Code accompanying the paper Effective Subword Segmentation for Text Comprehension
The only requirement is g++. We have tested on Windows and Linux.
Make sure the input files are encoded as UTF-8.
This tool provides BPE-AV, BPE-DLG, BPE-FRQ to segment words into subwords.
g++ -o gbpe gbpe.cpp
./gbpe -bpe inputfile [input mode][segmentation] [merging times] output.vocab
input mode:
- 0: plain text
- 1: word vocab with ranked order (auto-generated vocab.txt)
- 10: BPE-FRQ
- 11: BPE-AV
- 12: BPE-DLG
For example, ./gbpe -bpe sample_corpus.txt 0 11 10000 sample.vocob means the input corpus is plain text, using BPE-AV merging 10000 times.
The code will give 3 outputs.
output.vocab: the segmented word vocabulary, a segmented word each line, like "com@@ pe@@ ti@@ tion". @@ is the segmentation symbol.
vocab.txt: word vocab with ranked order, for next quicker segmentation as the inputfile with input model = 1.
vocab.substring.txt: subword vocab (subword with goodness score each line), this file could be used for other segmentations, like MM and Vitebi.
We also provide the segmentation for a new input corpus, based on generated substring dictionary. For example, if you want to segment a new file based on the pre-trained subsword dictionary, this would be useful.
./gbpe -bpeseg [input file] vocab.substring.txt [output file]
To use this function, your output file name should begin with M or N.
M: without segmentation symbol "@@ "
N: with the symbol.
For example:
./gbpe -bpeseg sample_corpus.txt vocab.substring.txt Moutput-file.txt
means segmentation without "@@ "(each subword segmented by blank)
./gbpe -bpeseg sample_corpus.txt vocab.substring.txt Noutput-file.txt
means segmentation with "@@ "
A relevant usage for downsteam models can be referred to