- To design and implement different techniques to develop simple autonomous agents that make effective decisions in fully informed, and partially observable, settings.
- To apply appropriate algorithms for solving given AI problems.
- To Design and implement logical reasoning agents.
- To Design and implement agents that can reason under uncertainty.
- To understand the Implementation of these reasoning systems using either backward or forward inference mechanisms
- Develop PEAS descriptions for given AI tasks
- Implement basic search strategies for selected AI applications
- Implement A* and memory bounded A* algorithms
- Implement genetic algorithms for AI tasks
- Implement simulated annealing algorithms for AI tasks
- Implement alpha-beta tree search
- Implement backtracking algorithms for CSP
- Implement local search algorithms for CSP
- Implement propositional logic inferences for AI tasks
- Implement resolution based first order logic inferences for AI tasks
- Implement classical planning algorithms
- Mini-Project
- Implement simple PEAS descriptions for given AI tasks
- Develop programs to implement simulated annealing and genetic algorithms
- Demonstrate the ability to solve problems using searching and backtracking
- Ability to Implement simple reasoning systems using either backward or forward inference mechanisms
- Will be able to choose and implement a suitable technics for a given AI task
- C++ or Java Software