A full-featured web app for recreating CSS battles. Allowing users to test their Web Dev skills by replicating target designs using HTML/ CSS, providing real-time previews, scoring based on accuracy and code efficiency, and interactive comparison tools.
- Next.js 15.0.3 (App Router)
- TypeScript 5
- Tailwind CSS 3.4.1
- Framer Motion 11
- Monaco Editor for an enhanced coding experience
git clone https://github.com/JayRichh/DOMination
cd cssbattle
npm install
npm run dev
├── app/
│ ├── page.tsx # Home page component
│ ├── globals.css # Global styles using Tailwind CSS
│ ├── challenges/
│ │ ├── index.tsx # Challenges list page
│ │ └── [id]/
│ │ ├── page.tsx # Individual challenge page
│ │ └── data.ts # Challenge data (HTML, CSS, metadata)
│ ├── components/
│ │ ├── Editor/
│ │ │ ├── Editor.tsx # Monaco Editor component
│ │ │ └── EditorHelpers.tsx # Helper components for the editor
│ │ ├── Preview/
│ │ │ ├── PreviewPane.tsx # User's live preview pane
│ │ │ ├── TargetPane.tsx # Challenge target display
│ │ │ ├── ComparisonSlider.tsx # Slider for comparing outputs
│ │ │ └── ToggleDifference.tsx # Toggle to highlight differences
│ │ ├── UI/
│ │ │ ├── Button.tsx
│ │ │ ├── Modal.tsx
│ │ │ ├── Tooltip.tsx
│ │ │ └── ... # Other reusable UI components
│ │ ├── Header.tsx # Application header
│ │ ├── Footer.tsx # Application footer
│ │ └── ScoreDisplay.tsx # Displays scoring results
│ ├── hooks/
│ │ ├── useLocalStorage.ts # Custom hook for local storage management
│ │ ├── useImageComparison.ts # Custom hook for image comparison logic
│ │ ├── useDebounce.ts # Custom hook for debouncing
│ │ └── useHelpers.ts # Custom hooks for HTML/CSS helpers
│ ├── utils/
│ │ ├── colorUtils.ts # Utility functions for color handling
│ │ ├── imageUtils.ts # Functions for canvas and image processing
│ │ ├── scoringUtils.ts # Scoring algorithms and utilities
│ │ ├── htmlCssHelpers.ts # Helper functions for generating HTML/CSS
│ │ └── constants.ts # Application constants
│ └── types/
│ ├── challenge.d.ts # Type definitions for challenges
│ ├── submission.d.ts # Type definitions for user submissions
│ └── index.d.ts # General type definitions
├── public/
│ └── assets/
│ ├── images/ # Static images for challenges and UI
│ └── icons/ # Icons for UI components
├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
└── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
- Monaco Editor: Provides a clean code editing experience with syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and real-time error detection.
- Custom Snippets: Offers predefined CSS snippets to assist users in writing code efficiently.
- Live Syntax Validation: Highlights syntax errors and provides immediate feedback to users.
- Live Preview Pane: Renders user-submitted CSS in real-time for instant visual feedback.
- Target Display Pane: Shows the design that users aim to replicate.
- Comparison Slider: Enables users to slide between their output and the target to visually identify differences.
- Toggle Difference Highlighting: Highlights pixel-level differences to help users pinpoint areas for improvement.
The scoring system evaluates solutions based on two main criteria: code efficiency (character count) and visual accuracy. The final score is a weighted combination of these factors:
- Measures code efficiency based on character count compared to the optimal length
- Character count is normalized by removing unnecessary whitespace
- Scoring formula:
If length <= optimal: bonus = min(5, ((optimal - length) / optimal) * 100) score = min(100, 100 + bonus) If length > optimal: penalty = sqrt((length - optimal) / optimal) * 100 score = max(0, 100 - penalty)
- Solutions shorter than optimal length receive up to 5 bonus points
- Penalty for longer solutions uses square root scaling for more balanced scoring
- Pixel-by-pixel comparison between your solution and the target
- Uses advanced DOM snapshot comparison with html2canvas
- 5-unit tolerance for RGB and alpha channels to handle anti-aliasing
- Direct percentage mapping: matching pixels / total pixels * 100
- Score ranges from 0 to 100
Final score is calculated as:
combinedScore = (characterScore * 0.4 + visualScore * 0.6).toFixed(2)
This scoring system rewards:
- Clean, efficient code that meets the optimal character count
- Pixel-perfect visual accuracy
- Balance between code golf and visual fidelity
Local Storage Integration:
- Persists all challenge attempts and scores using
- Stores best scores, last attempts, and complete submission history
- Each submission includes timestamp, character count, visual score, and actual CSS used
- Persists all challenge attempts and scores using
Statistics Dashboard:
- Overall progress tracking with total challenges attempted/completed
- Per-challenge performance metrics:
- Best combined score achieved
- Character count improvement over time
- Visual accuracy trends
- Historical submission timeline
- Detailed attempt history with:
- Submission timestamps
- Character and visual scores
- Code snippets from each attempt
Custom React Hooks:
: Manages persistent state with automatic JSON serializationuseImageComparison
: Handles real-time visual difference calculationuseDebounce
: Optimizes performance for live preview updatesuseChallengeStats
: Aggregates and calculates performance metrics
npm run dev # Development server
npm run build # Production build
npm run start # Production server
npm run lint # ESLint
npm run format # Prettier formatting