ROS2Bridge is a plugin designed to explore data exchange between ITOM and ROS2. It enables ITOM to create ROS2 nodes and interact with external ROS2 programs. This plugin currently validates data exchanges between ITOM and external ROS2 Programs and demonstrates how to exchange 2D Image Data between ITOM and external ROS2 Program.
- Requirements
- Installation
- ROS2Bridge Overview
- image_exchange_pkg Overview
- Usage
- Extending ROS2Bridge
Before using ROS2Bridge, ensure that the following packages and dependencies (as listed under "Locate the components required for ROS 2") are installed on your computer. Additionally, you must have ROS2 Humble installed.
Refer to the installation guide here:
ROS 2 Humble Installation (Ubuntu)
The plugin depends on the following ROS2 packages:
- rclcpp: Core package to create ROS2 nodes.
- rosapi_msgs
- std_msgs
- std_srvs
- example_interfaces
- sensor_msgs
- itom_ros2_test: Used for message definitions.
- cv_bridge: Required to test 2D image data exchange.
In the test folder of ROS2Bridge, there are two ROS2 packages:
- image_exchange_pkg: Validates 2D data exchange between ITOM and external ROS2 programs.
- itom_ros2_test: Contains message definitions for 1D, 2D, ND, and point cloud data. This package is used by ROS2Bridge and can be extended for further development with ND and point cloud data.
Follow the ROS2 workspace creation instructions here:
Creating a ROS2 Workspace
This guide explains how to set up a new workspace and compile the extracted packages.
To allow your plugin to interact with the ROS2 system, add the following lines in your CMakeLists.txt:
find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)
find_package(rosapi_msgs REQUIRED)
find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)
find_package(std_srvs REQUIRED)
find_package(example_interfaces REQUIRED)
find_package(sensor_msgs REQUIRED)
find_package(itom_ros2_test REQUIRED HINTS)
find_package(cv_bridge REQUIRED)
include these packages in the ament_target_dependencies section:
ROS2Bridge is a plugin integrated into ITOM that facilitates data exchange between ITOM and external ROS2 programs. Key features include:
- Allows bidirectional data exchange between ITOM and ROS2 (both sending and receiving data).
- Supports conversion between ROS2 Image messages and ITOM's
(via OpenCV and cv_bridge).
Upon creation of an instance, ROS2Bridge:
- Creates a ROS2 node named
. - Sets up a service server called
to handle service requests.
The image_exchange_pkg
is a simple ROS2 package used to validate data exchange with ITOM. Its workflow is as follows:
The package creates a ROS2 client for the image_exchange
service provided by ROS2Bridge. It waits until the ROS2Bridge service server is active.
In the callback function send_image_request
, the package reads the image file Software_solution.jpg
from the package's data
It converts the image into a cv::Mat
object, then uses cv_bridge
to convert the cv::Mat
to a ROS2 Image
message and sends the request to ROS2Bridge.
The service server callback handle_image_request
in ROS2Bridge receives the ROS2 Image
It converts the ROS2 Image
message to a cv::Mat
, rotates the image by 90 degrees using OpenCV, converts the rotated image back to a ROS2 Image
message, and sends it back as a reply.
Once the client in image_exchange_pkg
receives the response, it converts the ROS2 Image
message back to a cv::Mat
and saves the image as response_image.jpg
Finally, when ROS2Bridge's GetVal()
function is called, it uses setCvMatToDataObject
to convert the image (received from image_exchange_pkg
) into ITOM's ito::DataObject
Ensure that you have extracted the image_exchange_pkg
and itom_ros2_test
packages, created a ROS2 workspace, and built the workspace.
Open a terminal in the image_exchange_pkg
workspace and run:
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run image_exchange_pkg image_exchange_client
In ITOM, input the following commands in sequence:
test_conversion = dataIO("ROS2Bridge", ServiceServerName = "whatever")
data = dataObject()
You should see logs in both the ITOM terminal and the terminal running the image_exchange_pkg
client. In ITOM, click on Global Variables
on the top-right, and you will see the image displayed as an ITOM ito::DataObject
Users can extend ROS2Bridge to interact with other ROS2 packages. For example, to add MoveIt! support:
- Add
find_package(moveit_core REQUIRED)
in your CMakeLists.txt. - Append
to theament_target_dependencies
This modular approach allows you to enhance the functionality of ROS2Bridge for various ROS2-based applications.