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Merge pull request #145 from JuliaImages/teh/reinterpretarray
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Use Julia 1.6's new reinterpretarray machinery
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timholy authored Oct 8, 2020
2 parents d9dccd9 + 9ab9089 commit 02593d9
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Showing 7 changed files with 159 additions and 95 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/ImageCore.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,11 @@ ColorA{N,C,T} = ColorAlpha{C,T,N}
const NonparametricColors = Union{RGB24,ARGB32,Gray24,AGray32}
Color1Array{C<:Color1,N} = AbstractArray{C,N}
# Type that arises from reshape(reinterpret(To, A), sz):
const RRArray{To,From,N,M,P} = Base.ReshapedArray{To,N,Base.ReinterpretArray{To,M,From,P}}
if VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083"
const RRArray{To,From,M,P} = Base.ReinterpretArray{To,M,From,P,true}
const RRArray{To,From,N,M,P} = Base.ReshapedArray{To,N,Base.ReinterpretArray{To,M,From,P}}
const RGArray = Union{Base.ReinterpretArray{<:AbstractGray,M,<:Number,P}, Base.ReinterpretArray{<:Number,M,<:AbstractGray,P}} where {M,P}

# delibrately not export these constants to enable extensibility for downstream packages
Expand Down
43 changes: 32 additions & 11 deletions src/colorchannels.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,13 @@ dimorder(::Type{<:AlphaColor{<:Color3,T,N}}) where {T,N} = ColorChanPerm((4, 1,
const ColorChanPermIndexType{NC} = Tuple{<:ColorChanPerm,Vararg{<:Base.Slice,NC}}
const ColorChanPermSubArray{T,N,P,I<:ColorChanPermIndexType,L} =
const RRPermArray{To,From,N,M,P<:ColorChanPermSubArray} =
if VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083"
const RRPermArray{To,From,M,P<:ColorChanPermSubArray} =
const RRPermArray{To,From,N,M,P<:ColorChanPermSubArray} =

# This type exists solely to set multiple values in the color channel axis
struct NVector{T,N} <: AbstractVector{T}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,8 +67,13 @@ A = channelview(img) # a 3×10×10 array
See also: [`colorview`](@ref)
channelview(A::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Number} = A
channelview(A::RRPermArray{<:Colorant,<:Number}) = parent(parent(parent(A)))
channelview(A::RRArray{<:Colorant,<:Number}) = parent(parent(A))
if VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083"
channelview(A::RRArray{<:Colorant,<:Number}) = parent(A)
channelview(A::RRPermArray{<:Colorant,<:Number}) = parent(parent(A))
channelview(A::RRArray{<:Colorant,<:Number}) = parent(parent(A))
channelview(A::RRPermArray{<:Colorant,<:Number}) = parent(parent(parent(A)))
channelview(A::Base.ReinterpretArray{<:AbstractGray,M,<:Number}) where M = parent(A)
channelview(A::AbstractArray{RGB{T}}) where {T} = reinterpretc(T, A)
function channelview(A::AbstractArray{C}) where {C<:AbstractRGB}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,14 +118,25 @@ _ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::RRPermArray{T,C}) where {C<:Colorant,T<:Number} =
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::RRArray{T,C}) where {C<:Colorant,T<:Number} =
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C}) where {C<:AbstractGray,T<:Number,M} =
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C}) where {C<:RGB,T<:Number,M} =
reshape(parent(A), Base.tail(axes(parent(A))))
if VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083"
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C,AA,false}) where {C<:RGB,T<:Number,M,AA} =
reshape(parent(A), Base.tail(axes(parent(A))))
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C,AA,true}) where {C<:RGB,T<:Number,M,AA} =
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C,AA,false}) where {C<:Color,T<:Number,M,AA} =
reshape(parent(A), Base.tail(axes(parent(A))))
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C,AA,true}) where {C<:Color,T<:Number,M,AA} =
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C}) where {C<:AbstractGray,T<:Number,M} =
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C}) where {C<:RGB,T<:Number,M} =
reshape(parent(A), Base.tail(axes(parent(A))))
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C}) where {C<:Color,T<:Number,M} =
reshape(parent(A), Base.tail(axes(parent(A))))
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C}) where {C<:AbstractRGB,T<:Number,M} =
_colorview_reorder(C, A)
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::Base.ReinterpretArray{T,M,C}) where {C<:Color,T<:Number,M} =
reshape(parent(A), Base.tail(axes(parent(A))))
_ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::AbstractArray{T}) where {C<:Colorant,T<:Number} =
__ccolorview(C, A) # necessary to avoid ambiguities from dispatch on eltype
__ccolorview(::Type{C}, A::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Number,C<:RGB{T}} = reinterpretc(C, A)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,7 +199,7 @@ Create a function that is equivalent to `(As...) -> colorview(C, Ax...)`.
```jldoctest; setup = :(using ImageCore)
julia> ones(Float32, 2, 2) |> colorview(Gray)
2×2 reinterpret(Gray{Float32}, ::$(Array{Float32,2})):
2×2 reinterpret($(VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083" ? "reshape, " : "")Gray{Float32}, ::$(Array{Float32,2}))$(VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083" ? " with eltype Gray{Float32}" : ""):
Gray{Float32}(1.0) Gray{Float32}(1.0)
Gray{Float32}(1.0) Gray{Float32}(1.0)
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96 changes: 51 additions & 45 deletions src/convert_reinterpret.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,61 +2,67 @@

@pure samesize(::Type{T}, ::Type{S}) where {T,S} = sizeof(T) == sizeof(S)

## Color->Color
# function reinterpretc(::Type{CV1}, a::Array{CV2,1}) where {CV1<:Colorant,CV2<:Colorant}
# CV = ccolor(CV1, CV2)
# l = (length(a)*sizeof(CV2))÷sizeof(CV1)
# l*sizeof(CV1) == length(a)*sizeof(CV2) || throw(ArgumentError("sizes are incommensurate"))
# reshape(reinterpret(CV, a), (l,))
# end
function reinterpretc(::Type{CV1}, a::AbstractArray{CV2}) where {CV1<:Colorant,CV2<:Colorant}
CV = ccolor(CV1, CV2)
if samesize(CV, CV2)
return reshape(reinterpret(CV, a), size(a))
if VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083"
reinterpretc(::Type{T}, a::AbstractArray) where T = reinterpret(reshape, ccolor_number(T, eltype(a)), a)
reinterpretc(::Type{T}, a::Base.ReinterpretArray{S,N,T,AA,true}) where {T,S,N,AA<:AbstractArray{T}} = parent(a)
# Color->Color
function reinterpretc(::Type{CV1}, a::Array{CV2,1}) where {CV1<:Colorant,CV2<:Colorant}
CV = ccolor(CV1, CV2)
l = (length(a)*sizeof(CV2))÷sizeof(CV1)
l*sizeof(CV1) == length(a)*sizeof(CV2) || throw(ArgumentError("sizes are incommensurate"))
reshape(reinterpret(CV, a), (l,))
throw(ArgumentError("result shape not specified"))

## Color->T
function reinterpretc(::Type{T}, a::AbstractArray{CV}) where {T<:Number,CV<:Colorant}
if samesize(T, CV)
return reinterpret(T, a)
function reinterpretc(::Type{CV1}, a::AbstractArray{CV2}) where {CV1<:Colorant,CV2<:Colorant}
CV = ccolor(CV1, CV2)
if samesize(CV, CV2)
return reshape(reinterpret(CV, a), size(a))
throw(ArgumentError("result shape not specified"))
axs = axes(a)
if sizeof(CV) == sizeof(T)*_len(CV)
return reinterpret(T, reshape(a, Base.OneTo(1), axs...))

# Color->T
function reinterpretc(::Type{T}, a::AbstractArray{CV}) where {T<:Number,CV<:Colorant}
if samesize(T, CV)
return reinterpret(T, a)
axs = axes(a)
if sizeof(CV) == sizeof(T)*_len(CV)
return reinterpret(T, reshape(a, Base.OneTo(1), axs...))
throw(ArgumentError("result shape not specified"))
throw(ArgumentError("result shape not specified"))
reinterpretc(::Type{T}, a::AbstractArray{CV,0}) where {T<:Number,CV<:Colorant} =
reinterpret(T, reshape(a, 1))
reinterpretc(::Type{T}, a::AbstractArray{CV,0}) where {T<:Number,CV<:Colorant} =
reinterpret(T, reshape(a, 1))

_len(::Type{C}) where {C} = _len(C, eltype(C))
_len(::Type{C}, ::Type{Any}) where {C} = error("indeterminate type")
_len(::Type{C}, ::Type{T}) where {C,T} = sizeof(C) ÷ sizeof(T)
_len(::Type{C}) where {C} = _len(C, eltype(C))
_len(::Type{C}, ::Type{Any}) where {C} = error("indeterminate type")
_len(::Type{C}, ::Type{T}) where {C,T} = sizeof(C) ÷ sizeof(T)

## T->Color
# We have to distinguish two forms of call:
# form 1: reinterpretc(RGB{N0f8}, img)
# form 2: reinterpretc(RGB, img)
function reinterpretc(CV::Type{<:Colorant}, a::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Number # {CV<:Colorant,T<:Number}
@noinline throwdm(C::Type, ind1) =
throw(DimensionMismatch("indices $ind1 are not consistent with color type $C"))
CVT = ccolor_number(CV, T)
if samesize(CVT, T)
return reinterpret(CVT, a)
axs = axes(a)
if axs[1] == Base.OneTo(sizeof(CVT) ÷ sizeof(eltype(CVT)))
return reshape(reinterpret(CVT, a), tail(axs))
## T->Color
# We have to distinguish two forms of call:
# form 1: reinterpretc(RGB{N0f8}, img)
# form 2: reinterpretc(RGB, img)
function reinterpretc(CV::Type{<:Colorant}, a::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Number # {CV<:Colorant,T<:Number}
@noinline throwdm(C::Type, ind1) =
throw(DimensionMismatch("indices $ind1 are not consistent with color type $C"))
CVT = ccolor_number(CV, T)
if samesize(CVT, T)
return reinterpret(CVT, a)
axs = axes(a)
if axs[1] == Base.OneTo(sizeof(CVT) ÷ sizeof(eltype(CVT)))
return reshape(reinterpret(CVT, a), tail(axs))
throwdm(CV, axs[1])
throwdm(CV, axs[1])

# ccolor_number converts form 2 calls to form 1 calls
ccolor_number(::Type{CV}, ::Type{T}) where {CV<:Colorant,T<:Number} =
ccolor_number(::Type{T}, ::Any) where T<:Number = T
ccolor_number(::Type{CV}, ::Type{T}) where {CV<:Colorant,T} =
ccolor_number(CV, eltype(CV), T)
ccolor_number(::Type{CV}, ::Type{CVT}, ::Type{T}) where {CV,CVT<:Number,T} = CV # form 1
ccolor_number(::Type{CV}, ::Type{CVT}, ::Type{T}) where {CV,CVT<:Number,T} = CV # form 1
ccolor_number(::Type{CV}, ::Type{Any}, ::Type{T}) where {CV<:Colorant,T} = CV{T} # form 2

# for docstrings in the operations below
Expand Down
85 changes: 56 additions & 29 deletions test/benchmarks.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,13 +54,15 @@ end
function test_getindex(f, ar, cv, n)
t_ar = Array{Float64}(undef, n)
t_cv = Array{Float64}(undef, n)
# Store the results to prevent the compiler from eliding the call
f_ar = Ref(f(ar))
f_cv = Ref(f(cv))
@test f_ar[] f_cv[] # but this also gives us a chance to test correctness
for i = 1:n
t_ar[i] = (tstart = time(); f_ar[] = f(ar); time()-tstart)
t_cv[i] = (tstart = time(); f_cv[] = f(cv); time()-tstart)
median(t_ar), median(t_cv), f_ar
median(t_ar), median(t_cv)
function test_setindex(f, ar, cv, n)
t_ar = Array{Float64}(undef, n)
Expand All @@ -72,45 +74,70 @@ function test_setindex(f, ar, cv, n)
median(t_ar), median(t_cv)

ssz = (1000,1000)
c = rand(RGB{Float64}, ssz...)
a = copy(reinterpretc(Float64, c))
vchan = channelview(c)
vcol = colorview(RGB, a)
cc_getindex_funcs = (mysum_elt_boundscheck,
cc_setindex_funcs = (myfill1!,
chanvtol = Dict(mysum_index_inbounds_simd => 20, # @simd doesn't work for ChannelView :(
mysum_elt_boundscheck => 20,
myfill1! => 20, # crappy setindex! performance
myfill2! => 20)
chanvdefault = 10
colvtol = Dict(mysum_elt_boundscheck=>5,

# Performance tolerances
isfast = VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083"
chanvtol = Dict(mysum_index_inbounds_simd => isfast ? 3 : 20,
mysum_elt_boundscheck => isfast ? 3 : 20,
myfill1! => 20,
myfill2! => isfast ? 3 : 20)
chanvdefault = isfast ? 3 : 10
colvtol = Dict(mysum_elt_boundscheck=>isfast ? 3 : 5,
mysum_index_boundscheck=>isfast ? 3 : 5)
colvdefault = 3

ssz = (1000,300)

@info "Benchmark tests are warnings for now"
# @testset "benchmarks" begin
for (suite, testf) in ((cc_getindex_funcs, test_getindex),
(cc_setindex_funcs, test_setindex))
for f in suite
# Channelview
t_ar, t_cv = testf(f, a, vchan, 10^2)
tol = haskey(chanvtol, f) ? chanvtol[f] : chanvdefault
if t_cv >= tol*t_ar
@warn "ChannelView: failed on $f, time ratio $(t_cv/t_ar), tol $tol"
# @test t_cv < tol*t_ar
# ColorView
t_ar, t_cv = testf(f, c, vcol, 10^2)
tol = haskey(colvtol, f) ? colvtol[f] : colvdefault
if t_cv >= tol*t_ar
@warn "ColorView: failed on $f, time ratio $(t_cv/t_ar), tol $tol"
for T in (Float32, Float64)
c = rand(RGB{T}, ssz...)
a = copy(reinterpretc(T, c))
vchan = channelview(c)
vcol = colorview(RGB, a)

# view versions
rview = 2:ssz[1]-1
csub = view(c, rview, :)
asub = view(a, :, rview, :)
vchansub = channelview(csub)
vcolsub = colorview(RGB, asub)

for (suite, testf) in ((cc_getindex_funcs, test_getindex),
(cc_setindex_funcs, test_setindex))
for f in suite
# channelview
t_ar, t_cv = testf(f, a, vchan, 30)
tol = haskey(chanvtol, f) ? chanvtol[f] : chanvdefault
if t_cv >= tol*t_ar
@warn "channelview1: failed on $f with eltype $T, time ratio $(t_cv/t_ar), tol $tol"

t_ar, t_cv = testf(f, asub, vchansub, 30)
tol = haskey(chanvtol, f) ? chanvtol[f] : chanvdefault
if t_cv >= tol*t_ar
@warn "channelview2: failed on $f with eltype $T, time ratio $(t_cv/t_ar), tol $tol"

# colorview
t_ar, t_cv = testf(f, c, vcol, 30)
tol = haskey(colvtol, f) ? colvtol[f] : colvdefault
if t_cv >= tol*t_ar
@warn "colorview1: failed on $f with eltype $T, time ratio $(t_cv/t_ar), tol $tol"

t_ar, t_cv = testf(f, csub, vcolsub, 30)
tol = haskey(colvtol, f) ? colvtol[f] : colvdefault
if t_cv >= tol*t_ar
@warn "colorview2: failed on $f with eltype $T, time ratio $(t_cv/t_ar), tol $tol"
# @test t_cv < tol*t_ar
# end
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/colorchannels.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ end
@test @inferred(axes(v)) == (IdentityUnitRange(-1:1), IdentityUnitRange(-2:2))
@test @inferred(v[0,0]) === RGB(a[1,0,0], a[2,0,0], a[3,0,0])
a = OffsetArray(rand(3, 3, 5), 0:2, -1:1, -2:2)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch colorview(RGB, a)
@test_throws (VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083" ? ArgumentError : DimensionMismatch) colorview(RGB, a)

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/convert_reinterpret.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ using Test, Random

# indeterminate type tests
a = Array{RGB{AbstractFloat}}(undef, 3)
@test_throws ErrorException reinterpretc(Float64, a)
@test_throws Union{ArgumentError,ErrorException} reinterpretc(Float64, a)
a = Vector{RGB}(undef, 3)
@test_throws ErrorException reinterpretc(Float64, a)
@test_throws Union{ArgumentError,ErrorException} reinterpretc(Float64, a)

# Invalid conversions
a = rand(UInt8, 4,5)
Expand Down
18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions test/show.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ else
sumsz(img) = ""

const rrstr = VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083" ? "reshape, " : ""
rrdim(n) = VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083" ? n-1 : n

# N0f8 is shown as either N0f8 or Normed{UInt8, 8}
# RGB is shown as ColorTypes.RGB or RGB
function typestring(::Type{T}) where T
Expand All @@ -22,13 +25,15 @@ RGB_str = typestring(RGB)
v = view(rgb32, 2:3, :)
@test summary(v) == "2×5 view(::Array{RGB{Float32},2}, 2:3, :) with eltype $(RGB_str){Float32}"
a = channelview(rgb32)
@test summary(a) == "3×3×5 reinterpret(Float32, ::Array{RGB{Float32},3})"
@test summary(a) == (VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083" ? "3×3×5 reinterpret(reshape, Float32, ::Array{RGB{Float32},2}) with eltype Float32" :
"3×3×5 reinterpret(Float32, ::Array{RGB{Float32},3})")
num64 = rand(3,5)
b = colorview(RGB, num64)
@test summary(b) == "5-element reshape(reinterpret(RGB{Float64}, ::$(typeof(num64))), 5) with eltype $(RGB_str){Float64}"
@test summary(b) == (VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083" ? "5-element reinterpret(reshape, RGB{Float64}, ::$(typeof(num64))) with eltype $(RGB_str){Float64}" :
"5-element reshape(reinterpret(RGB{Float64}, ::$(typeof(num64))), 5) with eltype $(RGB_str){Float64}")
rgb8 = rand(RGB{N0f8}, 3, 5)
c = rawview(channelview(rgb8))
@test summary(c) == "3×3×5 rawview(reinterpret(N0f8, ::Array{RGB{N0f8},3})) with eltype UInt8"
@test summary(c) == "3×3×5 rawview(reinterpret($(rrstr)N0f8, ::Array{RGB{N0f8},$(rrdim(3))})) with eltype UInt8"
@test summary(rgb8) == "3×5 Array{RGB{N0f8},2} with eltype $(RGB_str){$(N0f8_str)}"
rand8 = rand(UInt8, 3, 5)
d = normedview(PermutedDimsArray(rand8, (2,1)))
Expand All @@ -39,14 +44,15 @@ RGB_str = typestring(RGB)
f = PermutedDimsArray(normedview(N0f16, rand16), (2,1))
@test summary(f) == "5×3 PermutedDimsArray(reinterpret(N0f16, ::$(typeof(rand16))), (2, 1)) with eltype $(N0f16_str)"
g = channelview(rgb8)
@test summary(g) == "3×3×5 reinterpret(N0f8, ::Array{RGB{N0f8},3})"
etstr = VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.1083" ? " with eltype N0f8" : ""
@test summary(g) == "3×3×5 reinterpret($(rrstr)N0f8, ::Array{RGB{N0f8},$(rrdim(3))})$etstr"
h = OffsetArray(rgb8, -1:1, -2:2)
@test summary(h) == "$(sumsz(h))OffsetArray(::Array{RGB{N0f8},2}, -1:1, -2:2) with eltype $(RGB_str){$(N0f8_str)} with indices -1:1×-2:2"
i = channelview(h)
@test summary(i) == "$(sumsz(i))reinterpret(N0f8, OffsetArray(::Array{RGB{N0f8},3}, 1:1, -1:1, -2:2)) with indices 1:3×-1:1×-2:2"
@test summary(i) == "$(sumsz(i))reinterpret($(rrstr)N0f8, OffsetArray(::Array{RGB{N0f8},$(rrdim(3))}, 1:1, -1:1, -2:2)) with indices 1:3×-1:1×-2:2"
c = channelview(rand(RGB{N0f8}, 2))
o = OffsetArray(c, -1:1, 0:1)
@test summary(o) == "$(sumsz(o))OffsetArray(reinterpret(N0f8, ::Array{RGB{N0f8},2}), -1:1, 0:1) with eltype $(N0f8_str) with indices -1:1×0:1"
@test summary(o) == "$(sumsz(o))OffsetArray(reinterpret($(rrstr)N0f8, ::Array{RGB{N0f8},$(rrdim(2))}), -1:1, 0:1) with eltype $(N0f8_str) with indices -1:1×0:1"
# Issue #45
a = collect(tuple())
@test summary(a) == "0-element $(typeof(a))"
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