Written in typescript. Uses axios library to fetch 500 estates from czech real estate website: https://www.sreality.cz (Its started after API is initialized)
A PostgreSQL database used for storing one entity: an Estate (url, name, locality). Interaction with db is via TypeORM, where the schema is defined.
An Express server written in Typescript. It folllows "Controller-Route-Model" arhitecture. Uses Swagger framework for API testing and documenting, available on http://localhost:8000/docs/
The frontend app, written in React and Typescript, built with Vite for faster development. UI is written with MUI(Material-UI) library with custom theme and light/dark mode. React-router-dom library is used for routing. Pagination is used to traverse through all 500 estates on the same page. If the site loads before the API express server is initialized, a button is visible that enables the user to manually call "fetch" data from the API that returns estates when its initialized.
Database, API and client are three seperated and isolated images that are run and maintained in the Docker environment
To get started with the project, follow the steps below:
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/JanHuntersi/flat-scraper.git
Navigate to the projects directory:
cd flat-scraper
Build the docker image
docker compose build
Start the application
docker compose up
Wait for the API to initialize (terminal) and load the webapp