PojoTest is a test library designed to help me testing POJOs using a simple API. The implementation is using [POJO-TESTER](https://www.pojo.pl/ library).
- JDK >= 8
- JUnit >= 4.13
- Maven >= 3.6
- SLF4J >= 1.7.30 (Optionnal - note that warning will appear if you're not using a version of it.)
Checkout the latest version of PojoTest and run a maven install on it.
Import the library into your own pom.xml.
Create and run a simple JUnit Test Class on a POJO of your own
public class AbstractPojoTesterTest extends AbstractPojoTester<AuthorDTO>{
// nothing to do
Run, and enjoy ;)
AbstractPojoTester abstract class provides a way to add unit testing on: Getter, Setter and simple Constructor fo a specific POJO.
PojoBuilder class provides a way to build your own set of random data corresponding to a POJO.
- Maven - Dependency Management
I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- JordanTerri - Initial work - JordanTerri