Functional programming extensions for cross-platform Swift, heavily inspired by underscore.js.
The goal of the project is to provide functional extensions for pure open source Swift (Seriously, no Core Foundation, UIKit etc.). It can support all platforms Swift can support e.g. MacOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, Linux, and maybe Android and Raspberry Pi.
The project is under development, because the open source Swift version 2.2 lacks some important features like swift test
. And swift build
is gone from the release package after 2016-01-11 release (that's why we are using swift-2.2-SNAPSHOT-2016-01-11-a-ubuntu14.04.tar.gz currently). Unfortunately, Swift 3.0 is unstable as well, the complier crashes when we use swift build
to build the project.
We have a clear goal and specific approaches to achieve the goal. If you are interested in contributing to cross-platform open source Swift project, please contact @JakeLin or @satyaavasarala. Let's have some fun with open source Swift 😘.
git clone
cd Underscore
open Xcode/Underscore.xcodeproj
Once Xcode is open, press Command + d
to run the tests. You also change the tragets to run the tests in different platforms.
We use a Linux virtual machine on MacOS to develop the project on Linux.
Go to Download VirtualBox to download the latest version of VirtualBox and install it.
Go to Download Vagrant to download the latest version of Vagrant and install it.
Start the VM when the installation finishes
# On MacOS
vagrant up
Once the VM is up, ssh
to the VM
# On MacOS
vagrant ssh
After log in to the Linux machine, install Swift 2.2 (The current supported version for the project)
# On Linux
cd /vagrant
Exit and re-ssh
again then run swift build
to build the project
# On MacOS
vagrant ssh
# On Linux
cd /vagrant
swift build