John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.7.3: Fixed cluster-mode word embeddings on pretrained and improved PySpark API
This hotfix release focuses on fixing word-embeddings cluster problems on some frameworks such as Databricsk, while keeping 1.7.x performance benefits. Various YARN based clusters have been tested, databricks cloud among them to test this hotfix.
Aside of that, multiple improvements have been commited towards a better support of PySpark-NLP, fixing diverse technical issues in the API that help consistency in Annotator's super classes.
Finally, PIP installation has been made easier with a SparkNLP class that creates SparkSession automatically, for those who are learning Python Spark on their local computers.
Thanks to all the community for reporting issues.
- Fixed 'RocksDB not serializable' when running LightPipeline scenarios or using _.functions implicits
- Fixed dependency with apache.commons.codec causing Apache Zeppelin 0.8.0 not to work in %pyspark
- Fixed Python pretrained() downloader not correctly setting Params and incorrectly creating new Model UIDs
- Fixed error 'JavaPackage not callable' when using AnnotatorModel.load() API without instantiating the class first
- Fixed Spark addFiles missing local file causing Word Embeddings not properly work in some Cluster-based frameworks
- Fixed broadcast NoSuchElementException
Failed to get broadcast_6_piece0 of broadcast_6
causing pretrained models not work in cluster frameworks (thanks @EnricoMi)
Developer API
- EmbeddingsHelper.setRef() has been removed. Reference is now set implicitly through EmbeddingsHelper.load(). Does not need to be loaded before deserializing models.
- Fixed and properly renamed chunk2doc and dock2chunk transformers, should now be working as expected
- Renamed setCompositeTokens to setCompositeTokensPatterns to help user remind that regex are being used in such Param
- Fixed PySpark automatic getter and setter Param generation when using pretrained() or load() models
- Simplified cluster path resolution for word embeddings
- sparknlp.base now contains SparkNLP() classs which automatically cretes SparkSession using appropriate jar settings. Helps newcomers get started in PySpark NLP.