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Resolves problem of incorrect handing of NaN values
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The Gaussian filtering step associated with the Canny edge detector used  `KernelFactors.IIRGaussian((σ,σ))` which  does not leave the NaN values untouched but returns what seem to be spurious values in the NaN region. Consequently, when one computes the gradient one obtains a gradient response in those regions, which in turns cause canny to detect edges there as well. I address this issue by swapping to a `KernelFactors.gaussian((σ,σ))` implementation. This should, in principle, yield a more accurate results. In practice, it means that the choice of `σ` had greater influence on the detected edges (the algorithm becomes more sensitive to the choice of that parameter). This meant that I had to rejigger some of the reference and test parameters in the test suite.
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zygmuntszpak committed Dec 17, 2020
1 parent 86d22ed commit 82fe716
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Showing 8 changed files with 54 additions and 25 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ImageEdgeDetection"
uuid = "2b14c160-480b-11ea-1b58-656063328ff7"
authors = ["Dr. Zygmunt L. Szpak"]
version = "0.1.0"
version = "0.1.1"

ColorVectorSpace = "c3611d14-8923-5661-9e6a-0046d554d3a4"
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14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/algorithms/canny.jl
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Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function (f::Canny)(out::GenericGrayImage, img::GenericGrayImage)

# Smooth the image with a Gaussian filter of width σ, which specifies the
# scale level of the edge detector.
kernel = KernelFactors.IIRGaussian((σ,σ))
kernel = KernelFactors.gaussian((σ,σ))
imgf = imfilter(img, kernel, NA())

# Calculate the gradient vector at each position of the filtered image.
Expand All @@ -89,8 +89,14 @@ function (f::Canny)(out::GenericGrayImage, img::GenericGrayImage)
# Gradient magnitude
mag = hypot.(g₁, g₂)

low_threshold = typeof(low) <: Percentile ? StatsBase.percentile(vec(mag), low.p) : low
high_threshold = typeof(high) <: Percentile ? StatsBase.percentile(vec(mag), high.p) : high
# In StatsBase quantiles are undefined in the presence of NaNs
# hence we need to keep only valid magnitudes before we can determine
# the percentiles.
valid_indices = map(x-> !isnan(x), mag)
valid_mag = view(mag, valid_indices)

low_threshold = typeof(low) <: Percentile ? StatsBase.percentile(vec(valid_mag), low.p) : low
high_threshold = typeof(high) <: Percentile ? StatsBase.percentile(vec(valid_mag), high.p) : high

thinning_algorithm = @set thinning_algorithm.threshold = low_threshold

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ function (f::Canny)(out₁::GenericGrayImage, out₂::AbstractArray{<:StaticVect

# Smooth the image with a Gaussian filter of width σ, which specifies the
# scale level of the edge detector.
kernel = KernelFactors.IIRGaussian((σ,σ))
kernel = KernelFactors.gaussian((σ,σ))
imgf = imfilter(img, kernel, NA())

# Calculate the gradient vector at each position of the filtered image.
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Binary file added test/algorithms/References/cameraman_edge.png
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Binary file modified test/algorithms/References/circle.png
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Binary file modified test/algorithms/References/circle_edge.png
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Binary file modified test/algorithms/References/circle_nms.png
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63 changes: 43 additions & 20 deletions test/algorithms/canny.jl
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Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@

@testset "Offset Arrays" begin
img_gray = Gray{N0f8}.(load("algorithms/References/circle.png"))
img_gray_offset = OffsetArray(img_gray, -24:25, -24:25)
img_gray_offset = OffsetArray(img_gray, -25:25, -25:25)

f = Canny()
edges_img_1 = detect_edges(img_gray_offset, f)
Expand All @@ -94,35 +94,41 @@

@testset "Keywords" begin
img_gray = Gray{N0f8}.(load("algorithms/References/circle.png"))
img = copy(img_gray)
low = [0.000009765625, Percentile(20)]
high = [0.01953125, Percentile(80)]
spatial_scale = [1.0, 1.4]
low = [0.053374808162753785, Percentile(80)]
high = [0.16280777841581243, Percentile(90)]
spatial_scale = [1.4, 1.4]
# Detect edges
for i = 1:2
f = Canny(spatial_scale = spatial_scale[i], low = low[i], high = high[i])
@test_reference "References/circle_edge.png" Gray.(detect_edges(img, f)) by=edge_detection_equality()
@test_reference "References/circle_edge.png" Gray.(detect_edges(img * 0.1, f)) by=edge_detection_equality() # Working with small magnitudes
if i == 2
@test_reference "References/circle_edge.png" Gray.(detect_edges(img * 0.5, f)) by=edge_detection_equality()

# Detect subpixel edges
for i = 1:2
g = Canny(spatial_scale = spatial_scale[i], low = low[i], high = high[i], thinning_algorithm = SubpixelNonmaximaSuppression())
out1, offsets1 = detect_subpixel_edges(img, g)
out2, offsets2 = detect_subpixel_edges(img, g)
out2, offsets2 = detect_subpixel_edges(img * 0.5, g)
@test_reference "References/circle_edge.png" Gray.(out1) by=edge_detection_equality()
@test_reference "References/circle_edge.png" Gray.(out2) by=edge_detection_equality() # Working with small magnitudes
if i == 2
@test_reference "References/circle_edge.png" Gray.(out2) by=edge_detection_equality()

@testset "Types" begin
# Gray
img_gray = Gray{N0f8}.(load("algorithms/References/circle.png"))
f = Canny()
g = Canny(thinning_algorithm = SubpixelNonmaximaSuppression())
f = Canny(low = Percentile(80), high = Percentile(90),
spatial_scale = 1.4)
g = Canny(low = Percentile(80), high = Percentile(90),
spatial_scale = 1.4,
thinning_algorithm = SubpixelNonmaximaSuppression())

type_list = generate_test_types([Float32, N0f8], [Gray])
for T in type_list
Expand All @@ -135,8 +141,11 @@

# Color3
img_color = RGB{Float64}.(load("algorithms/References/circle.png"))
f = Canny()
g = Canny(thinning_algorithm = SubpixelNonmaximaSuppression())
f = Canny(low = Percentile(80), high = Percentile(90),
spatial_scale = 1.4)
g = Canny(low = Percentile(80), high = Percentile(90),
spatial_scale = 1.4,
thinning_algorithm = SubpixelNonmaximaSuppression())

type_list = generate_test_types([Float32, N0f8], [RGB, Lab])
for T in type_list
Expand All @@ -149,10 +158,10 @@

@testset "Default Values" begin
img = Gray{N0f8}.(load("algorithms/References/circle.png"))
img = Gray{N0f8}.(testimage("cameraman"))
out, offsets = detect_subpixel_edges(img)
@test_reference "References/circle_edge.png" Gray.(detect_edges(img)) by=edge_detection_equality()
@test_reference "References/circle_edge.png" Gray.(out) by=edge_detection_equality()
@test_reference "References/cameraman_edge.png" Gray.(detect_edges(img)) by=edge_detection_equality()
@test_reference "References/cameraman_edge.png" Gray.(out) by=edge_detection_equality()

@testset "Numerical" begin
Expand All @@ -166,11 +175,13 @@

@testset "Subpixel Accuracy on Circle Image" begin
# Equation of circle (x-a)^2 + (y - b)^2 = r^2 and corresponding image.
a = 25
b = 25
r = 20
a = 26
b = 26
r = 15
img = Gray{N0f8}.(load("algorithms/References/circle.png"))
algo = Canny(spatial_scale = 1.4, thinning_algorithm = SubpixelNonmaximaSuppression())
algo = Canny(spatial_scale = 1.4,
thinning_algorithm = SubpixelNonmaximaSuppression(),
low = Percentile(75), high = Percentile(80))
nms, offsets = detect_subpixel_edges(img, algo)

# Verify that the subpixel coordinates more accurately satisfy the
Expand All @@ -197,7 +208,7 @@
# The subpixel coordinates yield a better fit.
@test total₂ < total₁
@test total₂ / N < 6.72
@test total₂ / N < 5.54

@testset "Subpixel Accuracy on Synthetic Image" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,4 +278,16 @@

@testset "NaNs" begin
img_gray = Gray.(ones(15, 15)) .* NaN
img_gray[4:12, 4:12] .= 0
img_gray[6:10, 6:10] .= 1
img_gray[7:9, 7:9] .= NaN

algo = Canny(spatial_scale = 1,
high = ImageEdgeDetection.Percentile(80),
low = ImageEdgeDetection.Percentile(20))
out = detect_edges(img_gray, algo)
@test_reference "References/edges_from_image_with_nan.png" Gray.(out) by=edge_detection_equality()

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