A book club app that uses a simple algorithm to select the best candidate for the next read, based on rating, target length, and who suggested recently selected books. Or just use it solo.
- Download the latest release and run
- Data is stored in '%appdata%/Roaming/FabulaRasa'
- Manage profiles with the user icon in the top left
- Each profile has a separate calendar, database, and config
- Manage data export and import with the disc icon in the in the top left
- Export as CSV or MD
- Backup and restore profiles
- Manage misc options with the gear icon in the top left
- Input regional store addresses for Amazon and Kobo
- Clear the book cover image cache
- Add books
- Add book title/ISBN, author, tags, word count, and member
- Title/ISBN is the only required field
- ISBN is preferable to get the correct edition/cover
- Info will be pulled automatically and member will be skipped if not entered
- Word count can't be scraped, but will make an estimate based on page count
- Use this for book word counts
- Tags must be seperated with a comma (e.g. 'Fiction, Literary')
- Click 'Add' or press 'Enter' to add it to the available books
- All fields can be added/edited later
- Add book title/ISBN, author, tags, word count, and member
- Select books
- Select a planned read date in the calendar
- Planned read date will default to next Monday if not changed
- Dates with planned read dates will be coloured blue
- Click 'Select' to run the selector
- Select a planned read date in the calendar
- Navigate through selected books with the icons in the top right of the selected book panel
- In order: earliest, previous, current, next, latest
- Manage available and previously selected books in a table view
- Edit, add, or remove books to the available books table manually
- Edit books in the selected books table manually
- Tags
- Tags can be added, edited, or deleted by double clicking the tag field
- Click 'Save' to save tag changes
- Click 'Save' to save book changes
- Adjust the algorithm settings
- Rating Baseline sets the star rating that equals 0 penalty (lower and higher ratings subtract or add points)
- Rating Multiplier is the factor to multiply by (10 is 1 point per 0.1 rating / 3 stars = 30 points)
- Target Wordcount sets the number of words that equals 0 points (lower and higher than target wordcount will subtracts points)
- Penalty Step is how many words outside target to apply a 1 point penalty (every x number of words outside of target subtracts 1 point)
- Penalty 1, 2, and 3 subtracts points based on who selected recent books (1 being the most recent, 2 the second most, 3 the third most)
- Tag 1, 2, and 3 subtracts or adds points based on genre of recently selected books (1 being the most recent, 2 the second most, 3 the third most)
- Click 'Save' to save config changes
- Cover scraping will take a moment when adding a book, but selected book navigation will be faster once cached