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This Julia package exports the jim method that provides a "jiffy image display" for showing 2D grayscale and color images (and 3D images as a mosaic). It is basically a wrapper around Plots.heatmap with natural defaults. As of v0.9 it supports axes, colorbar limit (clim) and images with physical units.

Getting started

using Pkg


using MIRTjim: jim
z = (1:7) .+ (1:4)' # 7 × 4 matrix
jim(z ; title="example") # figure

For more examples, see the documentation.

Helper functions

This repo also exports some small helper functions.

  • prompt() first calls Plots.gui() to display the current plot, then waits for a user key press.

    Some keys have special effects:

    • [q]uit throws an error
    • [d]raw disables further prompting and the plots are just drawn
    • [n]odraw avoids the gui() call (useful for non-interactive testing)

    Calling prompt(:prompt) reverts the default key-press behavior.

  • caller_name() uses stacktrace (in Base) to return the file name and line number that called the current function. It can be helpful for debugging and for giving warnings some context.

  • mid3() extracts the middle three slices (transaxial, coronal, sagittal) of a 3D array and arranges them in a 2D mosaic for quick display.


This method is used in many of the image reconstruction examples in

Isolating these functions in this repo, separate from other repos like the Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox (MIRT) keeps those repos lighter by avoiding a dependence on Plots.jl there.


Tested with Julia ≥ 1.10.

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