(Ptr{T}, b))

### Methods for a Ref object that is backed by an array at index (i...)

immutable RefArrayND{T, A<:AbstractArray} <: Ref{T}
RefArrayND(x,i) = (@assert(eltype(A) == T); new(x,i))
Ref{A<:AbstractArray}(x::A, i::Integer...) = RefArrayND{eltype(A),A}(x, i)
Ref{A<:AbstractArray}(x::A, i::(Integer...)) = RefArrayND{eltype(A),A}(x, i)

@inline function Base.convert{T}(P::Type{Ptr{T}}, b::RefArrayND{T})
if isbits(T)
convert(P, pointer(b.x, b.i...))
convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b.x[b.i...]))
@inline function Base.convert(P::Type{Ptr{Any}}, b::RefArrayND{Any})
return convert(P, pointer(b.x, b.i...))
@inline Base.convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, b::RefArrayND{T}) = Base.convert(Ptr{Void}, Base.convert(Ptr{T}, b))

### Methods for a Ref object that is backed by an array at index (Any...)

immutable RefArrayI{T} <: Ref{T}
RefArrayI(x,i::ANY) = (@assert(eltype(A) == T); new(x,i))
Ref{T}(x::AbstractArray{T}, i...) = RefArrayI{T}(x, i)
Ref{T}(x::AbstractArray{T}, i::Tuple) = RefArrayI{T}(x, i)

@inline function Base.convert{T}(P::Type{Ptr{T}}, b::RefArrayI{T})
if isbits(T)
convert(P, pointer(b.x, b.i...))
convert(P, data_pointer_from_objref(b.x[b.i...]))
@inline function Base.convert(P::Type{Ptr{Any}}, b::RefArrayI{Any})
return convert(P, pointer(b.x, b.i...))
@inline Base.convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, b::RefArrayI{T}) = Base.convert(Ptr{Void}, Base.convert(Ptr{T}, b))


Base.getindex(b::RefValue) = b.x
Base.getindex(b::RefArray) = b.x[b.i]
Base.getindex(b::RefArrayND) = b.x[b.i...]
Base.getindex(b::RefArrayI) = b.x[b.i...]

Base.setindex!(b::RefValue, x) = (b.x = x; b)
Base.setindex!(b::RefArray, x) = (b.x[b.i] = x; b)
Base.setindex!(b::RefArrayND, x) = (b.x[b.i...] = x; b)
Base.setindex!(b::RefArrayI, x) = (b.x[b.i...] = x; b)

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion base/socket.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -593,7 +593,8 @@ const _sizeof_uv_interface_address = ccall(:jl_uv_sizeof_interface_address,Int32

function getipaddr()
addr = Array(Ptr{UInt8},1)
count = Array(Int32,1)
addr[1] = C_NULL
count = zeros(Int32,1)
lo_present = false
err = ccall(:jl_uv_interface_addresses,Int32,(Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}},Ptr{Int32}),addr,count)
addr, count = addr[1],count[1]
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions base/sysimg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ include("dict.jl")
include("refpointer.jl") #XXX: move this earlier when we don't need @inline annotations anymore

# SIMD loops
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/alloc.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ jl_datatype_t *jl_typeerror_type;
jl_datatype_t *jl_methoderror_type;
jl_datatype_t *jl_loaderror_type;
jl_datatype_t *jl_undefvarerror_type;
jl_datatype_t *jl_ref_type;
jl_datatype_t *jl_pointer_type;
jl_datatype_t *jl_void_type;
jl_datatype_t *jl_voidpointer_type;
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/builtins.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1156,6 +1156,7 @@ void jl_init_primitives(void)
add_builtin("IntrinsicFunction", (jl_value_t*)jl_intrinsic_type);
add_builtin("Function", (jl_value_t*)jl_function_type);
add_builtin("LambdaStaticData", (jl_value_t*)jl_lambda_info_type);
add_builtin("Ref", (jl_value_t*)jl_ref_type);
add_builtin("Ptr", (jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type);
add_builtin("Box", (jl_value_t*)jl_box_type);
add_builtin("Task", (jl_value_t*)jl_task_type);
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