Exchange rate bundle built around http://www.openexchangerates.org
Install using artisan for Laravel :
php artisan bundle:install openexchange
Install via github to APPPATH/bundles/
git clone git://github.com/JesseObrien/openexchange.git APPPATH/bundles/openexchange
Add openexchange to applications/bundles.php
by enabling auto start :
return array('openexchange' => array('auto' => true));
Start using openexchange via the methods outlined below!
Basic :
Note: I'm purposefully not rounding numbers to retain accuracy. You can do what you wish with them.
echo OpenExchange::convert('GBP'); // Default converts currency to OpenExchange::base();
echo OpenExchange::convert('AUD', 'CAD');
echo OpenExchange::convert('AUD', 'CAD', 520);
echo "Rates as of: ".OpenExchange::timestamp('G:i:s - F j, Y');
Rates as of: 15:00:53 - May 12, 2012
Advanced :
// Get the rates object
$rates = OpenExchange::rates();
echo $rates->USD;
// Get a list of all currencies
$currencies = OpenExchange::currencies();
echo $currencies->USD;
United States Dollar
// Get the base currency
echo OpenExchange::base();
// Alias
echo OpenExchange::base_currency();
// Set a new base currency
echo Openexchange::base('GBP');
// Show the license for openexchangerates.org
echo OpenExchange::license();
Data collected from various providers with public-facing APIs; copyright may apply; not for resale; no warranties given. Full license info: http://openexchangerates.org/license/
// Show the disclaimer for openexchangerates.org
echo OpenExchange::disclaimer();
This data is collected from various providers and provided free of charge for informational purposes only, with no guarantee whatsoever of accuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose; use at your own risk. Other than that, have fun! More info: http://openexchangerates.org/terms/