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Add complex number support (#558)
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kleinhenz authored and musm committed Aug 21, 2019
1 parent cf9bc00 commit ac3570d
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10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions doc/
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Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ write(g, "mydataset", rand(3,5))
Passing parameters

It is often required to pass parameters to specific routines, which are collected
It is often required to pass parameters to specific routines, which are collected
in so-called property lists in HDF5. There are different property lists for
different tasks, e.g. for the access/creation of files, datasets, groups.
In this high level framework multiple parameters can be simply applied by
Expand All @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ g["A", "chunk", (5,5)] = A # add chunks

B=h5read(fn,"mygroup/B", # two parameters
"fapl_mpio", (ccomm,cinfo), # if parameter requires multiple args use tuples
"dxpl_mpio", HDF5.H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE )
"dxpl_mpio", HDF5.H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE )

This will automatically create the correct property lists, add the properties,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,11 @@ This is in contrast to standard HDF5 datasets, where closing the file prevents f
Supported data types

PlainHDF5File knows how to store values of the following types: signed and unsigned integers of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits, `Float32` and `Float64`; `Array`s of these numeric types; `ASCIIString` and `UTF8String`; and `Array`s of these two string types. `Array`s of strings are supported using HDF5's variable-length-strings facility.
`HDF5.jl` knows how to store values of the following types: signed and unsigned integers of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits, `Float32`, `Float64`; `Complex` versions of these numeric types; `Array`s of these numeric types (including complex versions); `ASCIIString` and `UTF8String`; and `Array`s of these two string types.
`Array`s of strings are supported using HDF5's variable-length-strings facility.
By default `Complex` numbers are stored as compound types with `r` and `i` fields following the `h5py` convention.
When reading data, compound types with matching field names will be loaded as the corresponding `Complex` julia type.
These field names are configurable with the `HDF5.set_complex_field_names(real::AbstractString, imag::AbstractString)` function and complex support can be completely enabled/disabled with `HDF5.enable/disable_complex_support()`.

This module also supports HDF5's VLEN, OPAQUE, and REFERENCE types, which can be used to encode more complex types. In general, you need to specify how you want to combine these more advanced facilities to represent more complex data types. For many of the data types in Julia, the JLD module implements support. You can likewise define your own file format if, for example, you need to interact with some external program that has explicit formatting requirements.

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54 changes: 43 additions & 11 deletions src/HDF5.jl
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Expand Up @@ -323,6 +323,13 @@ cset(::Type{ASCIIChar}) = H5T_CSET_ASCII

hdf5_type_id(::Type{C}) where {C<:CharType} = H5T_C_S1

# global configuration for complex support
const COMPLEX_SUPPORT = Ref(true)
const COMPLEX_FIELD_NAMES = Ref(("r", "i"))
enable_complex_support() = COMPLEX_SUPPORT[] = true
disable_complex_support() = COMPLEX_SUPPORT[] = false
set_complex_field_names(real::AbstractString, imag::AbstractString) = COMPLEX_FIELD_NAMES[] = ((real, imag))

## HDF5 uses a plain integer to refer to each file, group, or
## dataset. These are wrapped into special types in order to allow
## method dispatch.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1175,6 +1182,16 @@ datatype(dset::HDF5Attribute) = HDF5Datatype(h5a_get_type(checkvalid(dset).id),
datatype(x::HDF5Scalar) = HDF5Datatype(hdf5_type_id(typeof(x)), false)
datatype(::Type{T}) where {T<:HDF5Scalar} = HDF5Datatype(hdf5_type_id(T), false)
datatype(A::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:HDF5Scalar} = HDF5Datatype(hdf5_type_id(T), false)
function datatype(::Type{Complex{T}}) where {T<:HDF5Scalar}
COMPLEX_SUPPORT[] || error("complex support disabled. call HDF5.enable_complex_support() to enable")
dtype = h5t_create(H5T_COMPOUND, 2*sizeof(T))
h5t_insert(dtype, COMPLEX_FIELD_NAMES[][1], 0, hdf5_type_id(T))
h5t_insert(dtype, COMPLEX_FIELD_NAMES[][2], sizeof(T), hdf5_type_id(T))
return HDF5Datatype(dtype)
datatype(x::Complex{T}) where {T<:HDF5Scalar} = datatype(typeof(x))
datatype(A::AbstractArray{Complex{T}}) where {T<:HDF5Scalar} = datatype(eltype(A))

function datatype(str::String)
type_id = h5t_copy(hdf5_type_id(typeof(str)))
h5t_set_size(type_id, max(sizeof(str), 1))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1203,7 +1220,8 @@ dataspace(dset::HDF5Dataset) = HDF5Dataspace(h5d_get_space(checkvalid(dset).id))
dataspace(attr::HDF5Attribute) = HDF5Dataspace(h5a_get_space(checkvalid(attr).id))

# Create a dataspace from in-memory types
dataspace(x::T) where {T<:HDF5Scalar} = HDF5Dataspace(h5s_create(H5S_SCALAR))
dataspace(x::Union{T, Complex{T}}) where {T<:HDF5Scalar} = HDF5Dataspace(h5s_create(H5S_SCALAR))

function _dataspace(sz::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, max_dims::Union{Dims, Tuple{}}=())
dims = Vector{Hsize}(undef,length(sz))
any_zero = false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1301,18 +1319,20 @@ function read(obj::DatasetOrAttribute)
read(obj, T)
# Read scalars
function read(obj::DatasetOrAttribute, ::Type{T}) where {T<:HDF5Scalar}
function read(obj::DatasetOrAttribute, ::Type{T}) where {T<:Union{HDF5Scalar, Complex{<:HDF5Scalar}}}
x = read(obj, Array{T})
# Read array of scalars
function read(obj::DatasetOrAttribute, ::Type{Array{T}}) where {T<:HDF5Scalar}
function read(obj::DatasetOrAttribute, ::Type{Array{T}}) where {T<:Union{HDF5Scalar, Complex{<:HDF5Scalar}}}
if isnull(obj)
return T[]
dims = size(obj)
data = Array{T}(undef,dims)
readarray(obj, hdf5_type_id(T), data)
dtype = datatype(data)
readarray(obj,, data)
# Empty arrays
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1700,7 +1720,7 @@ for (privatesym, fsym, ptype) in
obj, dtype
# Scalar types
($fsym)(parent::$ptype, name::String, data::Union{T, AbstractArray{T}}, plists...) where {T<:ScalarOrString} =
($fsym)(parent::$ptype, name::String, data::Union{T, AbstractArray{T}}, plists...) where {T<:Union{ScalarOrString, Complex{<:HDF5Scalar}}} =
($privatesym)(parent, name, data, plists...)
# VLEN types
($fsym)(parent::$ptype, name::String, data::HDF5Vlen{T}, plists...) where {T<:Union{HDF5Scalar,CharType}} =
Expand All @@ -1723,7 +1743,7 @@ for (privatesym, fsym, ptype, crsym) in
# Scalar types
($fsym)(parent::$ptype, name::String, data::Union{T, AbstractArray{T}}, plists...) where {T<:ScalarOrString} =
($fsym)(parent::$ptype, name::String, data::Union{T, AbstractArray{T}}, plists...) where {T<:Union{ScalarOrString, Complex{<:HDF5Scalar}}} =
($privatesym)(parent, name, data, plists...)
# VLEN types
($fsym)(parent::$ptype, name::String, data::HDF5Vlen{T}, plists...) where {T<:Union{HDF5Scalar,CharType}} =
Expand All @@ -1732,7 +1752,7 @@ for (privatesym, fsym, ptype, crsym) in
# Write to already-created objects
# Scalars
function write(obj::DatasetOrAttribute, x::Union{T, Array{T}}) where {T<:ScalarOrString}
function write(obj::DatasetOrAttribute, x::Union{T, Array{T}}) where {T<:Union{ScalarOrString, Complex{<:HDF5Scalar}}}
dtype = datatype(x)
writearray(obj,, x)
Expand All @@ -1750,7 +1770,7 @@ function write(obj::DatasetOrAttribute, data::HDF5Vlen{T}) where {T<:Union{HDF5S
# For plain files and groups, let "write(obj, name, val)" mean "d_write"
write(parent::Union{HDF5File, HDF5Group}, name::String, data::Union{T, AbstractArray{T}}, plists...) where {T<:ScalarOrString} =
write(parent::Union{HDF5File, HDF5Group}, name::String, data::Union{T, AbstractArray{T}}, plists...) where {T<:Union{ScalarOrString, Complex{<:HDF5Scalar}}} =
d_write(parent, name, data, plists...)
# For datasets, "write(dset, name, val)" means "a_write"
write(parent::HDF5Dataset, name::String, data::Union{T, AbstractArray{T}}, plists...) where {T<:ScalarOrString} = a_write(parent, name, data, plists...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1993,7 +2013,19 @@ function hdf5_to_julia_eltype(objtype)
T = HDF5Vlen{hdf5_to_julia_eltype(HDF5Datatype(super_id))}
elseif class_id == H5T_COMPOUND
N = Int(h5t_get_nmembers(
T = HDF5Compound{N}
# check if should be interpreted as complex
if COMPLEX_SUPPORT[] && N == 2
membernames = ntuple(N) do i
h5t_get_member_name(, i-1)
membertypes = ntuple(N) do i
hdf5_to_julia_eltype(HDF5Datatype(h5t_get_member_type(, i-1)))
iscomplex = (membernames == COMPLEX_FIELD_NAMES[]) && (membertypes[1] == membertypes[2]) && (membertypes[1] <: HDF5.HDF5Scalar)
T = iscomplex ? Complex{membertypes[1]} : HDF5Compound{N}
T = HDF5Compound{N}
elseif class_id == H5T_ARRAY
T = hdf5array(objtype)
Expand All @@ -2007,7 +2039,7 @@ end
# These supply default values where possible
# See also the "special handling" section below
h5a_write(attr_id::Hid, mem_type_id::Hid, buf::String) = h5a_write(attr_id, mem_type_id, unsafe_wrap(Vector{UInt8}, pointer(buf), ncodeunits(buf)))
function h5a_write(attr_id::Hid, mem_type_id::Hid, x::T) where {T<:HDF5Scalar}
function h5a_write(attr_id::Hid, mem_type_id::Hid, x::T) where {T<:Union{HDF5Scalar, Complex{<:HDF5Scalar}}}
tmp = Ref{T}(x)
h5a_write(attr_id, mem_type_id, tmp)
Expand All @@ -2034,7 +2066,7 @@ end
function h5d_write(dataset_id::Hid, memtype_id::Hid, str::String, xfer::Hid=H5P_DEFAULT)
ccall((:H5Dwrite, libhdf5), Herr, (Hid, Hid, Hid, Hid, Hid, Cstring), dataset_id, memtype_id, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, xfer, str)
function h5d_write(dataset_id::Hid, memtype_id::Hid, x::T, xfer::Hid=H5P_DEFAULT) where {T<:HDF5Scalar}
function h5d_write(dataset_id::Hid, memtype_id::Hid, x::T, xfer::Hid=H5P_DEFAULT) where {T<:Union{HDF5Scalar, Complex{<:HDF5Scalar}}}
tmp = Ref{T}(x)
h5d_write(dataset_id, memtype_id, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, xfer, tmp)
Expand Down
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions test/plain.jl
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Expand Up @@ -402,6 +402,54 @@ end

end # testset plain

@testset "complex" begin

fn = tempname()
f = h5open(fn, "w")

f["ComplexF64"] = 1.0 + 2.0im
attrs(f["ComplexF64"])["ComplexInt64"] = 1im

Acmplx = rand(ComplexF64, 3, 5)
write(f, "Acmplx64", convert(Matrix{ComplexF64}, Acmplx))
write(f, "Acmplx32", convert(Matrix{ComplexF32}, Acmplx))

@test_throws ErrorException f["_ComplexF64"] = 1.0 + 2.0im
@test_throws ErrorException write(f, "_Acmplx64", convert(Matrix{ComplexF64}, Acmplx))
@test_throws ErrorException write(f, "_Acmplx32", convert(Matrix{ComplexF32}, Acmplx))


fr = h5open(fn)
z = read(fr, "ComplexF64")
@test z == 1.0 + 2.0im && isa(z, ComplexF64)
z_attrs = attrs(fr["ComplexF64"])
@test read(z_attrs["ComplexInt64"]) == 1im

Acmplx32 = read(fr, "Acmplx32")
@test convert(Matrix{ComplexF32}, Acmplx) == Acmplx32
@test eltype(Acmplx32) == ComplexF32
Acmplx64 = read(fr, "Acmplx64")
@test convert(Matrix{ComplexF64}, Acmplx) == Acmplx64
@test eltype(Acmplx64) == ComplexF64

z = read(fr, "ComplexF64")
@test isa(z, HDF5.HDF5Compound{2})

Acmplx32 = read(fr, "Acmplx32")
@test eltype(Acmplx32) == HDF5.HDF5Compound{2}
Acmplx64 = read(fr, "Acmplx64")
@test eltype(Acmplx64) == HDF5.HDF5Compound{2}



# test strings with null and undefined references
@testset "undefined and null" begin
fn = tempname()
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2 comments on commit ac3570d

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@musm musm commented on ac3570d Aug 21, 2019

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