The overall format of this chrome extension is based on repo , I am reworking it for my app that looks at YouTube comments.
This Chrome Extension takes inputs Start and Duration for a selected time slot of a YouTube video, and the video's id. It then sends the times and video id to a remote API server and retrieves from that server the comments most relevant to selected time slot of the video. The extension returns the comments as a list in the display window. The source code for the API server and other information can be found in this repo.
├── _locales
│ └── en
│ └── messages.json
├── icons
│ ├── Logo.png
│ └── Logo_greyscale.png
├── manifest.json
└── src
├── bg
│ ├── background.html
│ └── background.js
└── browser_action
├── browser_action.html
├── browser_action.js
└── style.css
There are four components in the the Chrome extension: manifest (./manifest.json
), background scripts (./bg/background.js
), pop-up window (./browser_action
) and icons (./icons
Manifest is the starting point of the extension. The basic info (extension name, description, etc), location of resources, and permissions are all stored in ./manifest.json
The ./src/bg/background.js
is currently oboslete for this chroem extension.
The functions that do most of the work are stored in ./src/browser_action/browser_action.js
. A function that listens for the click of a "submit" button is added (document.getElementById('submit').onclick) so that the user will start the process after entering in the start and duration times for the time slot of the video they want to find relevant comments for. The video id is extracted from the URL, and sent along with the start and duration times to the API server. When relevant comments are found, the comments info will be returned in json strings from the API server and then stored locally (
). The icon will be changed (chrome.browserAction.setIcon()
) to notify the user. the comments will then be retrieved from the browser's local storage space (
). If the space is not empty, a comment listing page will be constructed, using the styles defined in ./browser_action/browser_action/style.css
. If the process fails, the initial display will not change.
The locale information is stored in ./_locales
Google has a great tutorial for Chrome extensions:
All the Chrome API functions can be found in the official docs:
The Chrome API functions are async functions. More info can be found here:
This is a great site for templates, if you need more fancy stuffs in your extension: