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add pure kwarg to map (#71)
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bkamins authored Sep 1, 2021
1 parent 095ea81 commit f87b540
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Showing 3 changed files with 151 additions and 13 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "PooledArrays"
uuid = "2dfb63ee-cc39-5dd5-95bd-886bf059d720"
version = "1.2.1"
version = "1.3.0"

DataAPI = "9a962f9c-6df0-11e9-0e5d-c546b8b5ee8a"
Expand Down
93 changes: 81 additions & 12 deletions src/PooledArrays.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ mutable struct PooledArray{T, R<:Integer, N, RA} <: AbstractArray{T, N}
function PooledArray{T,R,N,RA}(rs::RefArray{RA}, invpool::Dict{T, R},
refcount::Threads.Atomic{Int}=Threads.Atomic{Int}(1)) where {T,R,N,RA<:AbstractArray{R, N}}
# we currently support only 1-based indexing for refs
# TODO: change to Base.require_one_based_indexing after we drop Julia 1.0 support
for ax in axes(rs.a)
if first(ax) != 1
throw(ArgumentError("offset arrays are not supported but got an array with index other than 1"))

# this is a quick but incomplete consistency check
if length(pool) != length(invpool)
throw(ArgumentError("inconsistent pool and invpool"))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +84,7 @@ const PooledArrOrSub = Union{SubArray{T, N, <:PooledArray{T, R}},

# Echo inner constructor as an outer constructor
PooledArray(refs::RefArray{RA}, invpool::Dict{T,R}, pool::Vector{T}=_invert(invpool),
@inline PooledArray(refs::RefArray{RA}, invpool::Dict{T,R}, pool::Vector{T}=_invert(invpool),
refcount::Threads.Atomic{Int}=Threads.Atomic{Int}(1)) where {T,R,RA<:AbstractArray{R}} =
PooledArray{T,R,ndims(RA),RA}(refs, invpool, pool, refcount)

Expand All @@ -89,7 +97,7 @@ function _our_copy(x::SubArray{<:Any, 0})
return y

function PooledArray(d::PooledArrOrSub)
@inline function PooledArray(d::PooledArrOrSub)
Threads.atomic_add!(refcount(d), 1)
return PooledArray(RefArray(_our_copy(DataAPI.refarray(d))),
DataAPI.invrefpool(d), DataAPI.refpool(d), refcount(d))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,6 +139,7 @@ _widen(::Type{UInt32}) = UInt64
_widen(::Type{Int8}) = Int16
_widen(::Type{Int16}) = Int32
_widen(::Type{Int32}) = Int64

# Constructor from array, invpool, and ref type

Expand All @@ -139,7 +148,8 @@ _widen(::Type{Int32}) = Int64
Freshly allocate `PooledArray` using the given array as a source where each
element will be referenced as an integer of the given type.
If `reftype` is not specified, Boolean keyword arguments `signed` and `compress`
If `reftype` is not specified then `PooledArray` constructor is not type stable.
In this case Boolean keyword arguments `signed` and `compress`
determine the type of integer references. By default (`signed=false`), unsigned integers
are used, as they have a greater range.
However, the Arrow standard at, as implemented in
Expand All @@ -162,7 +172,7 @@ if all values already exist in the pool.

function PooledArray{T}(d::AbstractArray, r::Type{R}) where {T,R<:Integer}
@inline function PooledArray{T}(d::AbstractArray, r::Type{R}) where {T,R<:Integer}
refs, invpool, pool = _label(d, T, R)

if length(invpool) > typemax(R)
Expand All @@ -173,19 +183,19 @@ function PooledArray{T}(d::AbstractArray, r::Type{R}) where {T,R<:Integer}
return PooledArray(RefArray(refs::Vector{R}), invpool::Dict{T,R}, pool)

function PooledArray{T}(d::AbstractArray; signed::Bool=false, compress::Bool=false) where {T}
@inline function PooledArray{T}(d::AbstractArray; signed::Bool=false, compress::Bool=false) where {T}
R = signed ? (compress ? Int8 : DEFAULT_SIGNED_REF_TYPE) : (compress ? UInt8 : DEFAULT_POOLED_REF_TYPE)
refs, invpool, pool = _label(d, T, R)
return PooledArray(RefArray(refs), invpool, pool)

PooledArray(d::AbstractArray{T}, r::Type) where {T} = PooledArray{T}(d, r)
PooledArray(d::AbstractArray{T}; signed::Bool=false, compress::Bool=false) where {T} =
@inline PooledArray(d::AbstractArray{T}, r::Type) where {T} = PooledArray{T}(d, r)
@inline PooledArray(d::AbstractArray{T}; signed::Bool=false, compress::Bool=false) where {T} =
PooledArray{T}(d, signed=signed, compress=compress)

# Construct an empty PooledVector of a specific type
PooledArray(t::Type) = PooledArray(Array(t,0))
PooledArray(t::Type, r::Type) = PooledArray(Array(t,0), r)
@inline PooledArray(t::Type) = PooledArray(Array(t,0))
@inline PooledArray(t::Type, r::Type) = PooledArray(Array(t,0), r)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,7 +314,66 @@ Base.findall(pdv::PooledVector{Bool}) = findall(convert(Vector{Bool}, pdv))

function, x::PooledArray{T,R}) where {T,R<:Integer}
map(f, x::PooledArray; pure::Bool=false)
Transform `PooledArray` `x` by applying `f` to each element.
If `pure=true` then `f` is applied to each element of pool of `x`
exactly once (even if some elements in pool are not present it `x`).
This will typically be much faster when the proportion of unique values
in `x` is small.
If `pure=false`, the returned array will use the same reference type
as `x`, or `Int` if the number of unique values in the result is too large
to fit in that type.
function, x::PooledArray{<:Any, R, N, RA}; pure::Bool=false)::Union{PooledArray{<:Any, R, N, RA},
PooledArray{<:Any, Int, N,
typeof(similar(x.refs, Int, ntuple(i -> 0, ndims(x.refs))))}} where {R, N, RA}
pure && return _map_pure(f, x)
length(x) == 0 && return PooledArray([f(v) for v in x])
v1 = f(x[1])
invpool = Dict(v1 => one(eltype(x.refs)))
pool = [v1]
labels = similar(x.refs)
labels[1] = 1
nlabels = 1
return _map_notpure(f, x, 2, invpool, pool, labels, nlabels)

function _map_notpure(f, xs::PooledArray, start,
invpool::Dict{T,I}, pool::Vector{T},
labels::AbstractArray{I}, nlabels::Int) where {T, I<:Integer}
for i in start:length(xs)
vi = f(xs[i])
lbl = get(invpool, vi, zero(I))
if lbl != zero(I)
labels[i] = lbl
if nlabels == typemax(I) || !(vi isa T)
I2 = nlabels == typemax(I) ? Int : I
T2 = vi isa T ? T : Base.promote_typejoin(T, typeof(vi))
nlabels += 1
invpool2 = convert(Dict{T2, I2}, invpool)
invpool2[vi] = nlabels
pool2 = convert(Vector{T2}, pool)
push!(pool2, vi)
labels2 = convert(AbstractArray{I2}, labels)
labels2[i] = nlabels
return _map_notpure(f, xs, i + 1, invpool2, pool2,
labels2, nlabels)
nlabels += 1
labels[i] = nlabels
invpool[vi] = nlabels
push!(pool, vi)
return PooledArray(RefArray(labels), invpool, pool)

function _map_pure(f, x::PooledArray)
ks = collect(keys(x.invpool))
vs = collect(values(x.invpool))
ks1 = map(f, ks)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -601,14 +670,14 @@ _perm(o::F, z::V) where {F, V} = Base.Order.Perm{F, V}(o, z)

Base.Order.Perm(o::Base.Order.ForwardOrdering, y::PooledArray) = _perm(o, fast_sortable(y))

function Base.repeat(x::PooledArray, m::Integer...)
function Base.repeat(x::PooledArray, m::Integer...)
Threads.atomic_add!(x.refcount, 1)
PooledArray(RefArray(repeat(x.refs, m...)), x.invpool, x.pool, x.refcount)

function Base.repeat(x::PooledArray; inner = nothing, outer = nothing)
Threads.atomic_add!(x.refcount, 1)
PooledArray(RefArray(repeat(x.refs; inner = inner, outer = outer)),
PooledArray(RefArray(repeat(x.refs; inner = inner, outer = outer)),
x.invpool, x.pool, x.refcount)

Expand Down
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,6 +126,15 @@ end
@test PooledArrays.fast_sortable(v3) == PooledArray([1, 3, 2, 4])
@test isbitstype(eltype(PooledArrays.fast_sortable(v3)))
Base.Order.Perm(Base.Order.Forward, v3).data == PooledArray([1, 3, 2, 4])

for T in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64)
@inferred PooledArray([1, 2, 3], T)
for signed in (true, false), compress in (true, false)
@test_throws ErrorException @inferred PooledArray([1, 2, 3],

@testset "pool non-copying constructor and copy tests" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,3 +509,63 @@ end
pa2 = repeat(pa1, inner = (2, 1))
@test pa2 == [1 2; 1 2; 3 4; 3 4]

@testset "map pure tests" begin
x = PooledArray([1, 2, 3])
x[3] = 1
y = map(-, x, pure=true)
@test refpool(y) == [-1, -2, -3]
@test y == [-1, -2, -1]

y = map(-, x)
@test refpool(y) == [-1, -2]
@test y == [-1, -2, -1]

function f()
i = Ref(0)
return x -> (i[] -= 1; i[])

# the order is strange as we iterate invpool which is a Dict
# and it depends on the version of Julia
y = map(f(), x, pure=true)
d = Dict(Set(1:3) .=> -1:-1:-3)
@test refpool(y) == [d[i] for i in 1:3]
@test y == [d[v] for v in x]

y = map(f(), x)
@test refpool(y) == [-1, -2, -3]
@test y == [-1, -2, -3]

x = PooledArray([1, missing, 2])
y = map(identity, x)
@test isequal(y, [1, missing, 2])
@test typeof(y) === PooledVector{Union{Missing, Int}, UInt32, Vector{UInt32}}

x = PooledArray([1, missing, 2], signed=true, compress=true)
y = map(identity, x)
@test isequal(y, [1, missing, 2])
@test typeof(y) === PooledVector{Union{Missing, Int}, Int8, Vector{Int8}}

x = PooledArray(fill(1, 200), signed=true, compress=true)
y = map(f(), x)
@test y == -1:-1:-200
@test typeof(y) === PooledVector{Int, Int, Vector{Int}}

x = PooledArray(reshape(fill(1, 200), 2, :), signed=true, compress=true)
y = map(f(), x)
@test y == reshape(-1:-1:-200, 2, :)
@test typeof(y) === PooledMatrix{Int, Int, Matrix{Int}}

x = PooledArray(fill("a"), signed=true, compress=true)
y = map(f(), x)
@test y == fill(-1)
@test typeof(y) === PooledArray{Int, Int8, 0, Array{Int8, 0}}

@static if VERSION >= v"1.6"
for signed in (true, false), compress in (true, false), len in (1, 100, 1000)
x = PooledArray(fill(1, len), signed=signed, compress=compress)
@inferred PooledVector{Int, Int, Vector{Int}} map(identity, x)

2 comments on commit f87b540

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@bkamins bkamins commented on f87b540 Sep 1, 2021

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