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John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 2.4.0: New TensorFlow 1.15, Universal Sentence Encoder, Elmo, faster Word Embeddings & more

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@maziyarpanahi maziyarpanahi released this 03 Feb 11:33
· 5458 commits to master since this release

We are very excited to finally release Spark NLP v2.4.0! This has been one of the largest releases we have ever made since the inception of the library! The new release of Spark NLP 2.4.0 has been migrated to TensorFlow 1.15.0 which takes advantage of the latest deep learning technologies and pre-trained models.



pip install spark-nlp==2.4.0


conda install -c johnsnowlabs spark-nlp==2.4.0


spark-shell --packages com.johnsnowlabs.nlp:spark-nlp_2.11:2.4.0


pyspark --packages com.johnsnowlabs.nlp:spark-nlp_2.11:2.4.0




Major features and improvements

  • NEW: TensorFlow 1.15.0 now works behind Spark NLP. This brings implicit improvements in performance, accuracy, and functionalities
  • NEW: UniversalSentenceEncoder annotator with 2 pre-trained models from TF Hub
  • NEW: ElmoEmbeddings with a pre-trained model from TF Hub
  • NEW: All our pre-trained models are now cross-platform!
  • NEW: For the first time, all the multi-lingual models and pipelines are available for Windows users (French, German and Italian)
  • NEW: MultiDateMatcher capable of matching more than one date per sentence (Extends DateMatcher algorithm)
  • NEW: BigTextMatcher works best with large amounts of input data
  • BertEmbeddings improvements with 5 new models from TF Hub
  • RecursivePipelineModel as an enhanced PipelineModel allows Annotators to access previous annotators in the pipeline for more ML strategies
  • LazyAnnotators: A new Param in Annotators allows them to stand idle in the Pipeline and do nothing. Can be called by other Annotators in a RecursivePipeline
  • RocksDB is now available as a flexible API called Storage. Allows any annotator to have it's own distributed local index database
  • Now our Tensorflow pre-trained models are cross-platform. Enabling multi-language models and other improvements to Windows users.
  • Improved IO performance in general for handling embeddings
  • Improved cache cleanup and GC by liberating open files utilized in RocksDB (to be improved further)
  • Tokenizer and SentenceDetector Params minLength and MaxLength to filter out annotations outside these bounds
  • Tokenizer improvements in splitChars and simplified rules
  • DateMatcher improvements
  • TextMatcher improvements preload algorithm information within the model for faster prediction
  • Annotators the utilize embeddings have now a strict validation to be using exactly the embeddings they were trained with
  • Improvements in the API allow Annotators with Storage to save and load their RocksDB database independently and let it be shared across Annotators and let it be shared across Annotators

Models and Pipelines

Spark NLP 2.4.0 comes with new models including Universal Sentence Encoder, BERT, and Elmo models from TF Hub. In addition, our multilingual pipelines are now available for Windows as same as Linux and macOS users.

Models Name
UniversalSentenceEncoder tf_use
UniversalSentenceEncoder tf_use_lg
BertEmbeddings bert_large_cased
BertEmbeddings bert_large_uncased
BertEmbeddings bert_base_cased
BertEmbeddings bert_base_uncased
BertEmbeddings bert_multi_cased
ElmoEmbeddings elmo
NerDLModel onto_100
NerDLModel onto_300
Pipelines Name Language
Explain Document Large explain_document_lg fr
Explain Document Medium explain_document_md fr
Entity Recognizer Large entity_recognizer_lg fr
Entity Recognizer Medium entity_recognizer_md fr
Explain Document Large explain_document_lg de
Explain Document Medium explain_document_md de
Entity Recognizer Large entity_recognizer_lg de
Entity Recognizer Medium entity_recognizer_md de
Explain Document Large explain_document_lg it
Explain Document Medium explain_document_md it
Entity Recognizer Large entity_recognizer_lg it
Entity Recognizer Medium entity_recognizer_md it


# Import Spark NLP
from sparknlp.base import *
from sparknlp.annotator import *
from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline
import sparknlp

# Start Spark Session with Spark NLP
# If you already have a SparkSession (Zeppelin, Databricks, etc.) 
# you can skip this
spark = sparknlp.start()

# Download a pre-trained pipeline
pipeline = PretrainedPipeline('explain_document_md', lang='fr')

# Your testing dataset
text = """
Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron est le fils de Jean-Michel Macron, né en 1950, médecin, professeur de neurologie au CHU d'Amiens4 et responsable d'enseignement à la faculté de médecine de cette même ville5, et de Françoise Noguès, médecin conseil à la Sécurité sociale.

# Annotate your testing dataset
result = pipeline.annotate(text)
# What's in the pipeline
# result:
# ['entities', 'lemma', 'document', 'pos', 'token', 'ner', 'embeddings', 'sentence']

# Check the results
# entities:
# ['Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron', 'Jean-Michel Macron', "CHU d'Amiens4", 'Françoise Noguès', 'Sécurité sociale']

Backward incompatibilities

Please note that in 2.4.0 we have added storageRef parameter to our WordEmbeddogs. This means every WordEmbeddingsModel will now have storageRef which is also bound to NerDLModel trained by that embeddings.
This assures users won't use a NerDLModel with a wrong WordEmbeddingsModel.


val embeddings = new WordEmbeddings()
      .setStoragePath("/tmp/glove.6B.100d.txt", ReadAs.TEXT)
      .setStorageRef("glove_100d") // Use or save this WordEmbeddings with storageRef
      .setInputCols("document", "token")

If you save theWordEmbeddings model the storageRef will be glove_100d. If you ever train any NerDLApproach the glove_100d will bind to that NerDLModel.

If you have already WordEmbeddingsModels saved from earlier versions, you either need to re-save them with storageRed or you can manually add this param in their metadata/. The same advice works for the NerDLModel from earlier versions.


  • Fixed splitChars in Tokenizer
  • Fixed PretrainedPipeline in Python to allow accessing the inner PipelineModel in the instance
  • Fixes in Chunk and SentenceEmbeddings to better deal with empty cleaned-up Annotations

Documentation and examples

  • We have a new Developer section for those who are interested in contributing to Spark NLP
  • We have updated our workshop repository with more notebooks