TinkoffInvestSwiftSDK is a SDK for Tinkoff Invest API V2 which works over gRPC. Main purpose of TinkoffInvestSwiftSDK is to simplify Tinkoff Invest API V2 usage in Swift.
As Tinkoff Invest API V2 works over gRPC and therefore all network layer and domain models can be generated using grpc-swift. But gRPC's implementation generated in Swift is quite unpleasant to work with. Also it takes quite a time to setup generation, setup all Swift gRPC stack just to make one request. TinkoffInvestSwiftSDK provides more Swifty interfaces for Tinkoff API gRPC implematation so you can start using it with a few lines of code:
import Combine
import TinkoffInvestSDK
let tokenProvider = DefaultTokenProvider(token: <your_token>) // generate your personal token for Tinkoff Invest API
lazy var sdk = TinkoffInvestSDK(tokenProvider: tokenProvider)
var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
sdk.userService.getAccounts().flatMap {
sdk.portfolioService.getPortfolio(accountID: $0.accounts.first!.id)
}.sink { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
case .finished:
print("did finish loading getPortfolio")
} receiveValue: { portfolio in
}.store(in: &cancellables)
Another new feature of Tinkoff Invest API V2 is that now it's possible to subscribe to realtime streams for any instrument. Underhood it uses a bidirectional streaming RPC. So with the help of Combine Publishers we hide all complexity of gRPC streams as follows
// as we first address market stream, it creates a stream and now we may have multiple receiveValue calls over time
sdk.marketDataServiceStream.subscribeToCandels(figi: "BBG00ZKY1P71", interval: .oneMinute).sink { result in
} receiveValue: { result in
switch result.payload {
case .trade(let trade):
}.store(in: &cancellables)
// as market stream is now active, it just subscribes to new trades for provided figi
sdk.marketDataServiceStream.subscribeToTrades(figi: "BBG00ZKY1P71").sink { result in
} receiveValue: { result in
switch result.payload {
case .candle(let candle): // note that receiveValue in both sink closures calls every time the stream gets any message (can be a ping message with no payload)
print(candle.figi) // so it's better to check result.payload value before perform any other actions
}.store(in: &cancellables)
// closes the stream
You can easily add TinkoffInvestSwiftSDK to your project using either Swift Package Manager or CocoaPods.
Add the package dependency to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/JohnReeze/TinkoffInvestSwiftSDK.git", from: "0.5.0"),
Add the following line to your Podfile
pod 'TinkoffInvestSDK', :git => "https://github.com/JohnReeze/TinkoffInvestSwiftSDK.git", :tag => "0.5.0"
Since this library integrates with Combine, it only works on platforms that support Combine. This currently means the following minimum versions:
Platform | Minimum Supported Version |
macOS | 10.15 (Catalina) |
iOS & iPadOS | 15 |