Este repositorio implementa um sistema de detecção de placas de perigo no padrão internacional para reconhecer uma placa de perigo em um frame do video, e se possivel ler e narraar o conteudo da placa;
This repository implements a system that detect danger sign in a video frama in the international pattern, and if it's possible read and speak the content of board sign;
The src paste contain the .py files: - run the system using the camera of computer; - run the system using like input the images from avaliacao/positivas or avaliacao/negativas to change the folder of input comment the line 12 or 13. The results has been save on src/results/images if you uncomment the block lines 42 at 48; - run the system using like input the videos from avaliacao_videos to change the video input chneg the comments of the lines 5,6 or 7. The results has been save on src/results/video/