Releases: JuliaDynamics/ResumableFunctions.jl
Releases · JuliaDynamics/ResumableFunctions.jl
ResumableFunctions v0.6.3
Closed issues:
- Delegating to subgenerator (PEP 380) (#49)
- Broken on Julia 1.10 (fix included) (#60)
- CI, TagBot, Documenter fixes (#64)
- a resumable function as a struct field var causes an error "struct expression not at top level" (#66)
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for delegation and return values with @yieldfrom (#57) (@gerlero)
- re-enable JET tests (#65) (@Krastanov)
- minor cleanup for move to JuliaDynamics (#68) (@Krastanov)
What's Changed
- Added the possibility to have Type parameters for smart type dispatching by @liuq in #58
- Fix for julia 1.10 by @Krastanov in #61
- polishing CI and tests by @Krastanov in #62
New Contributors
- @liuq made their first contribution in #58
- @Krastanov made their first contribution in #61
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2
Create stable docs
v0.6.0-docs Optimize example pidigits.jl
ResumableFunctions v0.6.0
ResumableFunctions v0.5.2
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#42) (@JuliaTagBot)
v0.5.1 (2019-08-28)
Julia v1.2 compatible
Make it work with Julia v1.2.
Correct handling of named arguments.
Prepare for Julia v1.1
Some fixes allowing ResumableFunctions to work with Julia v1.1
Some bug fixes
Add testing for Julia v1.0
Julia v1.0 compatible release
v0.4.0 Update