An image viewer base on Vue.js for mobile
🙆♀️ Easy to use
👉 Swipe gesture
🔍 Zoom gesture
V 0.11.0 Now you can use thumbnail ~
V 0.13.0 Gallery hide when the physical back button is pressed (only android device)
Please Use Mobile Browser 😆
live demo
or scan the QRcode
npm i img-vuer --save
// import img-vuer and install
import gallery from 'img-vuer'
Vue.use(gallery, {
swipeThreshold: 150 // default 100 ,new in 0.12.0
// add direact to <img>
<img v-gallery :src="...">
// group images
<img v-gallery:groupName :src="...">
<img v-gallery:groupName :src="...">
<img v-gallery:groupName :src="...">
// OR ( dynamic bind )
<img v-gallery="'groupName'" :src="...">
// use thumbnail ,new in 0.11.0
<img v-gallery :src="thumbnailSrc" data-large="originSrc">
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
Add meta
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1,user-scalable=0, maximum-scale=1">