Beeptok is a Python IRC Bot that makes use of Twitter API to send alerts to IRC users with a Twitter Account. Here we've details and a guide on how to setup and mange the bot (and possibly expand on the functions).
BeepTok needs Python 2.7 with the following modules installed:
Standard Libs
- tweepy
- socket
- random
- re
- cPickle
For Twilio Rest API support:
git clone`
cd twilio-python`
python install
- Clone the repository on your computer
$ git clone BeepTok-Bot
- Install tweepy (if you don't have it).
$ pip install tweepy
- Open beeptok/ and enter the IRC Server and port to connect; Enter Nickname and password for the Bot and the channels to connect. For example:
server = ''
port = 6667
nickname = 'BeepBot'
channels = ['#demo']
password = 'passwd'
- Also get your Twitter API keys; if you don't have them, get from (create a new app). Open beeptok/ and fill in the values appropriately. For example:
consumer_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
access_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
access_token_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- Now open beeptok/ and on class IRCClient look for the following variables to edit/update:
# Add a list of nicks to send notifications (when afk & mentioned).
nickToCheck = ['troon','Nick2']
# Owner of the Bot
owner = 'troon'
# Add Twitter handles for nicks to notify; Format {nick:twitter_handle}
tweetID = {'troon':'johntroony','Nick2':'twitter_handle'}
- Run the
$ python
- prints help message!troll
- prints a troll message!fcat
- prints a fact about cats!excuse
- prints a BOFH excuse
- Sends tweet to the Twitter Timeline. E.g!tweet Tweet from IRC :D
!addbeep Nick=TwitterID
- Add IRC userNick
with his/herTwitterID
to get notifications.!rmbeep Nick
- Remove IRCNick
from getting notifications on Twitter when mentioned on IRC.!stats
- Prints current IRC users subscribed for Twitter notification (when mentioned on IRC).
IRC mention notifications are sent as DMs to a user having a Twitter account. If the user has set SMS notifications on Twitter, he/she will get the IRC notification as a SMS/Text message.
A) If Message is too long (more than 140 characters), a predefined message is sent instead..
First part before : shows the IRC user who mentioned you, then the predefined message followed by the IRC channel.
B) When the message is less than 140 characters, it's sent as a DM....
First part before : shows the IRC user who mentioned you, then the message followed by the IRC channel.
- Beepbot can join multiple Chans on the same IRC server
- Beepbot can auto rejoin Chans
- Supports Private Chat (you can extend features here too!).
- Twitter notifications
- Can print cat facts, some trolls & stupid excuses
- Supports Twilio API for Text Messaging (beta)
To share your improvements or simply correct any mistakes committed (I like the pun):
- Fork the repository
- Make changes
- Submit a PR with a nice commit message & easy to track changes on the code.
You can also open issues that can assist on the improvement of BeepTok.