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A webapp for collecting questions for answer live. Created in the NLW#6 event.
A React app developed in a online event NLW#6 (Next Level Week, 6th edition), by the online programming school Rocketseat.
Large (desktop) size layout only
Create rooms by authenticating with Google
Access rooms by it's code
View room freely
Copy room code on button
See all existent questions
questions highlights
questions like count
Authenticaded user actions
Like other's not open questions
Can't like your own questions
Room admin actions
Highlight one question at time
highlighting is a toggle action. Can undo
highlighting one, un-highlight the rest
Mark question as answered, closing it
definite action, can not be reopened
closing un-highlight question and disables this button
See question's like count
- Can not like'm though
Delete any question. Then it's gone for good
Don't have access to rooms you create as a user view
So can't ask questions to your self'
Close rooms
- Not more access to room with it's code
- Rooms is not recoverable by user
You can check it running over here
- Loging with other methods
- Github
- Apple
- Microsoft
- Phone
- Passwordless email
- Responsiveness
- Unlogin/change account
- Direct share link option
- Dark theme
- Scroll all clients to the just highlighted question
- Allow installing as PWA
The most recent state of this project is automatically build to Vercel and Firebase too.
You can run it at any of those:
- Extensive use of React's State and Context APIs
- Using Effect APIs too.
- Creation of custom Hooks.
- Scss (Sass) for advanced styling.
- A colors "library" scss file.
- Css Flexbox.
- Svg icons as image and inline for dynamics.
The fastest to see the code, is making use of new github.dev, that allow open a github repo on VS code in the browser.
Just hit .
(dot) on this repo, and it's done.
Or you can also edit the url, to change github.com to github.dev
It can't run the app though. There is no terminal.
The easy way to get your dev enviroment runing it, is clone this repo to a cointainer in the cloud. If you already have an account:
To do it locally, you need to install git and NodeJS. I'm using yarn to build, though you can use npm.
# Clone this repo
$ git clone https://github.com/JonatasAmaral/le.Q.git
# Open folder (rename it before, if you want to)
$ cd le.Q
# Install/update the dependencies
$ yarn
# Or, for npm
$ npm install
# Get local API up in one terminal (make sure to set baseURL in /src/services/api.ts to htts://localhost:3000 for that to work)
$ yarn server
# Run app in a separate terminal
$ yarn dev
# Or
$ npm dev
# Access localhost
Thank's and credits to Diego Fernandes and his team at Rocketseat.
Designer, Computer Engeneering student.
This project is under the MIT license.