The Unity Platformer is a simple platformer game developed with the purpose of learning how to use the Unity Engine, as well as learning how to work with imported 3D objects and audio.
Results of this part:
- Created the first stage.
- Established the playable character's movement controls.
- Implemented camera control.
Results of this part:
- Created the following stages:
- Main Menu
- Options Menu (Sliders not implemented yet).
- Two more levels.
- Created a functional level selection screen.
- Implemented a pause screen (which also pauses the game).
- Implemented a timer that starts when you move and stops when you reach the goal.
- Completing a stage shows a results screen, with the final time and the option to either return to the main menu or go to the next level.
- Returns to the main menu if you completed the final level.
- Camera Y-axis can be inverted, if prefered.
- This configuration persists after closing the game.
Results of this part:
- Replaced the capsule placeholder with a human.
- Added animations to the human for the following situations:
- Idle
- Moving
- Jumping
- Falling from a large distance
- Lands from a large distance.
- Added animated intros for each level.
Results of this part:
- Main menu and each level now have their own background music.
- Footsteps now make a sound, depending if moving on grass or rock.
- Landing (from a large distance) makes a "thump" sound.
- Added bird noises when near of a tree.
- Not all trees have this sound.
- Added cricket noises when near tall grass or foillage.
- Not all foillage has this sound.
- Added a jingle after completing a level. This also stops the current level's background music.
- Volume slider on the Options Menu are functional, and the adjustments persist even after closing the game.
If you are interested in running the Unity project, keep the following in mind:
- Unity Engine 2019.4 or better.
While I am happy with the current state of the project, I'm aware that there is room for improvement.
Based on the knowledge I gained on a previous project, I decided to use Physics-based movement for the character. While it helped me to focus on the X and Z movement, I'm not that content on how the character jumps, especially when jumping from a steep.
My plan involves on replacing the Physics based movement with Unity's CharacterController.
I'm content on leaving the game with three stages, but I know I could improve the design of those levels.
Besides adding more foillage and platform variety, I plan on changing the layout of the level so it doesn't feel like, random floating platforms.
- LinkedIn: Jaime Andrés Gálvez Villamarin
- Twitter: @JaimeAndrsGlve1
- Kenney:
- Oculus Audio Pack:
- Mindful Audio:
- “Wallpaper”, “Cheery Monday” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0