First project for the AEDA chair (FEUP MIEIC 2019/2020).
Chosen project theme: Cartão Museus de Portugal.
Google tests and doxygen have been commented out from the CMakeLists file.
You can uncomment them at your discretion if you want to use them.
If you uncomment the google tests lib from the CMakeLists file, you still
need to uncomment the include line in the main.cpp file.
If you want to compile this project from the terminal using CMake, you might want to do the following:
- create a directory in the project's root: mkdir cmake-build-debug
- cd into the created directory: cd cmake-build-debug
- run the following command: cmake .. && cmake --build . && ./<executable_name>
Everytime you want to recompile and run the project, you just need to run that last command inside the created folder. Be careful to not commit this folder and its contents to the repository as it is considered bad practice (and the files are useless for sharing purposes).
Our UML file was drawn using
Our UML is provided in the UML_class_diagram.svg file as an SVG.
List of collaborators.
Only the master branch was kept so most of the changes history as been lost.
The code on this repository was left as is on the dead-line for delivery so the bugs listed below should be fixed on the second part of the project:
- Reading list of users' (CCs) who have bought an event from files (missing a vector clear)
- Information validity checking when using some of the setters (information changing)
- Can't remember the others (if any)..