This repository provides an example of how to integrate an external Nextflow pipeline, such as AliNe, into another pipeline seamlessly.
The example pipeline, daisy-chaining-aline, consists of two steps. The first step calls AliNe and retrieves the sorted BAM file it generates. The second step represents the continuation of the pipeline—here, for simplicity, it runs samtools stats as a demonstration.
AliNe is a Nextflow-based pipeline designed for efficient read alignment against a reference genome using various alignment tools of your choice. For more details, visit the AliNe repository.
The prerequisites to run the pipeline are:
- Nextflow >= 22.04.0
- Docker or Singularity
Via conda
See here
conda create -n nextflow conda activate nextflow conda install bioconda::nextflow
See here
Nextflow runs on most POSIX systems (Linux, macOS, etc) and can typically be installed by running these commands:# Make sure 11 or later is installed on your computer by using the command: java -version # Install Nextflow by entering this command in your terminal(it creates a file nextflow in the current dir): curl -s | bash # Add Nextflow binary to your user's PATH: mv nextflow ~/bin/ # OR system-wide installation: # sudo mv nextflow /usr/local/bin
To run the workflow you will need a container platform: docker or singularity.
Please follow the instructions at the Docker website
Please follow the instructions at the Singularity website
You can first check the available options and parameters by running:
nextflow run Juke34/daisy-chaining-aline -r v1.0.0 --help
To run the workflow you must select a profile according to the container platform you want to use:
, a profile using Singularity to run the containersdocker
, a profile using Docker to run the containers
The command will look like that:
nextflow run Juke34/daisy-chaining-aline -r v1.0.0 -profile docker <rest of paramaters>
A typical command might look like the following.
Here, we use the docker container platform, remote read and genome files, specify that we use single-ended short reads, list a number of aligners, enable trimming with fastp and provide specific options for the star aligner.
nextflow run Juke34/daisy-chaining-aline \
-r v1.0.0 \
-profile docker \
--reads, \
--genome \
--read_type short_single \
--aligner hisat2,bowtie2