This is my personal repository for the OSSU curriculum of Computer Science. I am using this repository to track my progress and showcase my work/projects. I am also using it as a portfolio and presentation of my skills and knowledge in computer science as an alternative to a traditional degree.
Starting date: 01/02/2024.
I'm a self-taught programmer with over 7 years of experience combined between personal, educational and professional projects. Although I did take a couple of semesters of computer science at the UNET, Tachira, Venezuela, I never completed my degree due to personal reasons.
Being a programmer has been a dream of mine since I was a kid though, and as I've grown older, having a solid foundation in computer science has become increasingly important to my career. I'm using this curriculum as to continue my education and to fulfill my dream of becoming a computer scientist.
As a (personal) side note, I've also grown an interest in becoming proficient in Physics and Mathematics, even though I never had good bases in these fields. I think these are crucial to excel in computer science, and in life in general. I would like to think that someday I'll have a solid foundation in these fields.
The OSSU curriculum is a complete education in computer science using online materials. It is designed according to the degree requirements of undergraduate computer science majors. Read more about the curriculum here.