Access the scipts/ directory and excute the corresponding script. Ensure modification of the paths for storing the model and the project root directory, specifically adjusting the 'model_path' in the YAML configuration and the 'root_path' in each script accordingly.
Preliminary experiments were conducted to assess: 1. accuracy in responding to questions with factual and counterfactual evidence; 2. accuracy in responding to questions with varied password inputs.
The scripts for both of these components can be found in scipts/ The final results are reflected in the files 'acc_commonsense.txt' and 'acc_password.txt' located within the respective folders for different models under results/.
The scripts for this part can be found in scripts/ The resulting file is vi_heatmap.pdf in the different models folder in results/.
The scripts for this part can be found in scripts/ The resulting file is vi.txt in the different models folder in results/.
The scripts for this part can be found in scripts/,The resulting file is all_vi.txt in the different models folder in results/.
The scripts for this part can be found in scripts/
The scripts for this part can be found in scripts/ The resulting file is password_last_vi_irr_{0-10}.txt in the different models folder in results/.