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Releases: Juke34/AliNe

AliNe - v1.1.1 - JOSS release

01 Mar 17:57
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Latest changes from the review (Improve paper and documentation).
This is the version that will be used in the JOSS paper.

AliNe - v1.1.0

30 Jan 15:54
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Remove Tophat2
Add bowtie 1
Add kallisto
Add CI
Improve documentation
Add Samtools stats

AliNe - v1.0.1

13 Jan 21:14
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Deal with remote reads, genome and annotation file.
Simplify how annotation is handled (prepare annotation process removed)

AliNe - v1.0.0

27 Sep 11:02
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First release of AliNe
Integrate 15 alignment tools [ 'bbmap', 'bowtie2', 'bwaaln', 'bwamem', 'bwasw', 'graphmap2', 'hisat2', 'minimap2', 'novoalign', 'nucmer', 'ngmlr', 'star', 'subread', 'sublong', 'tophat2' ]
Deal with read orintation
Deal with annotation
Deal with sequence scoring system
Deal With short reads (paired or single) and with Long reads (PacBio and ONT)
Trim with fastp (optional)
QC with fastqc (optional)