Experiments with various modern, lightweight, templating libraries to render Magic the Gathering cards
This project is a way to take inventory of the best, lightweight, web templating tools available today. I'm ignoring the larger frameworks like React, Vue, Angular. I'm only considering small (<1.4MB), client-side packages that are concerned with templating and hydrating the DOM with data and have a minimal event handling integration. I also avoided libraries with any kind of build step or compilation step (Some of these could use babel + JSX, but I didn't use that for this project).
In 2017, I used Handlebars to create a customer support application embedded in Zendesk that accepted a search query and would GET customer profiles from a database as a reference for an agent fielding support calls. Some buttons could POST small updates to the customer profile as well. It worked fine, but I soon regretted the Handlebars choice as I learned about the emerging templating tools building on the tagged template string concept that would have been a better fit for the task... and in a smaller bundle size to boot!
Lit-HTML was among the first of this class of compact templating libraries to catch my eye, but many other such libraries soon followed. I devised a small templating task of rendering a Magic: The Gathering card booster pack as a way to run each of these libraries through its paces. So with one css style sheet I can try out each view library purely for its templating chops. Here are the contenders†:
SolidJS demo
Lit-HTML demo
Lit-Element demo (with double-click lightbox feature)
Preact demo
HauntedJS demo
SlimJS demo (Not all features implemented)
KnockoutJS demo (The OG framework that started it all in 2010)
In progress:
Cycle demo https://cycle.js.org/
Inferno demo
Library | Rating | Size (unpacked) | Size‡ (min+gzipped) | Pros | Cons |
Handlebars* | ★☆☆☆☆ | 2.2MB | 21.7kB | Template bindings | Heavily Restricted Template Logic, DSL***, No Shadow DOM or Modules |
Lit HTMl | ★★★☆☆ | 519kB | 3.5kB | Flexible, Composability, Modules | HTML strings, No Shadow DOM |
Lit Element | ★★★★☆ | 222kB | 6.9kB | Web Components**, Stateful | Verbose Syntax, HTML Strings |
SolidJS | ★★★★★ | 21.1kB | 7.3kB | Hooks, no V-DOM, Declarative, small/fast, typescript, Web components | Proxy Shenanigans, Buildless option has quirks |
Preact | ★★★★☆ | 704kB | 4kB | Composibility, Hooks, componentDidCatch, createContext | No Shadow DOM, Dependency: htm-lib, some edge-case rerendering bugs |
HauntedJS | ★★★★☆ | 74.6kB + 519kB | 5.4kB | "Hooks for Web Components" | Lacks Custom Methods, Manual Props, Dependency: Lit-HTML |
AppRun | ★★★★☆ | 586kB | 4.5kB | Pub-Sub/Elm architecture, custom events/routing/testing included, Web Components, CLI tooling, progressive enhancement (JSX, redux, typescript, dev tooling) | Hard to google for help/answers |
SlimJS | ★★☆☆☆ | 5kB | 2.7kB | Web Components, Minimalist | Difficult to use, Documentation is lacking, No Functional Components, DSL***: Conditional logic, Binding syntax |
KnockoutJS | ★★☆☆☆ | 66kB | 23.7kB | Historically Interesting (c.2010), Started the trend with Observables | Showing its age, No more updates |
In progress: | |||||
StimulusJS | ★★★☆☆? | 1.3MB | 4.6kB | FRP**** | |
CycleJS | ★★★☆☆? | 1.3MB | 4.6kB | FRP**** | |
Inferno | ★★★☆☆? | 672kB | 20kB |
† These appealing libraries were also considered, but were over the size limit: RiotJS, Marko, SkateJS
‡ Unpacked sizes were from listing on npm.org and min+gzipped sizes were from https://cost-of-modules.herokuapp.com/
*Handlebars is not demonstrated here as it does not qualify with 1.4MB size limit, but its rating is based on prior experience in a professional project and is included for comparison purposes since comparing to it was the motivation for this project.
**Web Components means this library is compliant with Web Component Specification including: Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, ES Modules, and HTML Template Element
I did not anticipate when embarking on this, how interesting and difficult of a challenge it is in rendering libraries to strike a balance between relying on the native browser/DOM APIs, which saves kBs, and/or implementing new rendering paradigms (Functional Reactive, Declarative Style, Hooks, State), which costs additional kBs and sometimes requires compilers.
Some feature highlights:
- Data fetching, hydrating, loading spinner, error handling
- Event handling:
- Mouseover flip animation
- Click h1 to fetch new pack
- Render Mana Icons Component:
- Tested limits of templating logic capabilities
- Showed ease of component reusability/composability in Header & Card Text
- No support for Hybrid Mana types yet, so some mana costs are rendered with chars and slashes (i.e. B/R, G/U, W/B, etc.)