This repository gives access to an implementation of the methods presented in the paper submission “REPID: Regional Effect Plots with implicit Interaction Detection”, as well as all code that was used for the simulations and the real-world example.
This repository is structured as follows:
├── R/ # All implemented methods and general helper functions
| ├── simulations/ # Scripts for simulation examples in paper
| | ├── analysis/ # Scripts used to create figures and tables in the paper for simulation examples
| | ├── batchtools/ # Scripts used to create data for more complex simulation examples (Sec. 4.2, Appendix B)
| ├── real_world_examples/ # Scripts used for modelling and to create figures for real-world examples in Section 5 and Appendix B
├── data/ # Location where all generated data are stored
│ ├── batchtools/ # Location where generated data of batchtools experiments are stored
│ ├── sim_vine_vs_repid/ # Location where generated data of 1. simulation example (VINE vs. REPID) are stored
│ ├── sim_weak/ # Location where generated data of 2. simulation example (Weaknesses of other methods) are stored
│ ├── titanic/ # Location where pre-processed data of titanic example are stored
| ├── california_housing/ # Location where pre-processed data of california housing example are stored
| notebooks/ # Python and R notebooks to generate data for VINE and titanic example
Steps to reproduce the experiments of Section 4.2 and Appendix B.2.
- Install all required packages.
# from CRAN
install.packages(c("ranger", "dplyr", "batchtools", "mlr", "ggplot2", "gridExtra", "tidyr", "reshape2",
"ggpubr", "BBmisc", "data.table", "stringi", "stringr", "checkmate", "kernlab", "xtable", "devtools",
"tidyverse", "Rmalschains", "iml","kmlShape","dtw","egg","rlist","mgcv","mvtnorm", "vip", "data.table",
"e1071", "RColorBrewer", "R6", "sfsmisc", "mlr3", "xgboost"))
# from github
Create an experimental registry, add experiments and problem and run simulations via script
. Data produced by the scripts is stored in the subfolderdata/batchtools/interaction_detection
as a separate registry. -
Prepare data for analysis by running the script
. -
To reproduce figures and tables of Section 4.2 and Appendices B.2 and B.3, run the script
. Figures produced within the script are stored infigures
To reproduce the experiments of Section 3 and 4.1, run the scripts R/simulations/analysis/analysis_sim_vine_vs_repid.R
and R/simulations/analysis/analysis_sim_weak.R
respectively. To reproduce the results of the real-world examples, run the scripts in R/real_world_example/