Killa is a small and lightweight state management library for vanilla and React inspired by Zustand and SWR.
npm install killa
To use directly vanilla minified version in the browser:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
To create your first store you need to provide an object which will manage your state. (The internal state is inmutable)
import { createStore } from 'killa'
// or
const { createStore } = require('killa')
const store = createStore({ counter: 0 })
store.getState() // { counter: 0 }
store.setState(() => {
return {
counter: 1
store.getState() // { counter: 1 }
// This subscriber will be called every time that our state is updated.
// We could say that this would be a global subscriber.
store.subscribe((state, prevState) => {
console.log(state) // { counter: 1 }
console.log(prevState) // { counter: 0 }
store.setState(() => {
return {
counter: 1
store.getState() // { counter: 1 }
But you can also subscribe to a specific event:
const store = createStore({ counter: 0, type: '', filter: '' })
// This subscriber will be called only when the counter state is updated.
store.subscribe((state, prevState) => {
console.log(state) // { counter: 1, type: '', filter: '' }
console.log(prevState) // { counter: 0, type: '', filter: '' }
}, (state) => state.counter)
// This subscriber will be called when the state of counter or filter is updated.
store.subscribe((state) => {
console.log(state) // { counter: 1, type: '', filter: '' }
}, (state) => ({ counter: state.counter, filter: state.filter }))
// This subscriber will not be called since the type state was not updated.
store.subscribe((state, prevState) => {
console.log(state, prevState)
}, (state) => state.type)
store.setState((state) => {
return {
counter: state.counter + 1
store.getState() // { counter: 1, type: '', filter: '' }
To reset or overwrite your store you need to use the method resetState
store.resetState() // Reseting to initial state
store.getState() // { counter: 0, type: '', filter: '' }
store.resetState({ notes: [] }) // Overwriting all state to the new state
store.getState() // { notes: [] }
To destroy all events to which your store has subscribed, you need to use the method destroy
and this way events won't longer be triggered
You can also initialize your store using get
and set
actions to update state using custom method within your store
const store = createStore((get, set) => {
return {
count: 1,
inc: () => set(() => ({ count: get().count + 1 })),
getCount: () => get().count
store.getState().inc() // Increments count state to 2
store.getState().getCount() // 2
import { createStore } from 'killa'
import { useStore } from 'killa/react'
const store = createStore({ counter: 0, type: '', filter: '' })
const Counter = () => {
// This component will only be rendered when counter or filter state changes
const [state, setState] = useStore(store, (state) => {
return {
counter: state.counter,
filter: state.filter
const handleCounter = (e) => {
setState((state) => {
return {
counter: state.counter + 1
return (
<p>Counter: {state.counter}</p>
<button onClick={handleCounter}>
Counter +1
The silent states allow to memorize the selected state, this means that if any key of our store is updated it will not have any effect inside our component and will not generate a re-render. However you will be able to update the state using setState
but this will have no any effect within the component.
// In this way, you get the whole store
const [state, setState] = useStore(store, null)
// In this way, you can get a specifict state from store
const [state, setState] = useStore(store, (state) => state.counter, true)
To use directly vanilla minified version in the browser:
<script src=""></script>
Or from jsdelivr:
<script src=""></script>
For vanilla, you can access to the middlewares using: window.killaMiddlewares
Killa Persist uses localStorage
by default.
import { persist } from 'killa/persist'
const store = createStore(
{ counter: 0, filter: '' },
use: [
name: 'killa-persist',
revalidate: false // true by default
revalidateTimeout: 300 // 200 by default
encrypted: true // false by default
If you wish to use other storage you can do so by using the normalizeStorage
method to normalize the storage supported by Killa Persist.
import { persist, normalizeStorage } from 'killa/persist'
const store = createStore(
{ counter: 0, filter: '' },
use: [
name: 'killa-persist',
storage: normalizeStorage(() => sessionStorage)
React >= 16.8, Chrome 58, Firefox 57, IE 11, Edge 18, Safari 11, & Node.js 12.