This repository contains 2 dockers (frontend & backend) to visualise a json generated by the Honours Program 2019-2020 of PXL.
If you want to run the project locally on your own computer, you can do so in two ways. You can run it like in production and start the Docker containers or run it like you would when developing.
Here is assumed that you have Docker installed correctly.
Start of by building the images: .\00_build_images.cmd
or ./
Start frontend by: .\01_start_frontend.cmd
or ./
. You can now go to this address in your browser: localhost:4200.
Start backend by: .\02_start_backend.cmd
or ./
. You can now go to this address in your browser: localhost:5000.
Here is assumed that you have NPM and Python 3 installed correctly.
- Go the the frontend directory by:
cd frontend
. - Install dependencies by:
npm install
. - Run the project by:
npm run start
. - You can now go to this address in your browser: localhost:4200.
- Go the the backend directory by:
cd backend
. - Install dependencies by:
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Run the project by:
. - You can now go to this address in your browser: localhost:5000.