Comp 2930 project.
- Hannah Chung
- Bret Getz
- Jessica Kim
- Stella Tran
- Rose Song
- Clone/download the repo
- Download and install MongoDb, ensure mongo is running
- In the local repo folder run
npm install
- Ensure npm and node are installed and have a proper path (i.e you can call them from the command line)
- Navigate to the local repo folder in command line or terminal
- Enter
npm run devstart
into the command line or terminal This will start the server using nodemon and will display debug info to the terminal - Using the browser of your choice, navigate to
Note: the port may differ depending on if the environment port variable set is set
The following section shows the styles that will be used on the project for both coding and organizing git
This a semi-long document and probably a good idea to read the entire thing but for this project please follow these sections:
- 4
- 5.1
- 5.6.2
- 5.8.1
- 6.1
- 6.2.3
- 6.2.5
- 6.2.7
Git Commits:
We should aim for the guidelines shown in the section The seven rules of a great Git commit message in the document above. This section shows both a header line and body for each commit. If your commit changes something that requires more explanation or you are merging a branch please write a body, otherwise, just a concise header is fine.
We are using a stripped down version of this git flow. Our git will use both a protected master and develop branch with new development taking place on branches off of the develop branch.
- For naming the branches apply the prefix [firstname]_
- If using the branch for learning or testing apply the prefix [firstname]test
- Be concise with name i.e. bob_user_authentication
- Keep branches scoped to a single fix or feature so we can merge them in faster keeping everyones code up to date