All polls in #nouncil-votes have the following options: FOR, AGAINST, or a Nouncillor can abstain from the decision.
All Nouncil polls are open for 5 days (120 hours), after which voting will close. Late votes will not be accepted.
The minimum number of Nouncillors that need to vote on a proposal in order for a decision to be made. Abstains count towards quorum. A vote that fails to meet quorum is null and void.
Current Voting Quorum: 30%
In addition to meeting quorum, for a poll to succeed the leading option must have a minimum of 30% support. This includes both FOR and AGAINST options. If the voting threshold is not met the poll is inconclusive.
Current Vote Threshold: 21%
If a Nouncillor has voted on a poll and wants to change their vote before it closes they can DM Joel Cares to delete their old vote. This can only be done once per poll, and they are responsible for processing their updated vote.
If quorum is not met a poll is inconclusive.
If no option reaches the Vote Threshold the poll is inconclusive. For example, if we have 100 Nouncillors, a vote option such as FOR needs 30 or more supporting votes to succeed, even if it is the option with the highest votes.
If a poll results in a tie it is inconclusive. Inconclusive polls will be processed as ABSTAIN in external governance such as Nouns DAO. If a vote meets quorum, a single vote option has the most votes, and those votes meet or pass the Vote Threshold, that vote option will be considered the winner in a binding Nouncil decision.
Any Nouncillor can create a poll in #nouncil-votes to change governance values. If a poll specifying governance changes passes that change has been officially accepted. Currently these changes must be manually applied by admin. Unless a timeline is specified the admin will strive to make the changes ASAP. In the event of conflicting changes passing before admin execution, the completed governance changes will be added to a queue and executed in the order they were passed, with a timeline similar to the timeline of the config polls passing.
To be eligible for membership in Nouncil an individual must demonstrate a track record of Nounish Building.
New members can join the Nouncil Discussion Channel at any time and engage in (respectful) dialog and discussion.
To join Nouncil you must head to Nouncil Discord and, in the #nouncil-apply chanel, ask to join Nouncil. Please include a summary of your Nounish activities and any relevant social media links.
Any Nouncillor can put an application up to vote using the command /nerman create-poll
in #nouncil-votes. Nomination polls must clearly state who is applying, tag them, and link to their application message.
When voting on a new member Nouncillors should evaluate the application on the following criteria:
- Are they a Nounish builder?
- Have they shipped or worked on any Nounish projects/products?
- Do they have a track record of execution?
- Are they a unique person and not an alt account for any existing Nouncillor?
Should it be appropriate to remove a member of the Nouncil due to behavior unbecoming a Nouncillor, or project termination, any 2 members of the Nouncil can suggest the removal of said member, which will then be put to a binding Nouncil vote. Removing a Nouncillor requires a majority decision (> 51% of Nouncillors)
The Nouncil shall endeavor to discuss and vote on every proposal made at
If a Nouncillor has a proposal in a Prop House that Nouncil is voting on they should vote however they want, including for their own proposal.
An Active Nouncillor is a Nouncillor who has a vote participation rate of 69% or greater and has been active in Nouncil for at least 2 months. This status will be used to determine eligibility for various grant programs. For instance, only Active Nouncillors are eligible for the regular Community Grants allocations.
Current Minimum Vote Participation Rate: 69%
If a Nouncillor’s vote participation falls below the minimum they will be automatically removed from Nouncil. They are welcome to apply again at any time, but all Nouncil voting records will start from scratch.
It is not currently possible to participate in Nouncil without being a member of the Nouncil Discord server. As such, leaving the Nouncil Discord is equivalent to resigning from Nouncil.
If a Nouncillor leaves the Nouncil Discord they have 7 days to rejoin and contact an admin to restore their Nouncillor role. After 7 days they will be removed from Nouncil entirely and will need to reapply to join in the future.