A library that converts Yup schemas to a React form build with MaterialUI.
import {FormFromSchema} from "yup-schemas-to-react-material-ui-forms";
import {object, string, number, date, array, bool} from 'yup';
const schema = object().shape({
user: object({
firstName: string().required(),
dob: date().required(),
vehicles: array().of(object().shape({
brand: string().required(),
mileage: number().required(),
isElectic: boolean().required()
const initialFormValue = {
user: {
firstName: "test first name",
dob: "01/31/1992",
{brand:"Toyota",mileage:45834, isElectric: false},
{brand:"Tesla",mileage:12493, isElectric: true},
function renderForm({initialFormValue, saveNewValue}) {
return <FormFromSchema
onSubmit={(value) => {
- Clone the repository (you can find the URL in the package.json and on npmjs.com)
npm install
npm start
. This can take a minute to compile & open a browser window that shows the example.- Optional: modify the
and try out your own yup schemas :)