- Requirements
- Initialization
- Setup
- Database
- Api Document
- Authentication
- Sending Email
- File System
- Credentials
- Deployment
- Supplement
- Docker 19.x If you run the project locally, the followings are required.
- Node 16.x
- Yarn 1.22.x
- Postgres 8.0.x
Setup procedure of development environment.
Run cp .env.example .env
Build docker containers
docker-compose build
Create new database. Note: skip this step if database existed
docker-compose run api yarn db:create
Generate new migrations. Note: skip this step if migrations existed in src/database/migrations
docker-compose run api yarn db:generate
Apply migrations
docker-compose run api yarn db:run
Start the app
docker-compose up
Install dependencies
yarn install
Start postgres and redis services
docker-compose up -d db redis
Update .env file
Create new database. Note: skip this step if database existed
yarn db:create
Generate new migrations. Note: skip this step if migrations existed in src/database/migrations
yarn db:generate
Apply migrations
yarn db:run
Start the app
yarn start
Some useful commands for database:
- Create new database
yarn db:create
- Drop database schema
yarn db:drop
- Generate migration from entity schema
yarn db:generate
- Apply migrations
yarn db:run
- Revert migrations
yarn db:rollback
Our command built on TypeOrm cli. In case you want run other TypeOrm command, you can use that command with the prefix
yarn typeorm
Example: To show all migrations
yarn typeorm migration:show
Use the link below to access api document:
Input the credentials:
Username: swagger
Password: swagger
You can adjust swagger url and credentials by edit these configs in .env file
Import repository
into module
import { Applicant } from '@entities/applicants';
import { ApplicantRepository } from './applicants.repository';
import { provideCustomRepository } from 'src/utils/repository';
imports: [NestjsFormDataModule],
providers: [provideCustomRepository(Applicant, ApplicantRepository), ApplicantService], // <-- Add custom repository here
controllers: [ApplicantController],
Using repository
mothod inside you service action
export class ApplicantService {
@InjectRepository(Applicant) // <-- Add decorator
private readonly repository: ApplicantRepository // <-- And this declare
) {}
this.repository.findMany({ .... })
const conditions = [
column: 'full_name',
value: 'hello',
operator: QueryOperators.START_WITH,
whereType: QueryWhereType.WHERE,
whereType: QueryWhereType.WHERE_AND,
conditions: [
column: 'phone_number',
value: '0002,
operator: QueryOperators.START_WITH,
whereType: QueryWhereType.WHERE_OR,
column: 'phone_number',
value: '0001',
operator: QueryOperators.START_WITH,
whereType: QueryWhereType.WHERE_OR,
whereType: QueryWhereType.WHERE_AND,
builder: (qb) => {
qb.where('birthday', '=', '1')
const relations: QueryRelation[] = [
{ column: 'applicant_languages', alias: 'applicant_languages' },
{ column: 'job_experiences', alias: 'job_experiences' },
this.repository.findMany({ conditions, relations })
// -> SELECT * FROM ... WHERE full_name = '' AND (phone_number = '' OR phone_number = '') AND birthday = '1'
// Included relation data: job_experiences, applicant_languages
Inject datasource to servcei
export class ApplicantService {
private readonly dataSource: DataSource,
private readonly repository: ApplicantRepository,
) {}
Create query runner to perform transaction
const queryRunner = this.dataSource.createQueryRunner();
await queryRunner.connect();
await queryRunner.startTransaction();
try {
const data = {
email: 'email21@gmail.com',
income_range_id: 1,
management_experience_id: 1
await this.repository.createOne({
}, queryRunner)
await this.anotherRepository.updateOne({
data: {
full_name: 'test'
conditions: [
column: 'applicants.email',
value: 'email21@gmail.com',
operator: QueryOperators.EQUAL,
whereType: QueryWhereType.WHERE_AND,
}, queryRunner)
await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
} catch (err) {
// since we have errors lets rollback the changes we made
await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
} finally {
// you need to release a queryRunner which was manually instantiated
await queryRunner.release();
Sends email with confirmation instructions and verifies whether an account is already confirmed during sign in. Following these steps to enable confirmation feature:
- Add these configs into .env file
AUTH_CONFIRMATION_URL=[confirmation link attach in email]
- Follow Sending Email section to setup mail service
Change password by using registration email. After requesting reset password, an email will be sent with a token attached in a link. Using this token for change new password. Following these steps to enable reset password feature:
- Add these configs into .env file
AUTH_RESET_PASSWORD_URL=[reset password link attach in email]
AUTH_RESET_PASSWORD_IN=[hour] // default is 1 hour
- Follow Sending Email section to setup mail service
Currently, we're only supporting 3 email providers: SES and SendGrid and Maildev(For Development)
- Use these configs in .env file in order to config email setting
MAIL_PROVIDER=[ses | sendgrid | maildev] // Default is 'maildev'
MAIL_FROM=[email sender]
MAILDEV_HOST=maildev // Change to `localhost` in case you run project in local instead of docker
// For using SES
In development, we're using maildev as a local smtp mail server. You can access the url http://localhost:1080/
with the credentials below to view sent emails
username: admin
password: admin
Import EmailService
in MailModule
into your service
import { MailService } from 'src/shared/mail/mail.service';
export class YouService {
constructor(private readonly mailService: MailService) {}
Call sendMail
action inside you service action with these options
await this.mailService.sendMail({
to: 'email-receiver',
subject: 'email-subject',
template: 'template-name-without-extension',
context: {
// The payload using for template
data: 'data',
Compose a email template file with exact file name you using above in folder:
Handlebars syntax:
We're using library nestjs-storage to manage files. Please read library document to know how to using
We have 2 default disks: local
and s3
. The default disk is local
. To change default disk we have 2 ways:
Go to config/index.ts and adjust this line
storage: {
default: process.env.STORAGE_DISK || 'local', // => change the default disk here
Add this config in .env file
STORAGE_DISK=[select disk name]
We're using this the library nestjs-form-data for managing file upload. Follow the steps below to setup file upload for a module
Define file attachment in entity database:
import { StorageFile } from '@entities/storage_files'
import { OneToOne, JoinColumn, ManyToMany, JoinTable } from 'typeorm';
export FeatureEntity {
// ... other fields
// Single File
@OneToOne(() => StorageFile, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
file: StorageFile
// Multiple Files
@ManyToMany(() => StorageFile, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
files: StorageFile[]
Add NestjsFormDataModule in module file:
// feature.module.ts
import { NestjsFormDataModule } from 'nestjs-form-data';
imports: [
NestjsFormDataModule, // => Add NestjsFormDataModule here
providers: [FeatureService],
controllers: [FeatureController],
export class FeatureModule {}
Add ApiUpload decorator in controller action
// feature.controller.ts
import { ApiUpload } from '@decorators/api-upload.decorator.ts';
export class FeatureController {
@ApiUpload() // => Add ApiUpload here
create(@Body() request: UploadDTO): Promise<UploadResponseDTO> {
return this.featureService.addFile(request);
Add file validation in DTO
import { FileSystemStoredFile } from 'nestjs-form-data';
import { FileField } from 'src/decorators/field.decorator';
export class UploadDTO {
//...other properties
// Single File
@FileField({ fileSize: 1, fileType: 'image' })
file: FileSystemStoredFile;
// Multiple Files
@FileField({ each: true, fileSize: 1, fileType: 'image' })
files: FileSystemStoredFile[];
Use upload service to store upload file
// feature.service.ts
import { UploadService } from 'src/shared/storage/upload.service';
export class FeatureService extends BaseService<Feature> {
@InjectRepository(Feature) readonly productRepository: Repository<Feature>,
private readonly uploadService: UploadService, // Inject upload Service
) {
addFile(dto: UploadDTO) {
// Single File
const file = await this.uploadService.uploadFile(dto.file);
// Multiple Files
const files = await this.uploadService.uploadFiles(dto.files);
After exporting project, you will see the folder src/credentials
. This folder contain secret information that is encrypted for each environment.
- Add this variable to
or environment variable to select environment credentials
APP_ENV=[development | staging | production]
- Find
look like below that exporting belong with project and get the environment key
development: 8b76dabe74908c0b8f1b8762
staging: 786f57705b073723edd4d42e
production: 746486c9caa1c7f5c1964499
- Add that key to
or environment variable to decrypt the information
NODE_MASTER_KEY=[environment key]
Use this command to edit the credentials
yarn credentials:edit -e [environment] - k [environment key]
yarn credentials:edit -e production -k 746486c9caa1c7f5c1964499
Once you created the staging and production environments in Jitera's DevOps menu, you can deploy to staging by pushing a new commit to develop
branch, and to production by pushing a new commit to master
REPL is a simple interactive environment that takes single user inputs, executes them, and returns the result to the user. The REPL feature lets you inspect your dependency graph and call methods on your providers (and controllers) directly from your terminal.
yarn run start:repl
> get(AppService).getHello()
// 'Hello World!'
This project was generated by jitera automation, run by Jitera.