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WIP Canny edge detection
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zygmuntszpak committed Jun 25, 2020
1 parent 9ffcfef commit c04eb82
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Showing 4 changed files with 230 additions and 10 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ version = "0.1.0"

ColorVectorSpace = "c3611d14-8923-5661-9e6a-0046d554d3a4"
DataStructures = "864edb3b-99cc-5e75-8d2d-829cb0a9cfe8"
ImageCore = "a09fc81d-aa75-5fe9-8630-4744c3626534"
ImageFiltering = "6a3955dd-da59-5b1f-98d4-e7296123deb5"
MappedArrays = "dbb5928d-eab1-5f90-85c2-b9b0edb7c900"
Parameters = "d96e819e-fc66-5662-9728-84c9c7592b0a"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
UnPack = "3a884ed6-31ef-47d7-9d2a-63182c4928ed"

julia = "1"
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/EdgeDetectionAPI/edge_detection.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ following pattern:
f = Canny()
# then pass the algorithm to `detect_edges`
img_edges = detect_edges(img, f)
img_edges, list_edges = detect_edges(img, f)
# or use in-place version `thin_edges!`
# or use in-place version `detect_edges!`
img_edges = similar(img)
detect_edges!(img_edges, img, f)
list_edges = detect_edges!(img_edges, img, f)
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/ImageEdgeDetection.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
module ImageEdgeDetection

using ColorVectorSpace
using DataStructures
using ImageCore
using ImageFiltering
using MappedArrays
using Parameters: @with_kw # Same as Base.@kwdef but works on Julia 1.0
using UnPack
using StaticArrays

# TODO: port EdgeDetectionAPI to ImagesAPI
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228 changes: 221 additions & 7 deletions src/algorithms/canny.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Canny <: AbstractEdgeDetectionAlgorithm
Canny(;) #TODO Decide on keywords
Canny(; spatial_scale = 1, high = 0.2, low = 0.05)
detect_edges([T,] img, f::Canny)
detect_edges!([out,] img, f::Canny)
Returns an image depicting the edges of the input image.
Returns a binary image depicting the edges of the input image.
# Details
Expand All @@ -30,14 +30,96 @@ imshow(img_edges)
@with_kw struct Canny{T₁ <: Union{Real,AbstractGray},
T₂ <: Union{Real,AbstractGray}} <: AbstractEdgeDetectionAlgorithm
example_keyword_1::T₁ = 0
example_keyword_2::T₂ = 0
T₂ <: Union{Real,AbstractGray},
T₃ <: Union{Real,AbstractGray}} <: AbstractEdgeDetectionAlgorithm
spatial_scale::T₁ = 1 # radius of a Gaussain filter
# relative to the maximum gradient magnitude
high::T₂ = 0.05
low::T₃ = 0.01

function (f::Canny)(out::GenericGrayImage, img::GenericGrayImage)
@unpack spatial_scale, high, low = f
σ = spatial_scale

# Smooth the image with a Gaussian filter of width σ, which specifies the
# scale level of the edge detector.
kernel = KernelFactors.IIRGaussian((σ,σ))
imgf = imfilter(img, kernel, NA())

# Calculate the gradient vector at each position of the filtered image.
# The derivatives are taken with respect to the first and second dimension.
#gy, gx = imgradients(imgf, KernelFactors.scharr)
#gy, gx = imgradients(imgf, KernelFactors.ando3)
#gx, gy = imgradients(imgf, KernelFactors.sobel)
#gx, gy = imgradients(imgf, KernelFactors.bickley)
gy, gx = imgradients(imgf, KernelFactors.bickley)

# Gradient magnitude
mag = hypot.(gx, gy)

#l = maximum(mag)
#mag = mag .* (100 / l)

# Isolate local maxima of gradient magnitude by “non-maximum suppression”
# along the local gradient direction.
#nms = zeros(eltype(img), axes(img))
nms = zeros(Float64, axes(img))
suppress_non_maxima!(nms, mag, gx, gy, low)

# Collect sets of connected edge pixels from the local maxima by applying
# “hysteresis thresholding”.
edges = zeros(eltype(img), axes(img))
traced_edges = Vector{Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}}()
for i in CartesianIndices(nms)
if nms[i] >= high && edges[i] == 0
trace = Vector{CartesianIndex}()
trace_and_threshold!(edges, trace, nms, i, low)
push!(traced_edges, trace)

𝛉 = zeros(axes(out))
for i in CartesianIndices(out)
x = gx[i]
y = gy[i]
θ = atan(y,x)
#θ = atan(y/x)
𝛉[i] = θ

out .= edges

return traced_edges

# rows, cols = axes(img)
# img_padded = padarray(img, Fill(0, (2,2)))
# for r = first(rows):last(rows)
# for c = first(cols):last(cols)
# #i = CartesianIndex(r, c)
# dx = gx[r, c]
# dy = gy[r, c]
# 𝐝 = SVector(dx, dy)
# sector = get_orientation_sector(𝐑, 𝐝)
# if is_local_maximum(mag, r, c, sector, low)
# # only keep local maxima
# nms[r,c] = mag[r,c]
# end
# end
# end

# Edge localization
Isolate local maxima of gradient magnitude by “non-
maximum suppression” along the local gradient direction.

# Edge tracing and hysteresis thresholding
Collect sets of connected edge pixels from the local maxima by applying “hysteresis thresholding”.


function (f::Canny)(out::AbstractArray{<:Color3}, img::AbstractArray{<:Color3})
Expand All @@ -46,3 +128,135 @@ end

(f::Canny)(out::GenericGrayImage, img::AbstractArray{<:Color3}) =
f(out, of_eltype(Gray, img))

suppress_non_maxima!(nms::AbstractArray, mag::AbstractArray, gx::AbstractArray, gy::AbstractArray, low::Number)
Isolates local maxima of gradient magnitude by “non-maximum suppression” along the local gradient direction.
function suppress_non_maxima!(nms::AbstractArray, mag::AbstractArray, gx::AbstractArray, gy::AbstractArray, low::Number)
# Used to rotate a 2D vector by π/8 degrees as part of the
# get_orientation_sector routine to sidestep the need for
# trigonometric operations.
𝐑 = @SMatrix [cos/8) -sin/8) ;
sin/8) cos/8)]
#𝐑 = inv(𝐑)

rows, cols = axes(mag)
for r = (first(rows) + 1):(last(rows) - 1)
for c = (first(cols) + 1):(last(cols) - 1)
i = CartesianIndex(r, c)
dx = gx[i]
dy = gy[i]
𝐝 = SVector(dx, dy) # TODO
sector = get_orientation_sector(𝐑, 𝐝)
if is_local_maximum(mag, i, sector, low)
# only keep local maxima
nms[r,c] = mag[r,c]
return nothing

get_orientation_sector(𝐑::AbstractArray, 𝐝₀::AbstractVector)
Returns an orientation sector `s` (`s ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}`) for the 2D
vector `[dx, dy]`.
function get_orientation_sector(𝐑::AbstractArray, 𝐝₀::AbstractVector)
# Rotate 𝐝₀ by π/8 degrees
𝐝₁ = 𝐑 * 𝐝₀
dx, dy = 𝐝₁

# Mirror to octants 0, ..., 3
if dy < 0
dx = -dx
dy = -dy

sector = 0
if (dx >= 0) && (dx >= dy)
sector = 0
elseif (dx >= 0) && (dx < dy)
sector = 1
elseif (dx < 0) && (-dx < dy)
sector = 2
elseif (dx < 0) && (-dx >= dy)
sector = 3
return sector

is_local_maximum(mag::AbstractArray, r::Int, c::Int, sector::Int, low::Number)
Determines if the gradient magnitude `mag` is a local maximum at position
`[r,c]` in the direction `sector ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}`.
function is_local_maximum(mag::AbstractArray, i::CartesianIndex, sector::Int, low::Number)
mc = mag[i]
r, c = i.I
if mc < low
return false
if sector == 0
ml = mag[r - 1, c]
mr = mag[r + 1, c]
elseif sector == 1
ml = mag[r - 1, c - 1]
mr = mag[r + 1, c + 1]
elseif sector == 2
ml = mag[r, c - 1]
mr = mag[r, c + 1]
else # sector == 3
ml = mag[r - 1, c + 1]
mr = mag[r + 1, c - 1]
return (ml <= mc) && (mc >= mr)

trace_and_threshold!(out::AbstractArray, trace::Vector{CartesianIndex}, mag::AbstractArray, i₀::CartesianIndex, low::Number)
Recursively collects and marks all pixels of an edge that are 8-connected to i₀ and
exhibit a gradient magnitude above `low`.
function trace_and_threshold!(out::AbstractArray, trace::Vector{CartesianIndex}, mag::AbstractArray, i₀::CartesianIndex, low::Number)
stack = Stack{CartesianIndex{2}}()
push!(stack, i₀)
# Trace all the pixels that are reachable from the current edge pixel.
rows, cols = axes(out)
while !isempty(stack)
i = pop!(stack)
# Mark the pixel as visited.
out[i] = 1.0
# Add it to the list of edge pixels.
push!(trace, i)
rᵢ, cᵢ = i.I
# Ensure we don't exceed the image bounds
r₀ = (rᵢ > firstindex(rows)) ? rᵢ - 1 : firstindex(rows)
r₁ = (rᵢ < lastindex(rows)) ? rᵢ + 1 : lastindex(rows)
c₀ = (cᵢ > firstindex(cols)) ? cᵢ - 1 : firstindex(cols)
c₁ = (cᵢ < lastindex(cols)) ? cᵢ + 1 : lastindex(cols)

# Search the neighbourhood for any connected pixels which exceed
# the minimum edge magnitude threshold `low`.
for r = r₀:r₁
for c = c₀:c₁
j = CartesianIndex(r,c)
if out[j] == 0 && mag[j] >= low
push!(stack, j)

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